
Silver Tamer

ready or not? earth a great frontier, one in which humans controlled the population with close to ten billion a war was inevitable. although the war wasn't predicted to happen so soon. that alone was just a small scale prediction sought out after we set our concourse to the stars but only after. no one would have guessed it was caused by a rift that would then cause chaos, nor did even the smartest person think that mana would flood the world like some sort of virus. nonetheless had it waited one week you would be hearing "space the final frontier!" as we would have set our sites to and most likely Concorde space a place of unknown. at least to the current us albeit short sited we would have probably split into factions that of earth and that of space. no, I'm not quoting it, and I am really being true it would have been great BUT!! it did not happen as planned for a few reasons. one reason was that most things didn't take too well with mana, greedy humans, monsters and out of this world beasts destroying life as we know it. the second was population over one week we lost over half of the population. third well truly this is fourth but it loops into its own hellish and selfish drama. humans were no longer the only thing at the top of the food chain, that in itself was another thing. which was another problem causing number four humans were no longer the only sentient race as in through the rifts and from our great unknown. a lot came through that rift, a lot came to our galaxy, but either way, it all starts with a scientist warning one day before... maybe had we listened to that sick old man more would have lived? who knows?

RogueSilver · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Horror has come.

After what seemed like an unending drag of who knows how many hours filled with pandemonium.

The world began to write itself the victim trying to toll the death count.

The death count was numbered into the billions to be sure or exact... that was impossible as no one person could know.

The scientists that remained claimed it to be a new catalyst of some sort.

Others said it was the mana that professor Mumford talked about.

Humanity was strong and no matter what happened everyone that survived agreed on one thing.

This was a disaster that had struck, But we would not take it laying down.

We found that the stronger the temporal rifts got the sicker some humans got then the worse it got.

Many died throughout the night with no one knowing exactly what was causing it.

As for a cure or having the chance to know what the exact cause was well that was another thing people toiled over.

I say that caused even more problems but it is nothing except a guess.

A person besides myself to blame was what I wanted or hell I don't know?

Maybe an answer as to why?


It is late in the morning close to nine o'clock.

It is not significant just a moment in time... no, it was The moment things went deafly quiet.

Nothing special but just plain silence.

Looking at the sunlight shining on the houses in this small town suburbs.

We as a species found out that everything since the beginning was not the worst to come.

From the silence, we began to hear a dull hum as small rifts about the size of full-grown men began to open.

They opened, at first glance, they were just big grey rips with ominous black energy.

When the humming grew into a melodic ring those that survived knew immediately "Danger"!

What we faced was simply a precipice of change we were yet to truly face the full onslaught.

The trauma that our species went through overnight was just a taste of the feast.

Hell's appetizer is what the world called it, The part we are at now was the feast of the demons.

(Rico's introduction)

Cruel things happened overnight to me and probably o many others and their loved ones.

I am just sitting in a chair on someone's porch watching the sunrise higher and higher.

I am a single person but even then I feel so helpless as if I am lower than even that.

I am a witness of things I never thought I would ever see...

People in a panic running around looting and gathering loved ones, thieving, and even killing.

Most of all they were scouring like cowards, one person tried to mug me.

I laughed at him like a maniac, in his face no less.

why do you wonder?

That is because I have nothing left to care about.

His look turned sour he stammered to say something.

Although like the coward he was, he just gave up and ran quickly.

After he left my eyes began to wonder in the end I was just watching life fade.

I was watching the people of this small town I was watching this clock... it's a weird place for a great grandfather clock to be.

On the porch that i was sitting on, I had few thoughts left.


No, I'm a coward...

Watching as the hands slowly moved, the time ticked away with me lost in my mind, spinning in my troubled thoughts.

I had just lost my entire family my father certainly died in the blast radius of the electrical grid.

He worked at the power plant which was a capital job for someone in this little town.

He flew to work in a helicopter ride like always.

He along with hundreds of others is flown into the plants' perimeters is a good distance. town.

I don't know the distance between it exactly But it was high up in the mountains for safety reasons.

He was at work, therefore he was certainly in that blast.

When the plant blew up it was just getting dark.

he doesn't have to come home because of the barracks on the plant.

I was expecting to see the Stars but all I saw was the light from the top of the mountain hollow at first.

