
silver moon demon

The story is about a human known as the "Demon God" in a distant era after the rise and fall of humanity, a legendary era filled with heroes, monsters, fairies, and demi-humans. Yawen, a frail noble youth with a small magical beast that barely hatched, leads a life of being bullied by his classmates. Everyone ridicules him as a useless embryo who destroys the "Stark Family's" esteemed reputation. However, when the "Stark Family" is framed and becomes a target for the entire nation to kill, Yawen reveals his hidden powerful spiritual abilities and shoulders the daunting task of protecting his family. Thus, Yawen embarks on a bloody path of demons, creating the most astonishing and thrilling legend of the Demon God since the "Great Destruction" of humanity.

dylan_ben · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Part 1 Chapter 20 Prestige (Part 2)

After the golden and silver rays of light, resembling the scythe of the grim reaper, rushed into the crowd, the result was predictable.

The first person that Yawen encountered was Dage, who possessed the Earth-type Kant beast phantom armor and had tremendous strength due to his burly physique.

When Dage saw Yawen coming towards him, he roared, "Earth Bull Axe!"

A large piece of phantom beast tissue, almost half the size of his waist, protruded from his strong chest and immediately transformed into a huge axe with a length of one meter as soon as it left his body. Dage immediately grabbed the handle of the axe.

Yawen sighed inwardly. Even as the leader of a third-rate gang, one must have some real skills. Just from seeing his move, Dage was clearly a second-rate or higher fighter.

Although most phantom beasts that could mimic armor also had the ability to transform into weapons, they also had their limitations. Generally, the quality of a weapon's transformation could be determined by its transformation speed, hardness, power amplification, support time, and size.

So although low-level phantom beasts could transform into weapons, their transformation speed was often too slow. By the time the transformation was complete, the enemy had already attacked. However, if it was a high-level phantom beast, its transformation was almost instantaneous. Like Dage's family members, unless they encountered equally skilled opponents, they could maintain their weapon form for a long time in battle. Their weapons were almost imperceptible, even to those with poor eyesight.

In terms of hardness, weapons formed by low-level beast phantom armor were too weak due to their diffuse structure. They were even weaker than ordinary iron weapons, so how could they compete with humans? But if it was a weapon formed by a high-level phantom beast, it not only had a solid structure, but some even had special features, such as being slightly elastic, which could effectively counteract the powerful force of an attack and protect the integrity of the weapon.

As for power amplification, the weaker the beast phantom armor, the weaker its amplification ability. The stronger the weapon formed by a higher-level beast phantom armor, the greater its amplification ability, which could reduce the energy consumption of the owner while increasing the power of their techniques.

Then I talked about the solidification time of weaponized parts. It should be noted that the part of the magical beast that is transformed into a weapon is still a part of the original body, and maintaining a fixed shape requires energy. However, the weaponized part is separated from the original body and cannot obtain energy from the owner like other parts. Ironically, this part consumes the most energy among all parts of the magical armor, even though the owner can input energy through contact, it is not enough to meet the requirements. You may wonder, what if the owner has enough energy to provide the weaponized part just by contact? Well, if the owner is really that strong, then the magical beast they possess must be top-tier, which means the amount of energy stored in lower-tier magical beasts will never exceed that of higher-tier ones, and this determines the duration of the solidification of the weaponized form.

Finally, the size of the weapon is related to the volume of the magical armor. No matter how the internal structure of the magical armor changes, its actual volume remains the same. Forming a weapon by forcibly separating a part of the armor will inevitably affect its protective power to the owner, but if the weaponized part is too small, the weapon may not be powerful enough, and if it is too large, it will affect the armor's protective power. Therefore, the balance between offense and defense is influenced by the size of the weapon. Of course, there are specialized weapons that are small in size and designed for specific purposes, but they are in the minority.

These five elements may seem different, but they are actually interrelated. If the organization of lower-tier magical armor is not strong enough and the amount of energy stored is insufficient, the solidification time will be longer and the weapon produced will be weaker. Therefore, lower-tier magical armor usually uses external weapons instead of transforming its own body into a weapon to avoid excessive energy consumption. However, if the magical beast is of high rank and has enough energy and strong enough organization, forming a weapon has many benefits, as seen in the case of the seventh-tier magical armor of Yaxing. Only the arm tissue is required to form a weapon, which does not affect the protective power of the armor and reduces energy consumption while enhancing its power, making it a convenient option. So why use a non-magical weapon when you have magical armor?

Of course, if a beast like Hanluo's eighth-order Light Tiger has extremely powerful energy, he can simply separate out a core and add strong energy to form his powerful weapon - the Glorious Ming Sword. Controlled by the core and powered by energy, it becomes an energy weapon, which is even further advanced.

Now, Dag dared to transform into a beast weapon, indicating that he was quite confident in his abilities. Without the Beast Illusion Armor, it would be quite difficult for Yaxiang to deal with him, but this confidence was also Yaxiang's opportunity.

