

what do you get when you bring together a bunch of musically talented kids from all across the galaxy? with no parents on a planet that offers dreams of stardom to all as the number 1 entertainment planet in the galaxy think Hollywood a place filled with movie stars singers celebrities boy bands rock stars but bigger as in an entire planet PRYLEA The Entertainment world a planet solely dedicated to providing all forms of entertainment to the planets and worlds that are within its surrounding galaxy enter Silver Shadows a rebellious rock band formed by a bunch of misfit orphaned youth who are growing up in this galaxy on their own and their dreams of dominating the galaxy with their music and becoming galactic superstars

kyraangelfae · Sci-fi
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306 Chs

The Second Street Show

the park soon filled with people and Jara and her family were like minor celebrities in the audience as the show went on

fans sought them out often said hello to her and meet her family and took pictures with her shared their snacks with her other children who came to the event played with her in the play park 

a whole crowd of them gathered on the pirate ship in the playpark to watch the show from there and they gave her the seat of honor in the captains spot at the top of the ship

so she could watch the show from the best seat they had their own cheering squad going and was singing along with the songs having enormous fun with their light sticks

while her parents were seated on the grass not far away the pirate ship packed with cheering kids was one of the biggest highlights of the show