
Silver, Easy Come Easy Go. Fallen into madness

Book two, of fallen into madness series.

Bearscholar · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 49, For a prince 9

Reskeme admired the shield running an oiled cloth over the smooth surface of the glinting metal. Three large purple garnets placed expertly across the face of the shield in the shape of a triangle, fit perfectly with the purple and green runes imbedded into the center of the shield.

In reverse, they placed three smaller emeralds in an upside-down triangle giving the shield a green and purple design over top a mirror smooth surface of of glinting steel. Reskeme hung the finished shield by its leather grip on the wooden peg, pride welling in his chest. Despite how impractical the gems were on the surface, he had to admit the weapon was stunning.

The polishing finished just in time to watch Michael pull the bruise red sword from the forge. After seeing the process over a dozen times in one week, Reskeme was surprised the metal had taken nearly all day to heat. Reskeme now understood why. The runes in the sword helped fortify the metal based on which runes were used. With Reskemes runes of fire they made the metal highly resistant to heat. Acidic oil hissed and bubbled as Michael dunked the sword into one of two barrels. He stirred the sword in the barrel and then dunked the weapon quickly into the water barrel to clean the acid from the weapon..

" How do you know when to take the sword from the acid bath?" asked Reskeme, keeping well out of reach.

" You only need a quick dunk in the acid. Cleansing the impurities from the metal is good, but you can corrode the metal if you leave it in for too long." said Michael, swishing the sword much faster through the water barrel.

Michael carried the sword over to the anvil with his tongs and grasped a dirty woollen towel. Michael gestured to Reskeme.

" Put on your leather gloves. Do not let any of this water get on you. We need to clean off the remaining acid and water." said Michael.

Reskeme pulled on thick leather gloves that he used when handling hot metal.Taking the proffered towel in gloved hands, Reskeme carefully scrubbed the sword, making sure to not spatter himself or Michael with the liquid. Once finished, Reskeme threw the towel into the forge, scrunching up his nose at the sickly sweet smell of the burning acid and wool. He took the polishing oil and a new cloth, and with Michael, they polished the sword.

Reskeme polished the silver cross guard, cleaning each diamond shaped point of the crossguard.

"What if we put gems on the cross guard? That might look good." said Reskeme, eying the flat of the triangular points of the crossguard.

" We have more crowns to spend. We could use four purple garnets, two on each side of the crossguard." said Michael.

" I hope we don't go into dept, if these weapons don't make us a lot of gold crowns, I'm blaming you." said Reskeme.

" Wait, blame me? You agreed to buying the gems and silver wire!" said Michael aghast.

Reskeme wiped his brow with sweat and yawned. He strode over to the door and cracked it, peering outside, pretending Michael hadn't just said something. Just as he expected, the light of the afternoon day sun sat high on the roof of the guild house, leaving the courtyard in shadow.

" We should go before it get to late. I didn't want to leave after all the merchants have left. And we still need to buy the last of the gems for the sword." said Michael, the muscular young man stretching his toned arms.

" When do you think the prince will arrive at the guild?" asked Reskeme, hoping Michael would forget the reason they needed to sneak out.

" His highness, the prince? I'm not sure. I'm not one of the people the prince talks to when making his plans." reply Michael with a grin.

" Oh shut it, you know what i meant." said Reskeme, pushing down the urge to smirk.

" I assume he is already here in the city. From what I understand, his highness the prince, will stay in the royal estate of Helen." said Michael.

" Does the prince live in this city?" asked Reskeme.

Michael took the handle with gem encrusted pommel from his oiled leather pouch at his waist. They wrapped the polished steel with thick wool, keeping the metal of the pommel from getting scratched. Michael slid the handle up the tang until it rested flush against the crossguard.

" Well? Michael, are you listening." asked Reskeme, holding the doorknob clearly waiting to leave.

" Yes, he lives in the city." said Michael, his tone sounding uninterested.

" Are you going to come with me? We need to go." said Reskeme nervously eying the lengthening shadows.

" You are forgetting something. I recall you promising to explain yourself before we leave for the day." said Michael, taking two rivets from his pouch and lining them up with the two holes of both the tang and handle.

Reskeme gaped at Michael.

" I did not promise that." said Reskeme, shuffling and glancing back to the courtyard.

" Really? I guess I could just let you go home on your own then?" said Michael, pulling a spool of silver wire from his leather pouch. Michael secured the sword in the clamp next to the anvil and slowly began wrapping the handle, starting from the crossguard with polished silver wire.