These thoughts quickly flashed through Yaxiang's mind, and with his divine demon eyes, he observed that Dag's Earth Bull Axe was separated from his armor on his chest. This indicated that Dag's chest protection was weaker. Seizing the opportunity, with extremely fast movements, Yaxiang quickly dodged Dag's attack with the axe, and his right fist struck Dag's chest. With a flash of golden light, Dag screamed in agony and was hit by Yaxiang's strike, which contained the power of the Heavenly Heart Qi, and flew more than ten meters.

He could not have imagined that he, with a fifth-order Beast Illusion Armor, would be knocked flying by Yaxiang's bare-handed strike.

Little did he know that Yaxiang had carefully calculated and aimed his strongest Heavenly Heart Qi at the weakest spot - the chest armor - after he separated the Earth Bull Axe.

Seeing Dag scream and fly away from his strike, Yaxiang knew that it was not enough to kill him. He did not pursue, turned around, and began to attack the other people who were surrounding him.

It goes without saying that even the leader Dag was knocked flying by Yaxiang's bare-handed strike. How could these ordinary men be a match for Yaxiang?

This time, with his killing intent raging, Yaxiang no longer showed mercy. His hands, fists, palms, and claws changed unpredictably.

With lightning-fast movements, Yawen instilled fear into the hearts of all the men present, leaving claw marks, broken limbs, and even death in his wake. He used various techniques such as grabbing, pulling, locking, hitting, toppling, crashing, and breaking on any part of his enemies that he could touch. Adding to the terror, Yawen deliberately targeted those without the protection of Beastly Fantasy Armor, leaving his victims defenseless and vulnerable. Even the weakest of his opponents could not stand up to his ruthless tactics.

Yawen seemed to be completely unfazed by the violence around him, continuing to fight with increasing ferocity. By the time Dege caught his breath and rejoined the fight, not a single opponent remained standing, not even those who were considered third-rate fighters. Yawen continued to seek out those with weaker Beastly Fantasy Armor, taking advantage of their fear and leaving them with only half their usual strength. It was like taking candy from a baby for Yawen to kill them.

Upstairs, three black-clad spectators watched in awe. The speaker among them took a sharp breath and exclaimed, "This young man with white hair is incredibly intelligent, ruthless, and cunning! He's truly fearsome and powerful!"

One of his companions was skeptical and asked, "Captain, how can you say that? In my opinion, these black-clad men are nothing but a bunch of weaklings who can't defend themselves. I see this guy doesn't even have Beastly Fantasy Armor. How could he be a match for anyone?"

The captain of the black-clad men shook his head and sighed, "Lishi, you misunderstand me. I didn't mean he was powerful because of his cultivation level, but because of his intelligence, his iron will, and his ruthless tactics."

He said, "There's a saying in my hometown: 'A good man is not as good as a scoundrel, a scoundrel is not as good as a dead man.' This means that people like us who live on the edge of life and death are considered good men, but we fear the despicable scoundrels who use deceitful tactics. These scoundrels are capable of anything, even eating feces like worms when they're at a disadvantage, as long as they're not harmed. When they're in a position of power, even people like us fear their ferocity. However, these scoundrels are afraid of one type of person, someone like this white-haired youngster. He has a heart of steel, ruthless methods, and won't stop until blood is drawn. They have no chance of retaliating against him, especially if he has martial arts skills like this youngster. If they cross him, they'll be skinned alive."

Li Jian was unconvinced and said, "Captain, I don't think he's that scary. From what I've seen, this white-haired youngster doesn't even have the demeanor of a skilled fighter. He only attacks those weaker than him and doesn't show any real strength."

The captain shook his head and sighed, "That's precisely why I find him frightening. Li Jian, ask yourself, what would you do if you were surrounded and attacked by nearly a hundred people like he is now, even if you could defeat them all with ease?"

Li Jian's face turned pale, and the captain replied for him, "You would probably retreat and wait for the crowd to disperse before making a move, right?"

Li Jian nodded, and the captain continued, "I would do the same because neither of us could bring ourselves to ruthlessly slaughter a hundred people, even though we have the ability to do so."

"But look at this youngster. He wields his butcher knife without hesitation and kills his enemies in front of him. We are no match for him in that regard."

Li Jian wanted to argue, but the captain stopped him and said, "Don't be too hasty to disagree, Li Jian. I have my reasons. Imagine this: you may be able to intimidate these scoundrels with your martial arts skills, but it wouldn't be as effective as his methods. Picture yourself in the same situation, witnessing your numerous companions being ruthlessly killed one by one by a single person. At first, you may not feel anything when the first or second person falls, but what about the thirtieth, fortieth, or fiftieth person? Your enemy is unscathed and continues to kill your comrades without mercy. His methods become more and more ruthless, and more and more people fall. Could you still calmly attack him with all your strength and remain his enemy? When you have only a few companions left and fear sets in?"

Li Tan was speechless, because it was true that no one dared to approach around Ya Fang.