I felt the shock wave from where I was...

I wasn't near my home but when I saw the blast my heart chipped I felt no air in my lungs.

The earthquakes were so hard I fell over coupled with the pain in my lungs and heart.

I had just lost my hero, my leader, my father!

After a few minutes, it felt like I was punched in the chest as adrenaline coursed through me.

I knew the damage the town took was extreme.

Right after the shock shook the world an even bigger earthquake unlike any I've felt hit!

This time the land visibly rippled.

I crashed over trying to gather my stuff but after that wave, my mind flew into overdrive.

I don't know why though but time blurred past me as tragedies stacked.

I rushed down the mountains from the field I use to stargaze.

Thoughts and prayers for the Lord came yet, I do not believe in religion...

Had I known this hell was to unfold I would never have gone to stargaze.

The last thing I told my parents as I love them so, I had that going for me as my dad left that morning for work mom told me and sis goodbye.

Sis drove me most of the way to school since it was right past her job she would drop me off and I would walk the rest of the way.

I biked out of town to my favorite spot after school using my bike I left at school...

I had it all planned out the best day I could think of...

When the plant blew I was in a scramble trying hard, rushing home was my goal.

I took about twenty minutes to get to the edge of the city.

On the edge of the city in my direction is the school, The stadium, and beyond that about a half-mile is the shopping district.

My sister worked at a coffee shop in that district for shopping.

This place is usually the most populated with it being the downtown area.

What we see is always a calm little city.

People that are present are acting mad, in the distance, I saw the prison it was on fire.

It is a small city so it's not like there were miles between each building...

The coffee shop and the prison which was only two streets away had walls caved and the gates destroyed.

Fires raged and chaos caused by inmates who have escaped so easily thanks to the power going out and the earthquake hitting.

They didn't feel satisfied with just the freedom they wanted more and everyone was just there to become their victims.

My sister, she worked as a server at the shop.

I had passed the alley without a glance but still, something caught my eye making me fall off my bike.

Coming to a crashing halt I saw the pool of blood and her corpse just laying there.

My sister, she was beaten, raped, and left naked.

When I found her... she had already slit her own throat, with a jagged piece of glass.

I went into a flurry of deep emotions and thoughts, yet after finding her.

I broke... my sanity felt further away.

My mind and heart began wishing for at least one shred of hope, hope that this hell had not claimed my mother's soul!

My mother died when the last earthquake shook our house it collapsed and it must not have killed her instantly.

How would I know you are probably thinking?

I spent hours digging through the pieces of rubble for her only to find her mangled body crushed under the rubble.

She was clutching a picture of all of us... she was happy when she passed I hope.

She had a pretty smile on her face like in the photo maybe she was happy her kids were not here.

Or maybe she heard me digging for her, Or I just wasn't quite quick enough!

I don't know honestly...

The only thing I knew is at that moment then and there.

The rest of me broke.

All that was left for me in this world was taken before I could realize it.

I cried over her for hours I lost track of time but I am sure it was late last night when I left.

My tears... her blood, It became like ice.

Had I been here then what?

wouldn't I have died with my mother probably crushed by some rubble?

After I found my Sis and Mom knowing dad was also, they were all gone.

I could not protect either of my loved ones what good was I as a person, as a brother, as a son!

I sat the rest of my time in this chair sulking and grieving.

leaving my house I stepped into the street looking at the houses, the panic of people, and the chaos of this little area of the world.

I walked until I saw this chair.

Houses that were once standing tall were like rubble some survived by luck others were just rubble.

I sat down because what else did I have?

What could I do?

My entire family was dead!

I watched that clock tick time away.

Ironically I began to feel a burn in my heart, a pinch in my head, and a sting in my lungs.

I began to laugh as the tears that felt like ice began to wither and dry on my cheek making my damp face feel tight.

My body hurt as waves washed over me.

Time stood still at nine-thirty, the world got its second awakening as the rifts we ignored cane to life.

Thinking that the dull grey rifts were done with their work.

We found out that those things turned diabolical as they became active once more.

The grey dull began with a violet hue.

The silence that fell for a short time began to lessen as creatures stirred a small Hum.

It started with a few low howls as they grew louder with screeches, moans, and heavy howls.

