
Simon Cowell’s Daughter

Meet Ariel Cowell. She lost the person she loved the most, her dearest mother. Now all of a sudden her father comes back to her life out of no where. Her father is the famous Simon Cowell. Her life will be full of adventure and surprises. There might be romance along the way. Just wait and see.

Lianne521 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 10: Endless Love

Ariel POV:

"Wake up starshine the earth says hello." Somebody says poking my cheek.

"If you poke me one more time you will lose a finger." I spat out with anger to whoever that person was.

"Jeez somebody is definitely not a morning person." I open my eyes and see Zayn in front of me smiling like a weirdo.

"Good morning Princess." He says to me.

"Good morning weirdo." I chuckle and reach out to mess with his hair.

"Noooo not the hair!" He shouts pushing my hands away from him.

"You will pay for this princess." Zayn gives me a playful glare.

"What are you gonna do about it weirdo?" I challenge him with a smirk.

"I'm gonna do this." After he said that he started to tickle me everywhere.

"S-stop Zayn. Please" I try saying through my laughter.

"What did you say? I can't hear you." Zayn says continuing to tickle me .

"H-help someone p-please." I yell out laughing.

"No one will help you now little girl." Zayn says in an evil voice. Just as he finished his sentence he was knocked down to the floor.

"Are you okay Ariel?" Niall ran to my side.

Just as I was gonna say something Zayn pushed Niall.

"What the hell man?!" Zayn yells at Niall.

"Don't ever touch Ariel like that ever again!" Niall warns Zayn as he moves in front of me trying to protect me.

" It was just a joke. We were just playing around." Zayn  tries to explain to him.

"Her yelling for help doesn't sound like her playing around. I'm not surprised if this is how you treat women because of your past. You treat them like a toy. When you get bored with them you toss them away like trash. Isn't that right Bradford bad boy." Niall spat out.

"That's it." Zayn threw a punch at Niall's face. Then Niall did the same .They were going at it with each other.

The other boys ran to my room to see what the commotion is about. "Zayn. Niall. Stop it!" I yell out trying to break them up by going between the both of them.

Next thing I know I was pushed by the both of them and landed on my wrist. I felt a shooting pain coming from my wrist and I couldn't move it. I was in tears, feeling the excruciating pain. The boys runs over to me and tries  to help me up. But I tell them that I just want to stay on the floor. Harry decided to grab Zayn and Liam grabs Niall pulling them apart from each other. Louis stays by my side making sure I was okay but obviously I wasn't. He hugs me and tells me that everything was going to be fine.

Simon barges into my room and sees that Niall and Zayn were yelling at each other, Liam and Harry trying to hold them back and sees me at the corner crying while Louis hugs me.

"What is going on here?!" Simon yells.

The boys stops and looks at Simon. "Ariel are you okay? What's wrong?" He runs to me.

I show him my wrist and he sees that it was starting to get all swollen. The room went silent and the boys were all looking at me. "What happened to your wrist?" He asks me with a worried expression.

I couldn't tell him what happened. I open my mouth but nothing came out. "Ariel tried to break up the fight between Niall and Zayn. But it didn't end well because Zayn and Niall pushed Ariel out of the way. Causing her to fall on her wrist. I'm sure they didn't mean toUncle Si." Louis explains to Simon.

Simon's face turns red with anger and it looks like he was ready to explode.

"Zayn. Niall. Please get out of this room I will talk to you boys later." Simon says to the both of them as calm as possible. They both leave the room with their heads down.

"I'm gonna call Dr.Steven to check your wrist. So just rest on your bed. " Simon says to me. Louis carries me to my bed and lays me down.

"Boys keep her company until the doctor comes." Liam, Louis and Harry nods their heads. Simon quickly leaves my room making a phone call.

"Well since were gonna look after you...you need to be entertained." Louis tells me with a huge smile.

"Hmm... What to do? What to do? Aha I got it lets play poker, watch movies, eat popcorn and junk, and then whatever you want to do at the end." Harry suggests. The boys agrees and so did I.

We played 6 rounds of poker and Louis kept on winning. Obviously he was cheating big time. Then we watched Footloose while eating junk food. When the dance scene came on the boys started to dance like weirdos. I couldn't stop laughing at them. I secretly video taped them dancing on my phone. This is definitely gonna come in handy for blackmail someday. After the movie we just all laid on my bed and just stared at the ceiling.

"So...what happened to you with Niall and Zayn?" Liam asks looking at me.

"Well it was all a big misunderstanding. Zayn came over to my room in the morning , he kept on poking me and tried to wake me up. Then he started to tickle me and he wouldn't stop . I was calling for help and I guess Niall heard . But I guess he took it the wrong way. Next thing I know they're throwing punches at each other and yelling at each other. You know the rest after."I explain to them sadly.

"That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard." Harry says shaking his head.

"I have a question for you guys." I say sitting up.

"Sure love. You can ask us anything." Louis said sitting up and the boys follwed.

"Well Niall said to Zayn that he just uses girls then dumps them. Then he called him The Bradford Bad Boy. Is that true? " I ask them.

