
Garden Rules

As night arrived, I removed my uniform and went onto the garden where I gently played in the water, while soaking my legs in the warmth of the pond. I tilted my head in response to the strong breeze. Swift and steady falling leaves touched my cheeks as cherry blossoms, glistened above the surface of the pond.

Gazing down at the waters surface, I touched the leaves as my hand created ripples that disturbed the waters, peaceful state.

A sweet, honey-like scent caught my nose as the mossy temple and green covered rocks filled my senses while I began to hum a soft tune my maid used to hum for me whenever I woke up from a bad dream.

Lost in space as the sounds of the outside world disappeared. I longed for a chance at peace to return and see her precious smile while offerinh her an apology as well as thanks her raising me. Snapping out from my trance, the head maids biceps voice eched from behind.

"What in the world do you think you are doing?! "

Being taken to the empty room, yet again, I did not attempt to flee as I meditated endlessly for the next two days on end. Ultimately, by the time I reached my limit, I collapsed from the exhaustion as I closed my eyes to sleep.


Waking up in a strange room within the mansion, I opened my eyes and lightly gazed at the beauty of the pond beside me. I found myself lying down on a soft mattress bed while noticing the needle stuck in my arm. I was hooked up to an IV filter and smelled a fresh plate of oranges to my right in a round bowl. With a blank face, I stared off into the garden and ebentually found peace once again.

Dispelled from my paradise, I open my eyes to find a doctor walking in along with the handsome young boy.

"Oh… you're awake. Good! "

The doctor then began holding my head and examining my heart rate and eyes.

"She's making a steady recovery... Though, its still early for me to tell of anything is whronh with her. "

Looking up at the boy as if I was not even there, she spoke and told him what he wanted to hear.

"What could have caused her to collapse? "

"Hmm… you don't know? "

Holding a bold look, the boy eagerly wanted to know.

"Well… she has not eaten a proper meal for several days, perhaps a week. Malnutrition, exhaustion, and slight dehydration. I have no clue as to why she is this way, nor am I bound to ask why she is not being fed properly. However, I would appreciate it if I am allowed to see her again every day for the following week. "

As I looked down at his hands balling into fists, he complied as he gave her permission to visit me.

"Fine. Do what you must. "

He then coldly turned as his gaze towards the other maids. In that moment, he stopped as I spoke in a soft tone.

"Responding in anger to what you do not know… makes fools of those who do… No one else is responsible for my actions, nor should you hold anyone accountable when you have yet to understand that letting me go is the most sensible course of action…  "

Talking while he held his back to me, he responded.

"Power behind anger, should be met with loyalty and respect… Just as I rely on my attendants keen powers of observation, I should have noticed your condition sooner and I apologize for being unable to take care of a single maid… Apologetic or not, you have no way of knowing how deeply your unnoticed condition affects me as a both a man and an heir… "

"Even if my condition is my own doing…  "

"Should the world reject you, I will reject the world and stand in your place… "

Taken by what he said, I felt my face blush as he turned to from my gaze.

"Why go that far for a lowly stranger… only fools march to their demise when they see a burden lying in wait... "

"Then I am but a fool who will look after a bigger fool who failed to live her life properly… "

He then left and took his maids with him as he had some sort of punishment for them as they neglected to release me from the room for several days. Suddenly, the doctor asked me a question with worried eyes.

"Who exactly are you? "

Turning from the doctor to the pond, I spoke.

"I'm nobody special. "

"Are you really a maid? "

Closing my eyes to admire the pleasant sounds of the pond, I spoke.

"I was brought here under the mistaken impression that I was the boys new maid. "

Taken back, she then asked if I wanted to leave with her.

"I left once already… it doesn't seem he will let me go at this point… what an utterly foolish boy. "

"Then… Will you continue serving him as a maid? "

"I do not wish to remain here as sorrow is sure to wait for me wherever I go... "

"Who were you before you came here? "

Looking down as I held a lifeless gaze, I spoke truthfully while I meant every word.

"No one special. "

She remained silent as I had replied while she gathered her things and left room. Laying down in the bed, I closed my eyes and fell asleep as I was tired to close off my mind.


Waking up, I looked around the room and found myself on the same bed while looking out at the familiar pond. Smelling something delicious, I turned to find a cart of food and composed myself from taking any. Minutes later, the boy walked into the room and asked how I was doing. Ignoring him as I stared at the pond, his shadow covered me as the sun was setting beyond the horizon.

"How long have you been awake? "

Silent, he then said I was allowed to eat the food in the cart. Staring at him with a cold gaze, I spoke from my heart.