Then it came to the roars and screams that bellowed out of the silence.

The thick air became heavy as the sounds grew, the atmosphere felt sticky as if it was physically dragging you down.

The rifts began to spread and release creatures like goblins, kobolds, orcs, small wyverns like creatures, and much worse as droves of horrors poured from the rifts.

They made noises so horrendous that is before it was drowned out as people began to cry, scream, and flee in fear.

There were deep red rivers of blood that followed.

The moment things changed I was on that porch watching like I watched the clock, acts of horror slowly burned into my mind.

Weak disabled humans had luck and were ignored.

The sick also had that luxury or so they thought...

Those who ran were first but those who stayed were only savored by the stronger things that sought out the afflicted.

Some even tried to fight but to no avail, there were so many the flood washed over without the chance.

It was just that a flood of demons It is what I called them at the least, they had washed over the world with crude tactics and vile numbers.

Almost as if they were armies led to new lands being allowed to run wild.

Cities burned, buildings that stood crashed to the ground, and people were eaten, enslaved, or killed.

I had no clue what to do so I did what most logically thinking people would do, I found a great place to hide.

Inside that great grandfather clock, I hid and watched for I don't know how long!

Eyes wide open!

Burning everything into my mind!

I stayed there for a long while I watched people die in droves I had no choice!

what was I supposed to do?

While the chaos ensued around me and while I hide let me explain who I am.

Oh, look three more people tried to fight and died there blood-splattered all over as the life drained from their eyes.

A pack of multi-colored midgets swarmed them and they tore them to pieces they took a few of the girls.

Dragging them away I couldn't tell if they were dead or alive.

This guy who was not much older than me met eyes with me as he stared at me.

He was overtaken and died that's gonna scar the mind for a long while.

I saw it clear the scorn as he died.

I could somehow feel his emotion of dread and anger directed to me.

I was glued to him as the goblins began to eat him.

In my mind alone I screamed as I silently watched this horrible scene.

My name is Rico silver, I am fifteen since yesterday that is, yep it was a pretty terrible birthday.

Now that my introductions are over I have to see where I go from here, for now, im going need a place to sleep that place is going to be in a cupboard in this house today.

As miraculously it Still stood.

So far in my opinion it was way more shocking than anyone expected I bet.

After going through the unlocked door I found a nice cupboard and hunkered down inside

I will figure out my plans when I wake up... right now I need rest to cope with the amount of shock and adrenaline I have experienced.

(After making his way into a house closing all the doors and locking them Rico found a cupboard to hunker down in.

Rico Laying his head down fell hard into a deep sleep.)

(A few hours later.)

With the sound of a window breaking along with a loud rustling, Rico awoke from his nap.

He was a rather quiet sleeper so there was little to no noise beside his shallow breaths.

What made him wake up was a little grey creature about three feet tall.

Making its way into the living room which was in Rico's line of sight.

The house had very open rooms with only a counter separation between those rooms.

With a few swift moves, the grey creature realized no one was there and became agitated as he stared into the room.

After deciding on what it was doing the odd grey creature grunted in annoyance.

Looking through the house stabbing and clawing at random things the grey goblin had no reason to go into the kitchen.

Rico had chosen to sleep in the cupboards which was a wise idea as he noticed the goblins' anger.

He had just enough room to lay down and close the doors his one mistake was he had no weapon.

Not even a knife from the kitchen he was in!

He was in a cupboard so he began to rummage also.

although he could see the living room and the little beast digging through things he felt he had no hope.

After seeing what they did before especially all he felt was dread.

This meant that the doom was slowly closing in although the little bastard had decided to take it's time searching through things.

It looked through every drawer and cabinet of the room as it didn't seem to be that smart that much was easy to discern.

It wouldn't take much for it to kill rico, especially after what he had seen them do.

Rico was confident he could try it...

killing that is after all it was a dog eat dog world he thought as his heart sank further into his now twisted gut.

As he was thinking about his plans to enact, the goblin smashed into a glass cabinet.

Then it moved to a table and began opening the drawers of an end table all three drawers that are.

The table then tipped over and it scattered all the contents of the table drawers on the ground.

the drawers slammed shut.

The goblin in anger screamed at it in an unintelligible speech, then took his small dagger-like knife and began stabbing the table splintering it.