Reskeme opened his mouth to retort. Then he shut it, realizing he had in fact promised.

" Alright Michael. But can we talk about this back at your place?" asked Reskeme.

"Do you promise? Promise me you will tell me why you would do something so foolish?" said Michael, pausing with the silver wire in hand.

Reskeme furrowed his brow, staring his friend in the eyes, looking for something. The older mans close-cropped brown hair and bright blue eyes stare back at Reskeme. The mans stony expression looked forced, as it was a big change from Michael's usually jovial smile.

" You better explain something. And then the rest when we get home. It must be important if your willing to risk so much. " Said Michael, crossing his arms across his scarred leather apron.

" It is important, really important. And to be honest, I had no actual choice. If i don't fulfill my mission, ill be in a lot more trouble than a flogging." said Reskeme, shuffling nervously.

" go on!"

" I actually need your help. I need you to help me steal something from guild master Lucas." said Reskeme wincing.

" You cannot just say that without explaining why." said Michael.

" I am actually working for the church." said Reskeme sheepishly leaning against the closed door to the courtyard..

" The church? What does the church want here? And why would you be so scared about failing a mission? The church wouldn't kill one of their members for failing a mission." asked Michael, furrowing his brow.

" Well, that's hard to explain. Do you know what the church does?" asked Reskeme, curious as to how much Michael knew.

" Of course! They oversee kingdom wide peace keeping. They mostly oversee keeping the civilians safe from the magic races and make sure any mages overstepping the law, are brought to justice." said Michael.

Reskeme paused, well Michael was actually very well informed. Demons were definitely one of the magic races that the church fought against to keep the kingdoms safe. Reskeme winced at the thought. How was he going to get out of this mess? Even in Pentir, there was another branch of the church. Although they followed Darentar, the god of magic, there was no doubt Pentir would hate a demon in their kingdom just as badly as Laurentia.

" You are not wrong. However, there is a secret branch of the church. I dont know what they are called. But they sent me here to investigate and discover something in this guild." said Reskeme, meeting Michael's bright blue eyes.

" And have you found anything? No wonder you always go off on your own after we are done!" said Michael, seeming to put the pieces together.

" Yes! Last night there was something disturbing. I was looking for something suspicious when I heard screaming. For several minutes i waited and listed while someone screamed their lungs out. Several minutes after the screaming stopped, guild master Lucas came out of the room with blood covering his robe." said Reskeme.

" I dont know if i believe you. Why would Lucas be torturing people?" said Michael. Reskeme paused,this would be the unbelievable part. Reskeme would need to convince Michael that demons were real if he wanted him to help.

Leaning against the wall, Reskeme pulled Kellar's amulet from around his neck and pulled it over his head.

" From what I know, I think guild master Lucas has been sacrificing the homeless of the city to make a deal with some sort of demon. He called the demon a Dread lord. ," said Reskeme.

Michael burst out laughing.

" A Dread lord? Thats a good one, you almost had me! Demons are nothing but stories parents tell children to scare them. And a dread lord no less!" said Michael, chuckling.

Reskeme shook his head, wondering if his horns would be on display through his shoulder length snow white hair. Michael paused as Reskeme's appearance reverted to something far from human. His patchy black and red skin on full display, highlighted by his snow white hair and flickering dark green eyes.

" And what do you think I am?" said Reskeme, gesturing towards himself.

" I do not know. Are you saying you are a demon?" asked Michael, smirking in disbelief.

" Yes." said Reskeme seriously, furrowing his brow at his friend's amusement.

" You 're not joking. Are you serious?" Asked Michael, taking a step back, clenching and unclenching his hands.

" Yes, I'm very serious my friend." said Reskeme, hoping Michael wouldn't take it the wrong way.

" But demons are evil and cruel. All the stories I have heard say demons are vile terrible creatures." said Michael, his face paling as he realized Reskeme was standing between him and the door.

" You are right, i have never heard something good about demons either." reply Reskeme, noticing Michael's hand drifting towards the hilt of the sword resting on the anvil beside him.

Reskeme swallowed shuffling as he realized Michael was definitely taking this news the wrong way.

" I'm not like that, Michael. I am me, I'm your friend. I only told you this because I trust you." said Reskeme.

" But you are a demon. Are Rory and Alex demons too? asked Michael in horror.

"No, of course not! Calm down Michael, I found them on the road here." said Reskeme. Eyes bouncing from Reskeme to the door, Michael seemed to have second thoughts about the conversation.

