
Planning and WAR!

Anne:Well here's the plan!

Anne took some days to think of some plan since her rival the Las cadenas were getting way too powerful.She decided to do something not even the Las cadenas would do!Become the personal slave trader of a celestial dragon!What's more she was gonna be the personal trader of the saint Rosward,one of the most powerful one!

His son Charloss did try to actually enslave Anne since well you know....Incredibly beautiful and all,but he couldn't since his father already signed a contract with her which means that she was under his protection as long as she gave him what he wanted,which was pirate captains.

Pirate captains weren't really that difficult to get for her since she could just tell katakuri to slaughter entire fleet,but she wanted to do it herself.So she made a simple yet brutal plan,she was simply gonna hire some mercenaries and send them after pirates captains while she would tell katakuri to send some of her men to kill both the pirates crew and the mercenaries.People would just think she has bad luck while the celestial dragon would be happy to have his captain and thus wouldn't ask how she did it.After all the celestial dragons were way too stupid to ask things like that,plus with that plan she wouldn't have to actually pay anyone since the money would be taken back by the Suritto kuchi pirates.

Luoka:What an incredible plan mistress!

Luoka had stars in her eyes as she looked at her incredible mistress,since she was just a normal slave she wasn't really used to people like Anne,but she really liked her mistress so she just went along with whatever she may do.

Anne:*looks coldly at Luoka*If you have time to lick my boots then use that time to do something useful YOU LAZY SLAVE!!


She quickly ran out while Anne smirked.

Anne:Well that was definitely easier than i thought.I would had to kill her if she asked to much detail,after all i just told her about the official part of the plan.*SIGH*For now things are going well but when i'm gonna approach the title of Celestial dragon,things are gonna get pretty crazy.*smirk*Don't you think so too,Yonko.....Buggy?


Tsarck(the clone) in his case extended his territory quite quickly but still stayed out of Kaido ones since he still needed him,after all a man/dragon like Kaido can do some really big damage.The new Yonko was already under his control so he was good on this side,sadly not everything was working well.

(Sabaody archipelago,in a tourist area)

A man dressed in a weird outfit was currently attracting the attention of every tourists presents in the area.Some journalists that were there too began to film what was happening since last time something like that happened on this island,it finished quite shockingly.

The man was actually the saint Charloss,he previously calmly walking on the streets towards the human auctioning house when he spotted a girl,normally he wouldn't really care but that girl really looked like.....SANA?!

Charloss:SUSUSUSU!You there!

When he shouted everyone turned to look at who catched the interest of the Celestial dragon,and they saw a woman with a black hood on her head but her face was still a little visible,and they clearly see that she was quite the beauty.The woman looked at him and continued to walk,seemingly not caring that a Celestial dragon was calling her.

"I-Is she crazy?!She's going to die!"

"We s-should quickly get out of here before it become really ugly!"

"But wait!That woman!Her face,she looks like...S-SANA?!


She froze when she heard her name and Charloss pointed his gun at her.

Charloss:I will overlook your blatant disrepect commoner,but i want to see what's under that hood!

Sana:Eh?You want to see?


He puked in his helmet when Sana's fist connected with his stomach.

Sana:HAHAHAHA!!Seems like you really never learn your lesson huh?

She lifted her hood and immediately everyone tensed,but they were still pretty calm when you think of the situation.Why?Because there was no one to help that Celestial dragon and since no one would want to report that to an admiral no one would save him!Unfortunately no one knew that a fat woman actually dared to call the marine in hope of a reward.

Charloss:S-Sana,y-you dare to do t-that to me?!

Sana:Well you know i already did it so yeah!Of course i dare!HAHAHA!I mean your question is kinda dumb,but i think i shouldn't really hope too much from a stupid and arrogant pig like yourself!'Arrogant man that enslave girls for his own sick amusement,ain't that exactly like my brother?NAHHHH!!I'm thinking to much!'

She was about to finish him when a ray of light pierced her shoulder.Before she would've winced but with how powerful she was right now,there was no way such a weak attack could kill her.

Sana:Kizaru huh?

She didn't even turn to face him,she just stood there while the air around her suddenly turned extremely hot,but also extremely cold.ice and fire were battling against each other around her,while Kizaru was actually serious for once.

Kizaru:'Her power became even bigger in those 2 years,with such an aura it's easy to see that she's stronger than me,but i need to protect the Celestial dragon with my life!'

Kizaru used his power to teleport at her but was pushed back with such brutal force that he actually flew through atleast ten building.He got up,coughing a little bit and went back to Sana.He arrived to see a giant of ice surrounded by an aura of fire,that seemed to stop just before it could touch the ice.The giant was really impressive but he still rushed at the celestial dragon trying to pick him up.Sadly he never arrived since his whole body was crushed by a fist of ice coated with haki.(technically it is possible but still extremely difficult to do)

He escaped by teleporting but he still took the hit,so his whole body was in extreme pain.Kizaru was an admiral so naturally he couldn't be defeated so easily even by Sana who had the level of 2 Yonko put togethers.

Sana:Admirable how the weak dog try to protect his even weaker master!Justice you call it!Logic you call it!You know what it is to me? A GOOD REASON TO WAGE WAR AGAINST THE WORLD GOVERNMENT!!THE CELESTIALS DRAGONS!!THE GOROSEI!!THE ONE WHO SITS ON THE SO-CALLED EMPTY THRONE!!THE SILVER NIGHTMARES PIRATES DECLARES YOU WAR!!

Hope you enjoy it!

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I don't know for how long the One piece arc will continue but i think it will end in around 15 chapter or so.(Actually i really don't know,15 chapters is what i would like but i don't know if i will write less or more,since i'm extremely busy at the moment)

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