
Silver Stone: I Became Steven Stone's Little Brother!!!

Join Silver Stone: Poketuber, Pokecoder, Pokemon Trainer and the brother of Regional Champion Steven Stone on his journey across the Pokemon World. Love Interest: Cynthia Carolina. Note: Romance will be a slow burn and come late into the story. Antagonists: Cyrus Quasar, Ghetsis Harmonia, J, Lysandre Zuckerberg. Note: Villains will have more realistic motives and plans. Though some might be a menace to the world regardless of their status as Leaders of terrorist organisations. Lysandre's name might be a good hint ;) Rivals: Ash Ketchum, Gary Oak, Clemont Citra, Paul Shinji, Alain Shade, Sawyer Brown. Note: Ash, Gary and Alain will be far more experienced trainers. Expect to see Charizard, Blastoise, Snorlax, Tyranitar, Sceptile, Heracross and many more variations to said teams. Expect not only battle rivals but academic ones like Clemont too. A|N: Silver's starter will be Eevee and Silver as a trainer will lean more towards Pokemon moves than type advantages. World Building will be a major point of the story. Support me: P*treon.com/dukeofvirtue

dukeofvirtue · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter 02



Moves-Endure(Egg), Detect(Egg), Double-Kick, Quick Attack, Swift, Bite.'

As Silver looked at the LANBOS Scan result, he couldn't help but be impressed. He had looked at his starter's movepool a total of seven times since he had first gotten him at his birthday party ten days ago, and he was still amazed at the options he had available.

He sighed as he closed the projected hologram as his eyes moved to the black box resting beside Eevee's pokeball. The blackbox was the central module of the LANBOS (Local Area Network Based Operation System), and it had two pokemon within it, a rotom and a porygon2.

Silver had been a computer programmer in his previous life and having Porygon Version was the equivalent of having a coding assistant that could write thousands of lines of useful code in mere seconds.

After his rebirth, Silver had many options available to him. His pokemon journey would have begun at the age of 15 so he had quite a lot of time, twelve years of practically free time to work on any plans he had.

He had decided that learning a programming language was important and he had gone for Poke-code, the same language using which Samuel Oak and Bill Sonezaki used to develop the original Pokedex digital encyclopedia and most of the league's original software was written.

This world with the availability of pokemon had developed very differently technologically from his previous world. This world had electric types that could generate massive amounts of electricity and pokemon like rotom that could interact with electrical circuitry at an instinctual level.

They had studied matter-energy conversion and learned a lot from it. Though they had never moved towards nuclear energy, especially towards atomic bombs. And while they had firearms even they were considered limited and an inferior option in comparison to Pokemon. The greatest weapons of war were pokemon and their trainers.

The last war between Hoenn and Indigo was a good example.

'Though most of it was just the two regions entering into a dick-measuring contest.'

The only one in recent history where large battles were common was the war which led to the unification of Johto and Kanto, subsequently leading to the creation of the Indigo Plateau and the Indigo League.

The creation of the Pokemon Association that regulated the leagues themselves was a bloodless process.

He had studied the initial conflicts and how the association was still in negotiations with four of the eight regions in regard to the gym circuit challenge, pokemon centres and regulation of trainers as a peacekeeping force rather than a military one.

He had researched people he knew had existed in the Pokeverse like Red, Blue, Oak, Ash and the others he could think of, and the conclusion had been that he existed in the animeverse which had small changes and that Ash was still in the Orange Islands.

Four years….. That is how long Silver had to train his Eevee and get a team to challenge the title of league champion, why?

Because six years from now, the first world championship will begin and the strongest will be decided. And he wanted to be there, if not as the winner then as a contestant. After all, the second world championship will decide the current Pokemon Canditate for the title of 'Pokemon Master- The Strongest Trainer of All Time.'- since a Pokemon Master had to defeat the previous master in Coronation League AND defend his or her title once.

He had made plans about how he was going to get to the Sinnoh League first but before that in the following three years before he could legally start his journey at the age of fifteen, Silver would already own a small team of Pokemon that had data which would be stored on the LANBOS servers. He would not get any benefits from the alliance and the official Pokedex encyclopedia program without being officially registered with a league but an early start was worth it to Silver.

'Though I am not going out before eevee evolves into Umbreon.'- Yes, Silver had already made up his mind about the type of trainer he wanted to be.

'A generalist that did not limit himself to types but still wanted to go for the most cool looking pokemon.'

Tyranitar- The Godzilla of Pokemon.

Groudon- Continental Overlord.

Salamance- Hyper Beam!!!

Yvetal- The Grim Reaper.

Umbreon- Cute Menace.

Beedril- Drill-like Bees.

Hydreigon- Evil Yamata-no-orochi-thingy.

Absol- Omen of Disasters.

Haxorus- Badass Earth Dragon.

Greninja- Ninja Assassin.

Weavile- Claw Assassin.

Bisharp- Bladed Warrior.

Zorarak- Trickster.

Latios- Jet engine.

Darkrai- Evil Morpheus.

Gengar- Evil Spirit That Likes Pranks.

Silver did not care about type advantages and things like that. He preferred filling up roles like Tanks, Brawlers, Runners, Transports,etc.

'Any pokemon can become crazy strong anyways.'- This was a fact Silver had realized early on in this world. Here a man training every day could surpass superhuman levels and achieve feats that would be deemed impossible in his previous world. Same rolled for pokemon, the ones that ate regularly and trained every day could easily surpass their species in terms of abilities and could match even legendaries in battle.

The thing however was that such pokemon needed extensive training that only the best trainers could provide.