" Then are you going to eat them? My dad said demons love to feast on the entrails of children?" asked Michael.

" Gross no! I'm still Reskeme. I will not eat anyone. I eat the same things as you." said Reskeme, raising his hands to the side as though it was ridiculous.

" Ok! don't yell. I'm sorry, you just made me scared. Demons don't have a good reputation." said Michael hesitantly.

" I know. If it makes you feel any better, I was actually human several months ago." said Reskeme.

" What? You killed and stole the real Reskemes' body?" asked Michael, his face contorting to outrage.

" What no! I am Reskeme. Stop getting so worked up. I'm still the person you have worked with all those hours." said Reskeme, his heart thudding in his chest. Nervously, he glanced around the workshop, finding it hard to meet Michael's untrusting eyes. Micheal breathed heavily as he paced back and forth, his eyes never leaving Reskeme.

Reskeme stuck his tongue out at Michael, trying to break the man's fear. Michael paused at the childish expression. Michael forced a smile and took a shaky breath, calming his nerves. Reaching up, Reskeme touched his head, surprised when his hand brushed the bone like protrusion on the sides of his head. Brushing the bone like objects, Reskeme paused. They must have grown since last he checked, each now about an inch long.

" Dont you think if I was a bad demon i would have already eaten you?" said Reskeme teasingly. Michael cracked a forced smile but released the sword hilt, leaving the weapon on the anvil, much to Reskemes relief.

" I guess, you could be just waiting for the children to get bigger before you eat them." said Michael.

" And why would I travel hungry for days with two children on the road if I thought they were food?" asked Reskeme.

" Alright, you have a point. Its just hard to accept. I wouldn't believe this demon crap, but here you are standing right in front of me. Were you serious about guild master Lucas?" asked Michael, slowly approaching Reskeme as though he was a wild animal.

" Yes, very serious. He is sacrificing people to summon demons, Michael. The church sent me here to discover and destroy or steal whatever they are using to summon the demons. Just trust me when I say the church wouldn't work with a demon they did not trust." said Reskeme. Well, that last part was a lie, but Reskeme really didn't like frantic look in Michael's blue eyes.

" And why have I never heard of actual demons before?" asked Michael.

" Because you just had a panic attack when you learned demons were real. The church works hard to hunt demons and keeps most of the public misinformed about demons. Even if you were to go and tell everyone you met on the streets, demons were real no one would give you a second thought." said Reskeme, punctuating his remark by placing Kellars' amulet over his neck once again.

" Anyway, lets go we can talk about this more at home." said Reskeme, wanting to see how Rory and Alex were doing. He felt bad for making the Children worry.

" Ok, but you 're telling me more when we get home. If you eat me tonight, I swear I'm going to come back as a ghost and haunt you." said Michael cracking one of his usual toothy smiles.

Reskeme burst out laughing at the comment.

"Wait, are ghosts real?" asked Michael as they enter the courtyard. Reskeme shrugged.

"I cannot tell you church secrets." reply Reskeme, cracking a grin. Michael's face paled as he pushed on Reskeme's shoulder in an effort to force out an answer.

Laughing all the way, Reskeme smiled at Michael as they strode across the courtyard. Michael eventually gave up on forcing out an answer and laughed himself. Reskeme glanced down, making sure his illusion amulet still disguised his hands. With that assurance, Reskeme took the long route through the inside of the guild and passed through the dwindling crowd of the merchant's hall. Though he was nervous, the crowds of traffic entering and leaving the guild was perfect cover as Reskeme and Michael strode out into the street.

Reskeme looked at all the figures they passed, trying to pick out the face of the spy who revealed himself. Scrunching up his face in annoyance, Reskeme glanced up on roofs and in windows, not noticing anything out of the ordinary. Reskemes might have seemed paranoid if not for the fact that the spy in question was watching at that very moment. Even after an hour of paying close attention and looking for the spy, Reskeme failed to notice the man. At the bottom step of Michael's house, Reskeme paused and waved Michael inside. Michael glowered down at him in warning, hesitating on the front steps of the two-story house.

Michael opened the door and Rory rushed outside, leaping and wrapping her arms around Reskeme's neck. Staggering, Reskeme swayed, wrapping his arms around Rory to keep her from falling.

" You 're back! Did you bring any sweets? Where have you been? " Said Rory, wrapping her arms around Reskeme's neck and immediately running her hand through his silky smooth hair with a giggle.

