
Silver Overlord

The most precious things in the world are priceless. Ordinary men tend to turn a blind eye to this fact. Apart from the treasured air, sunlight, and familial love, there is still one more thing that’s extremely valuable. It’s right beside you and can be easily obtained. But... I wonder whether you can see it?

Drunk Tiger · Eastern
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688 Chs

"It might be a bit difficult to replicate this object, but I suppose we can make one if we give it a try…!" Qian Su swept his gaze all over the single-cylinder steam engine, then spoke in a very professional tone, "The most difficult components to make are this steam cylinder and these cranks that connect the parts. The blacksmiths won't be able to hammer this out, so we'll need to create a mold and use the casting technique. Once casted, we'll polish it. There has always been a foundry in the manufacturing bureau. If we're going to make this, we'll just need to start the furnace in the foundry workshop and prepare some tools..."