
Silverwing: The Beginnings

She may have the appearance of an Angel, but she was far from that. As she struggles to overcome a family curse she also puts her knowledge to use as she leads a legion of what the humans call “superhero’s”.

slumberingcat · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Feeling the warm oozing of blood that trickled out from her side, she looked back down at her work attire. Everything was soaked with a mudded red stain while the smell of iron clouded her nose.

She muttered another hushed curse under her breath before she softly fluttered her eyes closed and leaned her head back up to the sky. A soft humming came from deep within her chest.

In an instant her normally silver eyes shot open to only be overcome with a white glow.

A swirl of white smoke curled around her body. Once it vanished she was left in her previous civilian clothing. Unfortunately, those too soon became soiled with red. "If I'm dying, I might as well be in comfortable clothes" she joked darkly to herself.

Grasping the railing she slowly slinked her way down the first flight of stairs that was hidden behind the large building she called home and walked down to the first balcony stationed at the third floor of her house.

She was halted at the secure door that could only be opened by a hand print.

Leaning against the door way, she raised the hand that was covered in the least amount of her blood while the other one continued to cling to her side, still covering the source of the blood. She gently pressed her hand against the scanner. A small flash emanated from the screen and the door opened for her entry. The lights slowly increased in brightness as she stepped through the door.

Staggering through, she hissed in pain as one of her wings clumsily collided with the doorway.

Not to be detured, after all she has accomplished despite her current state, she tightened her lips into a thin line and continued on to the little kitchen.

The 3rd floor is an open floor plan that served as her own command center that has everything one could need.

The training mat meant for strength training and agility is in the center of the floor, while weights and other training equipment are to the right.

The highly advanced tech is stationed at the back, while the kitchen is located to the left.

At first glance it looks like a normal kitchen, the white marble counter tops had a few jars placed in the center. While the cabinets held dishes, and glasses along with tons of spice racks lined up against each empty space on any wall, filled with hundreds of precious ingredients.

Upon closer inspection however, you would know that it was beyond ordinary.

She groped around the counter top, feeling which drawers she needed till she came across the one.

Yanking it open she desperately searched for the tiny 6 oz bottle she made just in case if this exact situation were to happen.

Wedging the cork top of the bottle between her teeth she ripped out the suctioned stopper then spat it out at the counter top to catch it.

"It's easy right? Just like taking tequila shots?" She spoke to herself then held her breath as she downed the clear liquid.

It burned as it slowly made its way down her esophagus into her stomach.

The burning was not the familiar alcoholic sensation, instead it made the insides of her stomach churn.

"Nope not like tequila" she whined out.

Doubling over and she collapsed once more onto the cool tiled floor. Only small squeaks escaped, while she continued gasping for air.

Shaking, she was doing her best not to scream seeing as her throat has been through enough shrilled abuse for one night.

Time passed by incredibly slow, she became accustomed to the tile floor, it was about half an hour when everything that burned simply drifted away.

It left her with a warm buzzing feeling that vibrated throughout her body. Suddenly that warm feeling was bombarded by drowsiness.

Wanting nothing more but to pass out, laying on the ground, sprawled out with her wings stretched out at an awkward angle, her tired eyes once again tried to close