As Ya Fang smashed the chest of his 47th enemy and the dying foe spewed blood and fell to the ground unable to breathe, no one dared to approach him, including Da Ge.

While Ya Fang was on a killing spree, the greedy Wolf Star on the other side did not sit idle either. Not only was it not idle, but the effect it caused was much more cruel than Ya Fang's.

As a mythical beast, Greedy Wolf Star did not have hands like Ya Fang to use. It relied only on its instinctive movements.

Upon sensing Ya Fang's overwhelming killing intent, Greedy Wolf Star unreservedly used its innate talent to deliver deep blows to the enemy in front of it with lightning-fast movements that no one in the room could clearly see, fully utilizing its platinum horn, teeth, and claws that were indestructible.

Horn thrusting, teeth tearing, claw ripping, simple and straightforward movements, but when combined with its fast speed like the wind, they became the source of the tragic screams of many men.

Facing the Greedy Wolf Star that was so fast that its figure could not be seen clearly and had turned into a silver light, everyone only saw that when the silver light passed, their companions instantly turned into broken pieces of flesh and blood.

Under this scene of blood and gore, like hell on earth, everyone involuntarily let out unbearable screams.

With blood and flesh flying everywhere and their companions screaming in horror, in such a situation, many people not only could not launch a counterattack, but also cursed their parents for not giving them two more legs so that they could dodge this demonic silver light that was like the scythe of death.

Moreover, Greedy Wolf Star's actions were the same as Ya Fang's, starting from the weakest and slowest movements. This move made everyone nightmare after nightmare, and in the frenzy of dodging, many people died tragically at the hands of their companions who were driven insane by Greedy Wolf Star's terror.

It was not until Ya Fang had recovered and faced off against Da Ge that Greedy Wolf Star stopped its killing spree and returned to Ya Fang's side. Even though it had revealed its figure, it was still as silver as ever, without a trace of bloodstain.

At this point, the surviving members of the Qingyi Gang also nervously returned behind Da Ge, facing off against Ya Fang and Greedy Wolf Star.

However, anyone with keen eyes could tell at a glance that despite only having one person and one beast on her side, Yaping was concealing a terrifying murderous intent beneath her calm demeanor. On the other hand, although the Qingyi Gang had more than twenty people, they all looked pale, with some even trembling involuntarily. There was no doubt about who was stronger or weaker.

A man walked up behind Dage on the Qingyi Gang's side, also wearing a Tier 5 earth-type Kanter beast illusion armor. He looked very similar to Dage and trembled as he spoke, "Big Brother, it's so miserable! We have less than ten people left, and I... I can't even make a move."

It seemed that this person was the second-in-command of the Qingyi Gang, Dage's own younger brother, Datt.

Only now did Dage see the plight of the other side. His face, which was already unattractive due to his injuries, became as pale as a dead person.

Turning his head to look at Yaping and the Greedy Wolf Star, the man and the beast suddenly seemed to tower over him and became extremely terrifying in his eyes. The chilly and substantial killing intent emanating from them almost caused Dage to collapse.

Unable to control himself, Dage extended his trembling finger and pointed at Yaping, screaming hoarsely, "You... you... you are not human, you are not human, absolutely not human, not human, not human, not..."

He screamed until his voice became hoarse and he collapsed, powerless to keep his finger up.

Yawen calmly accepted Dage's insults until he could no longer speak.

Suddenly, Dage, who had been in a state of collapse, lifted his head, his eyes bloodshot, and swung his giant axe wildly while shouting, "I will kill you, kill you, I want to kill you, demon."

In the end, Dage went crazy and attacked Yaping and the Greedy Wolf Star recklessly. Behind him, the others also swung their weapons frantically towards Yaping and the Greedy Wolf Star.

Someone once said that when a person reaches the extreme of fear, beyond the limit, they will forget everything and destroy completely what they are afraid of, like madness. And now, Dag and the others are caught in the fear that Yaxuan has given them, and more than twenty people are attacking them in a frenzy. A cruel and bloodthirsty smile appears on Yaxuan's handsome face for no reason.

The continuous and extremely mournful howl of Greedy Wolf Star once again echoes on the street in front of Qingbi Tavern.

The man in black on the second floor, known as the leader, sighs deeply when he sees this: "The outcome is decided, let's go."

With him in the lead, three black-clad men leave through the back door of the tavern, escorted by the extremely respectful boss Xiangchuan. They disappear into the night.

At this time, the mournful howls of the wolves and the pitiful screams complement each other, ringing incessantly.

That night, among the 117 members of the Qingyi Gang who rampaged in Shoushudaiti Town, only eight were left with disabilities, and the rest "died completely."

Through the accounts of hundreds of eyewitnesses, the name of the "devil" spread throughout all the towns and cities in the Qi Hua Forest.

And because of that night, countless people had a fever for several days, and twenty-one people went insane.

This is how the bloody and terrifying name of Yaxuan, the demon, spread as the first terrifying rumor.