" Yes, I'm back Rory. Where is Alex?" asked Reskeme.

" He is with Clair, she is making sweet rolls." said Rory excitedly.

" I like your horns they are so smooth." said Rory.

Michael choked, staring at Rory in disbelief as the girl clutched desperately to Reskeme's neck, running her hands through his hair like it was her favorite toy.

" Does she know?" asked Michael.

" Know what?" asked Rory, pausing in messing Reskeme's hair to peer at Michael over Reskeme's shoulder.

" He's talking about our little secret." said Reskeme, grinning at Rory.

" Oh ya, the secret. Dont worry, Reskeme, I won't tell anyone you are a demon with horns." Rory gestured like she had a key and held her hand to her lips, turning the key. Reskeme smiled at the imitation.

"Right! It's a good thing you told Rory about such an important secret and not the man you have been working with every day." said Michael, placing his hands on his hips and glaring at Reskeme. Shrugging, Reskeme carried Rory towards the door, letting the pest mess with his hair. Luckily for Reskeme, his illusion would keep his demonic appearance hidden from everyone unless they were touching his head and felt the odd protrusions.

"Rory, can you go inside and tell grandma we are back?" asked Michael.

" She will make me help her set up for dinner. I will if you get me a candy tomorrow?" asked Rory, hopefully.

" Okay, go inside, you little pest. If you go clean up for dinner, I will get you a sweet tomorrow." said Reskeme, peeling the girl's arms from around his neck and setting the girl down.

" Hey, my name's Rory, not pest." said Rory, pouting.

" Ill get you a cream tart tomorrow if you help grandma get ready for dinner." said Michael. Rory whooped and rushed inside with the same speed she had run out.

Once Rory was inside, Michael eyed Reskeme a question in his eyes.

" So, how do you plan on stealing from guild master Lucas? Its tough to get a meeting with the man much less steal anything from the guy." said Michael.

" I am pretty good at pick pocketing. I just need to get a meeting with Lucas. I know which pocket he keeps that key in. All i need is a meeting and i can steal the key." said Reskeme, hoping he sounded more confident than he felt.

" Maybe you should bring Rory, she is getting pretty good at it herself." said Michael smirking at Reskeme.

Reskeme paused and reached for his back pocket. Where had once been a single copper, there was now nothing.

" Damn, that little pest is far too clever for her own good." said Reskeme. How had she done it so smooth?

" Seriously, I can't believe you have been teaching them pick pocketing. Every time she comes near me I have to keep an eye on my purse so a copper doesn go missing." said Michael furrowing his brow.

" I told her she is not allowed to pickpocket anyone other than me and you, so don't worry about her doing it anywhere else." said Reskeme waving his hand dismissively.

" Wait what?" said Michael.

"I think i have an idea. You could talk to Wallace and tell him about the sword. Ask him if the guild master would like to test our new sword. Tell him the sword does something really odd." asked Reskeme.

" I dont know, I would feel bad about lying to Wallace." said Michael.

" Wait! Please tell me Wallace is not a part of this?" asked Michael, his face flashing with concern.

" I don't think so, but he seems pretty close to guild master Lucas. The church has suspected the guild of breaking the law and using demonic rituals for almost a year now, so who knows how much Wallace knows." said Reskeme, shrugging. Reskeme wasn't sure exactly how long the church suspected the guild of illegal actions, but he suspected for at least a year.

" If the guild is really doing what you say then i will help you." said Michael shuffling nervously.

"I would never lie to you about something like this, Michael. Think about it, demons and bad ones no less are being brought to this world by Lucas." said Reskeme.

" I know, its just. It took me a long time to get in. Its hard to believe they have been doing something like that this entire time." said Michael.

"I know its hard to believe. But what they are doing is wrong." said Reskeme. That wasn't Reskemes main reason for wanting to stop this. His biggest reason was the fact that Reskeme was outraged that another guild was destroying other people's life just like they had his life.

" Why don't we just go to the guard and tell them about it? Why not let the professionals deal with it?" asked Michael hopefully.

" Need I answer that?" asked Reskeme. Michael sighed, his shoulders slumping in defeat.

" Its just, I don't see why we need to do this. I'm just a runesmith, I don't have experience in stealing or lying like you do." said Michael nervously.

" Lets go inside and we will have some of the delicious sweet rolls your mom makes. Think about it, if you don't want to help i get that. I will not put you in danger without your permission." said Reskeme.

" Its to late now, you already did. And if people are being stolen from their homes, i cannot just sit by and let it happen." Said Michael, straightening his back.