What was once an end table was now shredded in all directions.

Rico, soon realized it may be dumb but it was also strong it tore the end table to pieces with its knife and bare hands.

It then grunted and shouted again at the table before continuing its prior acts of burglary.

It was continuing its rummage as it collected things that we're shiny or colorful it took a box of color pencils, some jewelry, with an oohing and an ahhing bejeweled bag that said "I heart mommy" granted the little grey bastard didn't know it.

Thanks to social media and out of the unconscious reading of memes, Rico saw this as one and giggled it was funny though.

He had seen the movie and knew not to feed his gremlin so late.

Rico giggled then instantly regretted it, as the little grey guy looked up at the cupboards.

Its awareness of everything was null, it just looked up in general with no actual awareness nor, intention.

Rico was in those cupboards but with a paranoid flinch, he pulled the door to causing the goblin to become interested in the kitchen.

It wasn't directly finding his cupboard interesting in this situation but all of them.

As it thought it found more treasure.

As the goblin walked over Rico scrambled in his mind looking all around for things he could use as a weapon.

In his search, he found a pair of scissors with an old lid for a mason jar the metals ones with two rings.

There were more miscellaneous items but nothing useful or weapon-like.

panting now with panic setting in the goblin came closer to his cupboard.

Quickly he steeled his mind and thought of a plan gripping the newly found scissors and holding the lid.

He slowly pushed the door open.

The goblin by this point had made his way to the kitchen and was now stabbing the doors.

Some seemed to have child locks on them and as it wasn't smart enough to comprehend that.

It quickly became agitated as it found another door with the same lock it opted for smashing instead of opening.

He screamed then he tore through the doors off in just mere seconds after finding nothing it became even angrier.

That was two doors away from Rico's head he had no choice but to act now!

Feeling the impending doom Pushing closer to his door Rico opened it just a smidge more allowing the goblin to see him.

Luckily this goblin was unaware allowing Rico who had this shiny little lid which was rolled and as he figured!

The little goblin was dumb enough to chase it ignoring him who was in plain sight.

The goblin saw the shiny item roll and chased it without care running right past Rico.

With that, Rico swung the doors open throwing his legs out first then using his hand to push off the wall behind him.

He like a baseball pro slid right into the back of the goblin's legs on the back of those knee joints he kicked hard.

The goblin's legs buckled forward out from underneath it while its body fell back.

Not believing it worked Rico was in shock.

The goblin immediately began to flail.

With short-lived happiness, Rico heard the goblin scream and the squelch of flesh.

The goblin had succeeded as Rico's arm began to burn reacting to the fresh paint from the gash now in his arm.

Rico cringed and winced as he stabbed straight down into the goblin's eye sockets with the scissors since its head fell into Rico's lap.

He took advantage of the moment stabbing a second time straight into its other eye that was now focused on rico.

The goblin had not seen it coming!

Feeling carnal instinct for a split second rico noticed as his adrenaline smashed into his head.

Immediately after everything in his stomach became contents on the floor just like the end table.

Rico had now killed this goblin as his adrenaline coursed through his veins, senses heightened, and heart-pounding loud enough for him to hear.

The goblin though was knocked out on the second hit, the third made it aware again as it began to writhe and flail.

The extra movement shocked Rico causing him to grab the scissors once more and jab it down a fourth time.

This happened a few times as the goblin would spasm and Rico would stab out of sheer shock!

This happened another three times until the goblin had finally sustained enough injury it truly died.

Rico had now killed a goblin after that was all done he could not control his fluids again, as another round of heaves and hurls making the floor look bloody with a hint of vomit.

With a shock, he got up and his mind went into overdrive figuring out what to do first.

He bandaged his wound with the first aid kit that was under the sink it was a simple kit but it had gauze so with a tight wrap he was good to go.

The sound of more goblins came from outside making him flinch, his body began to move to cover all the windows.

After a thirty-minute montage of covering the entrances, he started to take into account food and weapons as he searched the house he found quite a bit of irony to the situation he was in.

In the pantry, he found the food a lot of it along with a box of MRE meals ready to eat.

Certain components are not very good as in some cans just crumpled and made messes.

