
Silver Sword Academy

And so as it was war raging angels against demons, demons against angels and humans fighting themselves demons and angels. Virgil and Angel decide to enroll fed up with the war they’ve known since children the war that’s taken their mother and father

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11 Chs

Breaking sanity Virgil’s contemplation

The brazier were lit with a warm glow in contrast of what was happening in front of them. Angel had just stumbled upon an evil opening within the cave system, owned by a mysterious figure. One who seemed to be overly interested in her. After just being forced to relive a moment of her childhood all of the fight was taken from her. She didn't know who or what this thing was but he wasn't just interested in her more so her pain.

"Mmmm we must break you more and pull back the hood of sanity. Your mind won't let me in any further. We will change that, come girl."

This person's hand was still around her throat as he stood up, leaving Angel on her knees. She looks up at him spitting blood into his eye. He was irritated despite the smirk on his face, He grabs her hair as she fights to loosen his grip. Kicking at the floor using her fist to punch his fingers in wrist, almost as if she had forgotten her power. He ignores the physical protests slowly dragging her. He makes it to the door with the horrific imagery. She makes one last ditch effort and stabs his arm wildly not letting him take her with out a fight.


These words brought yet another smirk to his face as if all this was one big game to him. Even though his smirk was wide he was offended by the accusation of being called a low class demon. He spat his answer venom hanging off of every word.

"How cute they still don't know the difference between demons and devils. Girl I'm no mere demon I'm the devil of the third circle gluttony, but there's one thing they always get wrong food isn't what I'm about. I'm a glutton for pain!" as the last word is spoken he grabs a fistful of her hair and forcibly rams her face into the door. Allowing her blood to trail down the crease he speaks. In a language she can't grasp but yet understands he says.

"Blood of the sane opposition" he takes one of his very scarred hands it looked as if he had done this many time Angel in her daze however, thought the scars were self-inflicted. He slams his head on one of his crooked horns. "And the blood of the mad servant open the door to a servants room"

The door creaks opens into a vast dark nothingness Gluttony throws Angel in and follows he thrown body into the door. She is sprawled across the floor whatever this devil did to see into her mind has left her drained. Gluttony grabs the nape of her neck there is a scream that escapes Angel's lips and the door closes.

Angel hits the floor in a dark room Gluttony walks in besides her and grabs a fistful of skin from her neck making her scream in despair as the door closed. Gluttony can't help but to savor the terror in her voice.

"Welcome to your unraveling my Angel"

Gluttony continues walking with the back of Angel's neck in hand, dragging her along the way. Her hand touches the floor making ice shoots across it circling her and her captor. Gluttony looks down before taking another step. "Little girl you do know ice like this changes the temperature."

He slams her down to the floor three times enough to shake the room. He yells with each consecutive strike.


He lifts her face so he can look at her. Angel is giving him a defiant smile through a battered face broken nose and black eyes. As she looks at him the muscles in her hand twitch. Through a bloodied mouth she defiantly says to him.

"Then how come you didn't notice that." Motioning her head upwards Gluttony looks up to see an icicle melting the water drips away from it. The water droplet falls onto the ice. Making the droplet break apart on impact. Angel makes a fist as the water droplet freezes into a shard flying straight into Gluttony's knee.

He lets go of her falling onto a knee. Slowly turning his head towards her hands shaking as he touches the spike protruding from both sides of his knee and simply looks at her.

This was her chance she gets about to bolt back to the direction of the door. Only to have her ankle grabbed the sudden pause in momentum causes her to face plant onto the ice she herself made. Gluttony drags her back towards him sliding easily because of the ice. As she makes it back to her original spot she's met with his sneer.

"Did you forget my little Angel? Pain is what I'm about."

He stands cocking his foot back kicking her hard in the ribs sending vicious shivers of pain throughout the rest of her body. The assault doesn't stop there as he begin stomping and cackling as he does.


Virgil was walking aimlessly through the river bed. 'Day two going good so far. Except for the fact that I haven't seen a single sign of Angel yet.'

He takes note of his surrounding while walking he makes a mental map. He runs towards the sound of rushing water and comes up to a waterfall. 'It seems like a smart move, definitely seems like something Angel would do to keep cool. Too bad nothings ever that easy. There no guarantees that she was even dropped anywhere near me.'

He turn to his right and keeps walking eventually coming to a tree line.

