
The Butler

My back found the wall and I am still shocked by what just happened. I kept my trembling gaze on my owner as he covered me with his broad frame standing before me like a terrifying mountain. I wanted to scream and run for my life but I couldn't move, more like the very fear itself kept me glued to where I was. I was hoping to sense anything from this man so that I may know what to do but the mask on his face kept all sorts of reading away from me.

I have never felt like this in my entire life, even when I was abandoned and cast aside by my caretaker, it was nothing compared to this, this felt like I was standing before death, I was closer to death than I could ever imagine and it only just increased when his hand reached for me, the same hand he used to cut off the Grandmaster's hand.

I panicked as I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the worse to happen, my heart slammed like drums and my body tensed to the point I felt like crumbling but all I heard was the doorknob so I opened my eyes and found his hand went to it and twisted it causing the door to open.

I gulped as I raised my head to his masked face, he just stood there holding the door open with no intention of walking through it.

I tensed when he moved and walked through it and all I heard was his footsteps in the hall that echoed in my ears. What just happened?

I heard a snicker and I turned to the Grandmaster still kneeling on the floor with his head bent and gripping his bleeding hand tightly.

"How stupid of me," he said in amusement. "My tongue has cost me my hand"

I gulped at his solemn words, and then his dull blue eyes met mine. "What manner of importance do you have? A mere fairy"

Puzzlement flushed my features, what does he mean by that? I thought I was important by being a fairy, people called millions for my worth, and yet I was far more important than a fairy to my new owner? Several questions chimed in my head with one being the most evident. Why did he purchase me then?

"Miss Ava"

I jumped at the voice behind me and I twirled in panic. A young man with dark hair and hazel eyes smiled at me, he was dressed smartly in his dark suit and white gloves, he placed his palm on the left side of his chest and gave a curt bow with his head.

"I'm Severus... your new Master's Butler"

That's why he's familiar. He was the one I saw on the stage. He turned his hazel eyes to the grandmaster, from this angle I saw how beautiful his eyes were, they had a spark to them that made it impossible to be eye color, and his dark hair was thick and full like a heap of curls, I noticed it was packed behind due to the length with a red ribbon. Bits of the curls from his dark hair fell on his forehead and covered most of it.

"Grandmaster," he said in his professional voice, and trekking to him, I pondered why he didn't react to seeing the bloody mess, simply like it was insignificant to him.

He dropped the black suitcase I knew clearly was filled with money, the very money that bought me, I gulped.

"Here's your payment, I believe everything is compromised," he said with a smile on his lips.

The grandmaster forced his body up holding his bleeding wrist.

"Oh you should get that treated," he said amused and I swore it looked like the grandmaster wanted to strangle him. "It was nice doing business with you" he walked to me with a smile still plastered on his face, it caused chills to run through me. How could he possibly smile in this situation?

"Miss Ava we should head out, the Master will be waiting for us," He said leading the way. At instinct, I followed him mostly because of the uncomfortable look the Grandmaster had.

I stared at the back of the Butler as he led me across the hall. I noticed eyes on me too, the eyes of some men dressed in their expensive suits and the women in their fashionable dresses. I have a feeling these were some of the men and women from the hall.

"Damn it! The Fox god purchased her"

"What a total loss"

"I wish I got my hands on her before he did"

"She belongs to him now there's nothing we can do"

"He just had to come during this century, who knew he has been coming in search of a fairy"

I got more engrossed in their talks not realizing that Severus had stopped and I bumped into him from behind. I held my forehead because he felt like a wall.

"Our Master has descended the mortal realm each century"

At his sudden words I raised my head to him, he faced me with a smile and my heart throbbed at the look he gave me almost like I was some sort of salvation… to him? Or to another?

"Now there is no need for him to come here anymore"

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