And thus he had deemed pokemon typing as more a general guideline and not a hard rule since even normal types could wreck the shit out of ghosts or steel types could mess fire types up if they were trained by a competent trainer.

The alliance restricted information on evolutions and certain Pokémon, including Growlithe's evolution. Arcanine was considered a rare standalone Pokémon.

Restricted information included Mega Evolutions, Ultra Beasts, and various legendary and mythical Pokémon such as the Creation Trio, Lake Guardians, Celebi, Victini, Yveltal, Zygarde, Kyogre, Rayquaza, and Groudon.

Many legendary and mythical Pokémon were rarely seen, but Lugia, Mew, Ho-oh, the Titans, and the Kantonian Birds were popular on the Pokenet. There were clips of both the battles between Rainbow-Winged-Trainers and Ho-Oh and its aftermath and those clips showed the true power that the legendaries wielded.

Forces of Nature like Tornadus, as well as Zekrom and Reshiram, were unknown.

LANBOS had a clip scavenged from deep-pokenet showing the destruction of the Viridian City Gym, where Silver witnessed a blue psychic beam escaping from the explosion.

Silver had made sure to keep away from blatant inquiry about said topics even on the pokenet's search as he had been wary of interested parties from the alliance fishing for people like himself.

This information suppression on the people of the Leagues had annoyed Silver but he could understand it. Pokemon like Yvetal, Gruodon or Victini should not be disturbed for their wrath would cost a region much.

The information suppression had also pushed Silver to begin his journey in Sinnoh, after all, that is where arguably the strongest trainers in the series would gather around.

'Cynthia and Tobias.'

Now he had three years to prepare to enter the Pokemon league and one more to earn the eight badges before he bulldozed his way into the league and beyond it. He wasn't that worried about most other events like the creation trio rampaging, why? Because he would be there to prevent it of course.

He shook his head as he muttered to his watch, "LANBOS pair 'Blackbox' to 'Technical Machine Case'."

The robotic voice replied, "Task generated. Task Completed. Blackbox is connected to the device, and most of its functions can be used through the LANBOS."

"Use TM17 on capture ball 01. Code 'Silver'."

"Task In Process. Task completed," the voice paused and continued, "Pokemon: 'Eevee' now knows the normal type move- Protect."

"Release Pokemon held in capture ball 01. Designate capture ball 01 the title- 'Eevee'."

A blue plasma erupted from the black ball that Silver had previously connected to the LANBOS, and his shiny Eevee came out.

The pokemon looked at Silver and approached him a bit more slowly than he had done so with his mother, it slowly nuzzled Silver's leg who decided to pick the pokemon up.

Silver looked at Eevee as the pokemon looked back at him with blue round eyes.

"You want something to eat?"

"Vee," it nodded and Silver fished out a poketreat from his pocket, he had gotten them made by one of the staff members.

He gave it to the pokemon who quickly ate it up and looked at Silver for more.

Silver replied, "I will give it to you but I need you to do something for me."

The Pokemon looked at Silver and slowly nodded, showing understanding.

Silver said, "Use Swift on the wall," and the silver fur on the pokemon's back straightened before it opened its mouth and what looked like yellow small stars came out of its mouth and hit the wall.

Silver gave the Eevee two poketreats along with a headrub as a reward.

SIlver chuckled as he said, "You are a good boy," to which Eevee nodded again as if saying, 'Of course, I am.'

As Eevee chewed on his food, Silver thought about his starter. Eevee was a fairly intelligent pokemon though there were very few pokemon that could be considered dumb or daft. A rare pokemon that had one of the best potential as a starter due to its so many evolutions. The question was how to motivate his eevee to evolve into the one he wanted it to. Without forcing an evolution of course.

'This is mildly unethical,' Silver began the speech he had prepared, "Do you know how special you are, Eevee?"

Eevee stopped eating and tilted its head in a cute questioning look and Silver nearly abandoned his plan to manipulate his cute friend, but he crushed those feelings as he continued, "You are a shiny pokemon, a rarity in nature."

The pokemon nodded showing it already knew this, 'Probably from seeing others of his kind at the center.'

"Do you know what an evolution is?" A nod.

"Did you know that Eevee is the pokemon with the most possible evolution?" A shake of his head made Eevee's ignorance about his own evolution clear.

Silver smiled as he said, "LANBOS, Project the image of all of eevee's possible evolutions."

His watch's projector lit up and started displaying the evolutions as Silver called their names.

"Vaporeon, Water-type Pokémon with a mermaid-like appearance.

Jolteon, Electric-type Pokémon with lightning bolt-shaped fur.

Flareon, Fire-type Pokémon covered in vibrant flame-like fur.

Espeon, Psychic-powered Pokémon with lavender fur and jewel-like eyes.

Leafeon,Grass-type Pokémon resembling a plant creature.

Glaceon, Ice-type Pokémon with frosty fur and diamond-shaped patterns.

Umbreon, Dark-type Pokémon with a moon-like pattern on its fur.

There is one more but that one is considered more of a myth than anything else.

People aren't even sure about how your evolution works. They just think that you evolve using some stones."

[Fairy typing has not been discovered yet.]

Eevee watched in fascination as each of the images came up.

"You should know that all of your possible evolutions are powerful but Umbreon is the evolution that we want to get."

Eevee nodded slowly and unsure as if saying 'I get that but why that one specifically?'

"Because as an accompanying pokemon I would like a pokemon that can defend me from attacks."

'Yeah, a special defense monster with moves like reflect, light screen and protect would be the best protection I could get.'


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Suggest ideas for teams and moves.]