'Angel is smart I should make a camp here so I can relax think it through. If she is somehow in the area she'll turn up for water sooner or later. That's assuming this is the only water source.'

He plants his sword in the ground and takes his scabbard off resting it in his lap sighing deeply. He hadn't realized how much this test had been stressing him out. Sure Angel was a big girl and her own person she could survive the same way he had sure he was starting to get a little hungry and had to fight for his life once already. His sister though was no push-over they had both finished their previous masters training so he was confident in her skill. Even with all of that reassurance it didn't mean he wasn't deeply worried for his sister he was her protector ever since they were born a bond that was made before they had their first independent breaths.

'Angel where are you?'

This line of thinking and compulsive sense of protection brought back memories that Virgil only ever had nightmares about.

Angel and Virgil were children running away from a burning village they didn't want to but of course curiosity hit them and they looked back towards the ruined village. Even though they looked for a mere fraction of a second they saw man over run by demons. Silently telling themselves that wouldn't happen to them they run harder eyes filled with tears Virgil trips taking angel with him they let out whimpers of pain. Their cries alert a demon close by about twenty feet tall in just a loin cloth he rips a women in half throws each side of her down. His eyes are set towards the children who are now scrambling to pick themselves up off the floor. Stalking towards the children the demon reaches down and lifts them as if they were nothing more than pebbles. Inches away from their faces panic is written all over the young children's faces as steam comes from the demons nostrils.

The giant demon lifts them higher above his head mouth open ready to drop them into its gullet. The children scream in terror but death never came in a flash they were back on the ground looking up in surprise. A figure standing atop the demons shoulders with the hilt of his sword touching the demons skull. On the sword was a small demon emblem is seen on the hilt.


Back in the dark room a series of sharp cracks could be heard followed by a yelp. "Why won't you break!!!" Gluttony was viciously whipping Angel, it seemed this would be his latest attempt to break her, she was strung up in an upside down cross. The torture had gone on for awhile now, but Angel had no way of telling how much time had passed. To her it could have been three hours or three days. In this space behind the door where everything was black it seemed that time moved irregularly.

From all the torture Gluttony was inflicting, and from her previous fight with Chan, her jacket in tatters her bare abdomen showing her chest was almost falling out of what was more like a belt. Angel spits blood onto the floor eyes steaming with tears. It was fine to cry in her opinion it's not like this was actually making her break but it did hurt like hell. Granted she had broken ever so slightly in the very beginning when she had first arrived. Now however she was used to the pressure this place put out her will was reignited and once again she wasn't going to give without a fight. That had been something of her and Virgil's mantra after what they had been through they couldn't give up easily.

Gluttony was staring her down apparently waiting for an answer. Angel assumed the question was rhetorical and kept quiet, but now seeing as all the pain had stopped this devil did want an answer. Again her brothers cocky attitude showed in her as she smiled up with a deep rooted defiance. "Pain isn't an issue when you realize it's mental."

"I see mental games it is?"

With a wave of his hand Angel is no longer upside down looking defiantly at Gluttony. He stares deep into her eyes and sees a blue fire. His yellow eyes show Angel scene of the most horrific wars. No same person would willingly watch people being slaughtered so she attempts to close her eyes, but Gluttony pushes her eyes open with two scarred fingers.

"You have to stop running from your lessons. You have much to learn, and I have much sanity to peel back"

He looks deeply into her eyes. Angel strains to keep him out of her mind her eyes roll back tears stream and her nose spills blood from the pressure. Gluttony licks the blood and tears savoring the taste of her essence.

"Sweet struggling agony."

He takes two of his finger and waves them over Angel's cheek the skin and the muscle splitting apart as if slowly being cut away. The blood starts streaming right away. If it wasn't for the small breaks Gluttony would take Angel is sure she would've died of blood loss. Gluttony finishes the slow line movement of his finger.

"One for you."

He moved his open palm across his chest, over the already healed scars that are there, and a sickening gash makes way across it showing a few ribs. He winced at the pain, but doesn't slow down or stop his movements "One for me."

He takes his blood from the newly opened gash. "You know Angel the one thing that makes demons and Devils so different is us Devils our power is in our blood"

He wipes his blood roughly on Angel's cheek takes his blood again smearing it to her lips

"With that said you have my blood we are now one."

Gluttony takes Angel's head slams his against it.

I’ve been enjoying writing despite the weird upload schedule tell me why y’all think comment and all thank you

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