
Silver Moon: A Werewolf Story

a slice of life werewolf story. Join sandy and zamas as they explore this world that been hidden beneath what they thought they knew.

sandywolfr26 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Running along a dark path, he look behind him and saw the fangs gleaming in the moonlight. Hearing many pawsteps behind him, he found the last of his strength, jump and grab a branch. Screaming out in pain as those teeth found his left leg when he wasn't fast enough to lift it onto the branch. Gritting his teeth against the pain, he kick the wolf off and climb higher. Looking down, his eyes widen as he saw six pairs of eyes shining up at him. At a silent signal, they turn as one and left. These wolves aren't normal he thought with a sigh of relief.

"Hey Sandy! it been five weeks already. When is that cast coming off?" Looking up he smiled as he saw his best friend coming through the door of his room. He sat up with interest, knowing that his boring day was just about to become interesting. She plopped down on the bed and threw him a book which he caught. He grin wide as he read the cover. With her brownish hair in a ponytail, she shook her head as she watched him start to read the book. Some things never changed she thought as she tap him on the shoulder. Looking up he gave her a side hug to show how grateful he is.

"sorry. it just this is a book i only read once. I vaguely remember it as by stephen king cuz it is in his style of writing. But it is actually under a pseudonym name richard bachman. The long walk is such a hard to find book around here. but i know you aren't interested in that sorry. Want to play mario kart 8 on my switch? more items and characters. bowser jr is now one of my favorites to use. and it is so boring playing with the computers. and it the only thing i can do with my dumb leg. oh wait you ask a question. it be one more week and i be back to work."

his hazel brown eyes meet her teal ones as he gave her the switch to put on his flat screen tv. He grab both controllers as she finish hooking it up. After a few hours of mario kart and pokken tournament, she said goodbye and went home.

As soon as he heard the door closed, he got up and walk to his switch. he sighs as he watch her turn the corner. There is no way he can let her know. They grew up together but this is something she shouldn't know. Sighing deeply he closes his eyes and can feel the wolf within. It was always close to the surface. Especially around others. seems that his wolf sees nothing but prey. He hope that she didn't notice anything in his expressions when he was teasing her during the games. That would be awkward to explain. he jump a bit as he heard a voice.

"Tell me again why you can't tell her? I'm sure she would understand cuz you are childhood friends." Looking up he saw his older sister watching him closely.

"Sharon, it is complicated. Besides I don't want her to go running screaming monster. Like in every werewolf movie. Besides I think I got some control on this. I'm going out to hunt." He took off the cast and start to undress as she close the door behind her.

Sharon went to the kitchen and came back with raw beef and place it outside the door. She finches as she heard the bones breaking and other sounds of the shifting. She just waited til the sounds stop. She still can't believe that werewolves was real. Or that her brother was one. That night was like something out of a horror movie, hearing her brother scream in pain and bones breaking. Keeping her eyes on sandy as it was happening made her question reality. She was calling the ambulance when sandy scream out not to call anything. Like he knew exactly what was happening and why. So she just silently watch when he look at her, almost like he was drawing strength from her to survive. She gave him a slight nod as she continue watching the wolf emerge. Shaking out of her memories, she stood still as she heard the door opening.

Sandy was a beautiful wolf, with his sandy fur and grey markings. But what really tempt her was his black fur on the top of his head, looking like a mohawk. He started to eat the meat, and she just watches. He was as tall as a tiger, his paws was just as big. She glance at the parts of him that kept her still, his teeth and claws.

"Hey sandy. you remember me right? your sister?" she whisper softly, knowing he heard her when his ears swivel to her as he finish the last bits of the meat. he look up and flash her a grin. she smile back as she went to the living room and opened the window.

"Stay safe. she said as he jump out the window and ran towards the forest.

Sandy felt such freedom as he ran towards the forest. Shifting is such a pain and very tiring. He does seem to shift faster the more times he does it. before it took an hour. but tonight it took forty five minutes. He was getting better at controlling which part of him shift first. He shift his legs first, cuz that to him was the most painful. Slowing down he jump into some bushes as he heard footsteps. Peeking out, he saw that they was joggers. his eyes narrow as he smell a squirrel up in a tree nearby. There no way he can get that squirrel, he thought as he turn around and went towards a rabbit scent. finding three rabbits, he ate them and wash himself in a small river.

Following the river he found a small still pool and look into it. It so weird seeing the yellow eyes and wolf face that was looking back at him. The grey markings on his chest and around each of his eyes look so cool. Putting his ears down he saw that his ear edges is grey as well. he decided to find a tree to sleep underneath for the night. Unbeknownst to him, a pair of brown eyes was watching him as he fell asleep.

End of Chapter 1