"I am hungry, however, I will not eat anything from this mansion. "

"Why? "

I found his question amusing as I had no need to respond. Silence pursued us both as I gazed off at the leaves in the trees as they swayed in the wind.

"Very well… "

The boy then had a maid bring in a wheelchair and he then took me out of the mansion. Getting into a car, we arrived at the restaurant I ate the half eaten omelette from before.

"If you won't eat inside the mansion, then I guess we'll just have to eat outside. "

My eyes suddenly glistened as his reasoning made no sense.

"Why go this far for me. "

"You seem worth the effort… Miss Ghost."

Taking me out on the wheelchair and onto a table, he sat across from me as we then began drawing a lot of attention.

"Who are they? "

"That guy is mega cute! "

"She's absolutely gorgeous! "

"They look like Royalty! "

As the crowd of people gathered, two more cars with men in suits appeared and closed off the area for us to eat in peace. As the waitress appeared in a daze, she recognized me from before. The boy then sat up as he smiled and spoke.

"I'd like anything you recommend. "

As the waitress acknowledged him, she turned to face me.

"Okay… and what will you be having Miss… "

The boy then gave her the name I gave to the older maid.

"Ugh… Her name is Mistela. "

"Okay… Misty... What will it be?  "

Looking down at the table, I looked away in that moment as he ordered for the both of us. After waiting for a while, she came back as my senses returned to stare at the delicious egg omelette in front of me. Unable to hold my appetite any longer, I took the spoon and began eating as I enjoyed the savory flavors.

"Is it really that good? "

Chewing, I grabbed another spoonful and kicked him in his leg by accident. As he opened his mouth, I was still full as I held a spoonful of the omelette and fed him in that moment. His face suddenly turned bright red as the crowd suddenly began cheering as they witnessed us eating.

The crowd of people roared in excitement as he shyly looked away from everyone. Continuing my meal, I finished and looked at the boy as I covered my mouth to burp. Blushing, he stayed frozen as I stood up on my own and walked whole I helplessly stumbled as he caught me valiantly.

Getting back into the car and relaxing in the seats, I leaned my head over the window and fell asleep as I was satisfied with the meal.


When I woke up hours later, I was back in the same room with the view of the pond. Sitting up as I was changed into a nightgown, I exhausted a sigh of relief.

Going back to sleep, I woke up the next morning to a beautiful sunrise. Stepping out into the beautiful garden as I leaned on the wooden beam for support, I enjoyed the cool breeze as it brushed up against my skin. My hair flew freely as the short style, hung gently with radiance. Stopping as a stronger breeze rolled through, I sat down at the edge of the pond and closed my eyes as I lightly touched the surface of the water with my foot.

As the wind blew, I began to hum the familiar tune with my voice and as if by feeling, the wind began to calm the more I hummed. It was almost as if nature herself had stopped the passing of time, simply to hear my simple, soft playing voice.

As I finished, the wind had completely stopped and once I opened my eyes, I lifted my head to see the boy as a powerful gust od air swirled within the garden. Standing over the water on the bridge, he adamantly looked in my direction.

"Certainly, I would pay for the world to hear you sing that sweet melody every morning. "

"Am I to be your new alarm clock… "

Remaining silent for a short while as he let out a slight smile, he turned to face me with clear eyes.

"You have become more precious to me than my entire fortune at rhis point… I would exactly call, you anything other than my trusted maid. "

Surprised by his response, I stared and responded.

"Have I… "

Nodding slowly, I looked at the leaves on the water and replied.

"Love is a weakness others will use to control you… let me free. "

"I can't… I won't, at least not until your health gets better. "

"I'll never be satisfied with this life… "

Staring at me with curious eyes, he asked me a question.

"What is it you fear?"

Remembering a flash of my old life, I closed my eyes and spoke.

"A fate worse than death… "

Softly turning as he came closer to mg side.

"Am I really that repulsive? "

Shaking my head lightly, I spoke.

"I fear… the longer I stay here, the more I may grow an attachment towards you. "

Surprised as he was clearly taken back by my response, he spoke with a smile.

"Is that a bad thing? "

"Those whom I love… are taken from me by a fate that which is beyond my control… "

Clutching my gown, I looked down and said one last statement.

"It is not death I fear… it is the fear of being death to those I am near that scares me. "

Unable to reply to my cold statement, the boy then asked if there was anything he could do for me. Thinking it over carefully, I lifted my head and looked him dead in his eyes.

"There is one thing… kill me. "


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