" Zayn went to a lot of trouble in the past. Before he met us, he was hanging out with the wrong crowd. They would party every night, do drugs, sell drugs and would even just use women. That's how he got the nickname Bradford Bad Boy. He met a girl that changed his life named Perrie Edwards. She was a joker and a prankster. She always did pranks on Zayn and trust me he hated it but later on they fell in love. She broke his walls and changed him for the better. Until the night she died in a car accident. Zayn was devastated. He went back to his old ways. Until he met Niall and he helped Zayn get back on the right track. They became best friends. Only Niall knows what Zayn is going through so I'm even surprised to see them fight." Liam tells me the whole story. I just nod not knowing what to say.

"Ariel the doctor is ready to see you. Let's get that wrist checked." Simon says entering my room . I get up and wave to the boys with my other hand. Giving them a smile and left with Simon to see Dr. Steven.

"The good news is that your wrist is not broken but it is really swollen and slightly fractured. So what we have to do is put a temporary cast on you for two to three weeks the maximum. Plus I am prescribing you some medication to help with the pain and the swelling" Dr. Stevens says writing down on a piece of paper. He grabs a roll of gauze in his bag and carefully reachesfor my wrist. He started to wrap the gauze around my wrist and arm.  After he put on the gauze, he put a slink on me for me to wear.

"Just keep your arm elevated when you sleep and you only have to wear this slink if you go out. Also never get your gauze wet. I will see you in two weeks to examine your wrist again but for now get plenty of rest and be careful."  The doctor instructs me.

"Will do doc." I say with a smile. He smiles back and grabs his bag with Simon bringing him out to the door.

I went back to my room and see that the boys was still laying on my bed.

"Ariel your back!" Harry comes running to me to give me a hug.

"Careful Harry" I said cautiously. I lay down on my bed with the boys.

"So what did you guys do when I was gone?" I curiously asking them.

"Stared at the ceiling the whole time while you were gone. " Liam says all bored.

"Well that's boring." I grab a pillow and hit Liam's face with it. His face was priceless and I laugh my butt off.

"Oh your on." Liam gives me an evil smirk , grabbing a pillow and started whacking me and the boys.

The pillow fight went on for 30 minutes until Simon had to stop us because he said we were too loud and that the boys had to be careful with me because of my cast.

We decided to make this a little slumber party (which Louis begged Simon that if they can sleep in my room) and watch movies for the rest of the night.

Literally all the 4 of us were acting like five year olds. It was 10 pm and all of us were in our onesies. Liam was wearing a superman onesie, Louis was wearing a batman onesie, Harry was wearing a Captain America one and of course I was wearing a wonder woman one .

The boys brought an inflatable mattress in my room so they wouldn't be sleeping on the floor. We were all on the inflatable mattress laughing with Louis' jokes. He could of been a comedian but he said he wanted to become a famous soccer player. I got to know them more. They told me about their life before they became famous.

I wish Niall and Zayn was with us. I would like to get them even more ... mostly about their past.

It's 1 am and I'm still awake. All the boys fell asleep around midnight but for some reason I couldn't.

Maybe because the whole day I've been thinking about Zayn and Niall. The whole fight was a misunderstanding plus I got hurt trying to stop it. Note to self call the boys first or Simon to stop the fight.

I get up from my bed and quietly left my room . I went down to the kitchen and decided to get a midnight snack. I walk over to the fridge and got some water and a pudding cup. I decided sit on the counter finishing my pudding cup and water there.

After I finished I decided to explore a little more around this huge house. I was walking through a hallway and saw a  big brown door. Out of my curiosity I open it and inside was an office.

So this is Simon's home office. It had a huge wood mahogany table with a rolling chair. There was a television across the room. Also a couch . All over the walls there were so many photos. Simon wasn't joking when he said he kept every photo of me when my mom sent it to him.

I saw some photos from some of my birthdays, vacations my mom and I went to and also my graduation photo. On the wall, behind his chair was a copy of my diploma hung proudly. This made me smile a lot. Simon did care and I know he's trying to make up the time that he lost with me.

All I could think about is my mom. She smiles all the time but I knew inside she's hurting. Every time I see that fake smile I feel myself hurting too. My mom deserved happiness and the feel of being loved. What if Simon stood up for us? Would it have been different? Would my mom still be alive today? Or could there be chance of what Simon told me can actually happen? What would it be like to grow up Simon of he didn't leave?

I remember at school, every once a year there was a father and daughter dance. I would cry all the time because I had no father to take me. All the time I would envy my friends that talked about it the next day on how much fun they had with their dads. But from all those years my mom was the one who took over both parenting roles. The one who showed me that we didn't need him and that we were fine with just the two of us. She taught me how to be brave and strong. She showed me how life is not as easy as it seems but it is achievable. The same woman who worked two jobs to make sure we had food on the table, a roof over our heads and to make sure I finish my education. My mother raised me right with a lot of love and kindness. My life has been great without Simon.

I went around the table and opened a drawer. It was a picture of my mother when she was younger.Next to the photo was a wedding ring. Inside the ring there was words  Endless Love -Simon  engraved  in it. My mom sang me that song all the time when I was little before I go to sleep and it was called Endless Love.

I grabbed the ring and my mom's picture and sat on the couch. "Hey mom. How are you doing in heaven? I hope you're having a good time up there. I miss you so much but I know you're watching over me. Simon is doing okay but I'm sure you know that. I just want you to know how much I love you." I start crying while looking at her photo.

I wipe my tears that were rolling down from my face. I decide to lay down on the couch with the photo next to me. I held on to the ring tightly. "Goodnight mom" laying down on the couch, closing my eyes , slowly falling asleep.