Shrugging it off rico was more than happy to even have the MRE'S or anything leftover period.

The MRE meals like the kind that doomsday preppers or military have in bags that come with the cook station and such.

As Rico went on searching he found a green backpack that was rather big.

He decided that it was perfect for what he needed.

Going back to the pantry in the kitchen he began filling the bag up with the MREs and continued to search.

He would sometimes feel a guilty pang or two because he was doing exactly like the goblin.

Wiping that thought he continued through the rooms.

Slowly he found useful things, pocket knives one was a swiss knife with all kinds of functions, his best find was the goblins dagger.

He decided that it would be best if he had as much as possible even if he was bogged down by it.

He ventured back to the kitchen as he combed through the house.

Noticing the kitchen knives he took the two of the biggest ones thinking about what else to grab.

Rico had more rooms to search and quite a bit more room in his newfound bags.

He loaded it up quickly making a pile of all the items he couldn't fit.

After he had no more room Rico was left with a nice size pile.

Even if he didn't use the items he would need them eventually.

He wasn't weak so carrying some weight would not kill him with that in mind he went over everything opening drawers and cupboards.

Finding duck tape, shoes his size, some clothes, in a closet he opened.

The room that was opened seemed like a teenager room close to him in size.

He found a few sleeping bags which he took one of, a tent, and his favorite a camp stove.

Finding pretty much everything he would need plus food for a few weeks Rico realized he was coming to his limit.

Coming to worry about what he could carry and could not carry he began to think of what was best needed.

He decided to find a bigger bag, in the end, he was going to take it all for sure!

Looking around he found a duffle bag that rolls and was big enough to fit everything else.

He decided to check the last rooms which were closed the second room down turned out to be a bathroom.

When he opened the door there was a bit of regret as he didn't think before he acted.

Swinging the door fully open left him wide open for an attack.

He heard a growl and was then lunged at by a dog who had a wound in its side!

A large knife hit the floor as it latched onto the sleeping bag in Rico's arm.

While Rico he noticed the knife that fell from the dog's wound, as he had the identical knife in his hand.

Rico still panicked as it kept biting until it just collapsed on the ground.

he was thinking of his luck as the arm was covered from the sleeping bag.

He scolded himself for not paying attention to the situation at any moment something terrible can happen.

Rico couldn't believe it though as he stared at the dog many emotions finally came to light.

Rico's eyes sunk as the began to the water he cried again while holding the dog.

It wasn't even his dog but he felt nothing but remorse for it.

It who had fought for its life-like him, yet it died a sad death.

He didn't want to end up like the dog locked away and wounded dying slowly...

Rico sat there with that dog and cried until his eyes were sore.

He slowly fell asleep once again while holding the dog with tears covering his face!

He didn't like this now chaotic world or anything it would bring as he had already felt the blanket of hell draped over those who strive to survive.

After he came to he had no way of knowing how long it had been the only clock that worked was outside.

Rico decided the dog needed a fair rest picking it up carefully.

He set the poor dog on the table in the kitchen then finished getting what he needed.

Packing all he was taking away he exited the house through the bathroom window.

The house was no longer of use and so he used a can of lighter fluid to douse the table and house as he walked out.

He gave silent tidings as he tossed a few matches behind him.

He prayed to the dog and the dog alone!

He found the owners of the poor puppy.

It seems they had tried to kill the dog then succeeded somewhere else.

The last room sat four people and one gun it was a five shooter with one bullet left.

Rico left the gun what would one bullet do him.

He couldn't find any ammo plus it had bad karma on it so he called it even...

That gun was considered cursed by Rico.

Feeling his heart sink after so much tragedy in such a short time he was glad to burn it away.

He vowed to always keep the memory of his family alive.

He could never give up that easy with the image of suicide burning in his mind.

Looking at the wound on his arm which was now just a slight scratch.

Rico realized It had closed a lot compared to his first look at it.

he just shrugged it off thinking it wasn't what it looked like and he just overreacted.

He was a sissy when it came to pain anyway.

It was closed up well enough as he thought about this he decided that he will not hide from this hell.

"No pain no gain," He thought as he slowly walked away from the houses.

He didn't want to search other houses as he began traveling away from his own home and the one he rested in.

Nothing else good was going to come of searching through them anyway.