
Sim World

What if reality as you knew it was a simulation? One day your living your normal life, reading books and playing video games while day dreaming about living in a more exciting universe. Your so bored with this life you actually have no fear of death anymore and your last hope is that reincarnation exists, maybe your next life will be more exciting. Hopefully next time around your world will be filled with magic and dragons or at the very least advanced technology. Truthfully anything would be better than this mundane existence you call a life even if it’s simply oblivion that awaits. That’s when a voice in your head offers you any two abilities you can imagine. Did you finally have a psychotic break or is this the moment you have been wishing for?

Daniel_Powell_2575 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Chapter 3 Rough Start

[System - transfer complete]

[System - warning, lower power detected, switching to low energy mode]

Blinding pain is what he feels next. "I think I just had my brain scrambled, everything hurts he says to himself". Then as the pain starts to recede and his vision returns he is bombarded by a series of scrambled system notifications that blocked his vision almost entirely. Luck finds himself suspended in a giant tank of neon orange liquid. "What the fuck was that, also are my eyeballs a monitor now he asks the system?"

[System - a error has occurred]

"A error? What kind of error? Where am I and what the hell happened?"

[System - compiling data, please wait]

Left with no further response Luck starts to take stock of his current situation. "I can breath this orange shit it seems, so I won't die immediately from drowning. That's something I guess". In his field of view there are scientist looking type humans all around him messing with various gadgets that look like control panels and computers. "Looks like I'm in some mad scientists experiment lab, if I had to guess I'm the test subject here, well that's just fucking great".

Not long after Luck opened his eyes he gets noticed, one of the scientists a female - maybe mid 40s in age with short black hair and small horn rimmed glasses with a Humpty Dumpty overall appearance being about 5" tall and nearly as wide weighing 180lbs comes waddling up to look at him.

She's saying something to herself and he can tell she's clearly excited just by looking at the amount of yellowed teeth she's showing while saying whatever it is but he can't hear because of the tank. She puts her hand on the glass and out of impulse Luck cocks his left eyebrow up giving her a "what the hell are you doing expression" before she immediately turns and starts yelling at the others and before long his tank has a small crowd of lab coat wearing oddballs gathered around it.

Luck backs up from the glass as much as he can and starts to look around and begins to think about what he can do here. "Judging by how I'm being stared at and my current situation... I'm a test tube baby or experiment and that's how my new life is going to begin. Well whatever, let's see if I can use some of my ability's to get out of here. Wait how do I even use my ability's" he asks the system. There is no response from the system and so Luck starts thinking about a skill screen or a games user interface but nothing is changing for him.

Meanwhile It doesn't take long before the tank is drained of all that bright orange fluid and Luck is sitting on the floor completely naked. Luck looks down and starts comparing his new body to the character creation screen. "I'm slightly orange... but that's probably from fermenting in that tank, heights about 5'4 which is pretty tall for my age and also incredibly muscular for someone that's supposed to only be 7 years old." Looking further down he spots a decent sized "package" well that's going to probably get me trouble hah...", as Luck looks beside him he can see the glass portion of the tank starts to recede into the floor except for the part he is sitting on. While the top part is being retracted into a groove set into the ceiling.

The black haired lady with the glasses is the one to come over and Luck decides to name her Humpty. Humpty then starts speaking to him but he can't understand a single word. "I guess the system didn't bless me with a innate understanding of this worlds language" which he finds annoying combined with not being able to use any skills. Not to mention being orange and covered in goo Luck is in a pretty foul mood overall. "I guess it's a good thing I didn't pick a older age or everyone would assume I'm some retard." Luck thinks and then he begins to cough out orange slime before finally letting out a weak laugh.

Humpty seeing him laugh gives Luck a strange look, maybe it's because he has just been born or awakened, or whatever but she seems utterly creeped out and starts to back away from him. Without thinking about it Luck stands up quickly and moves rapidly toward her, then he grabs humpty's fat hand.

All this takes him probably less than a second to do and he can see she is now utterly startled and doesn't know how to react. She's frozen stiff so Luck points to his exposed "package" which is still wet and orange from the tank and try's to say towel but what comes out is practically a choked growl.

"Guess I still had some fluid in my lungs he thinks while coughing out another glob of snot, and not like she would have understood me anyway." Humpty gives him a frightened look and try's to pull her hand away from his but nothing happens. She's weak, and even just birthed Luck still has his starting stats so he's pretty strong already.

Some of the others in the lab start approaching Luck now and they are saying different things and making gestures that he instinctively knows that they want him to let her go, but Luck is pretty annoyed by the whole situation so he just tilts his head to the side and looks at them blankly while gesturing towards his exposed cock and balls. That's when he hears the Systems voice again his mind.

[System - would you like to enable auto translate? Yes/No.]

"Obviously yes I need to know the language dumbass" Luck responds sarcastically and a sharp stabbing pain enters his head like a bolt of lightning as information about the language is directly inserted into his brain. "Fuck, system was the pain necessary he asked?" No response but he gets the faint feeling he can hear laughter. "Whatever" Luck thinks at least now he can communicate.

Luck try's speaking again to Humpty who's hand he's still holding firmly. After coughing a few times to clear his throat, "hey is it too much to ask for a towel" Luck points at his balls with his free hand for the third time now. He can see surprise flash in the woman's eyes because they dilated quite a bit after hearing him say something she understands.

She manages to stammer out - "you can speak?" Which seems dumb to him since he just asked for a towel but Luck gives her a dry stare before he says "yes, I just learned how too. Now can I get something to dry off and cover up with?" Humpty is just staring at him again with no response so he says "you know clothes or something?"

Humpty is still stiff as a statue and now everyone else freezes up hearing him talk for the third time but after a moment she regains her wits and points to another area that he guessed is a place to clean off because he can see what looks like a shower head and a drain in the floor. He just shrugs and decides to walk over there as he is still largely covered in the orange birthing fluid and feels utterly disgusting right now.

So Luck took his first shower in front of a gawking audience at the tender age of seven. About ten minutes later he was clean, and dry only to turn around to see that he was surrounded by some kind of energy barrier and gas is leaking up from the drain. Before he realized it he was falling to the floor with his vision going dark he manages to mutter "oh god damn it."