" Thats good, alright tomorrow we will try to take the key. I have little time before the church comes demanding more answers." said Reskeme.

" Wait, that's what that stranger wanted the other day. He is a member of the church?" asked Michael.

" I think so. He must, he knew who i was and who I work for." said Reskeme. The door flung open and Rory peered out at them, her free hand clutching a sweet roll with some white glaze covering the pastry.

" Grandma says to come eat before the food is cold." said Rory through a mouthful of her dessert.

Reskeme nodded and, shaking off the serious topic with a deep breath he, strode inside Michaels' house.

" Clean up before you come to dinner I don't want dust and suet on my clean tablecloth." yelled Clair from the dining room.

" Of course Miss Herath, I will be right there." said Reskeme.

Reskeme followed by Micheal walked up stairs. Reskeme chained into a bright green shirt and light brown cotton pants. He smiled down at the clothing, loving the feel compared to the uncomfortable leather apron. Reskeme settled his mana gauge and illusion amulet around his neck and tucked them under his shirt, shivering as the cold metal touched his skin. He took a breath, feeling an unseen tension fade. Reskeme smiled. It was nice to have someone he could trust with at least some of his secrets.

Reskeme descended the stairs and washed his hands in the water basin. Drying his hands, he sat around the circular wooden table to Alex, ruffling the boy's hair.

" Hey! Don't do that." said Alex, his face scrunching in annoyance at the familiar greeting.

" What's the matter Alex?" asked Reskeme, confused as to the boy's reaction.

" Nothing!" said Alex, not meeting Reskeme's eye.

" He is mad you did not come home last night." said Rory, her chair screeching as she dragged it closer to Reskeme.

" No, I'm not!" said Alex, crossing his arms and scrunching his face with a pout.

Reskeme's heart fell. The boy's attempt to hide his concern touching. Reskeme wrapped one arm around the young boy, ruffling his hair gently this time.

" I'm sorry Alex, I will tell you next time." said Reskeme.

" I thought you left us. I thought you left us like dad and mom did." said Alex, a sob ripping from his throat.

Reskeme stomach clenched. Alex wasn't mad he was scared. Scared that Reskeme had left them alone, just like everyone else had.

" I will not leave you, Alex. Dont worry, i will always come back." said Reskeme, smiling reassuringly.

" You promise?" asked Alex, burying his tear-stained face in Reskemes chest, his arms squeezing Reskemes waist hard.

" I Promise, i might be gone for several days, maybe weeks sometimes, but i will always come back." said Reskeme, hoping he wasn't lying to them.

The young boy smiled up at him through a gap tooth smile and nodded. Reskeme turned to Rory and pulled her into the embrace.

" Dont worry Alex, Me and Reskeme will keep you safe." said Rory, puffing out her chest as she used her pastry to slash at the air, miming swinging a sword.

They sat and ate; the mood shifting to excitement as Clair placed a tray of glazed pastry on the table next to a pot of chicken soup.

" Ohhhhh! Can I have a pastry grandma Glair, please!" said Alex, bouncing up and down in his seat.

" After you eat your soup." replies Clair.

" No fair! Rory got one!" said Alex, pointing to Rory, who was leaned in her chair subtly munching on her dessert out of sight.

" Rory, did you take one of the pastry while I wasn't looking?" asked Clair, unable to hide the smirk on her face.

" Yes. But you only said Alex couldn't have one. You never said I couldn't have one." said Rory defensively.

" I think she has you there mom." said Michael laughing.

" Ill let it slide this time smarty pants, but I'm watching you." said Clair, pointing from her eyes to Rory grinning all the while.

Reskeme, noticing everyone was looking at Rory, deftly snatched one of the steaming pastry and grinned mischievously. Alex, who was huddled next to him, caught the gesture as Reskeme dropped the pastry quickly into his chicken soup. Alex giggled, drawing everyone's attention.

" Alright! Alright, if everyone is going to just sneak the pastries when I'm not looking we mise well just eat them." grumbled Clair, defeat in her voice.

" I dont know who would do that, miss Hareth. I think pastries go perfect with soup." said Reskeme innocently dipping his spoon into his soup..

" It's all Reskemes fault mom, He is a bad influence." said Michael, using the change in attention to sneak his own pastry, slipping it under the table out of sight of his mother.

The stairs creaked as Michael's father descended, stepping into the dining room.

" Whats going on here? Why is everyone acting so suspicious?" said Michael's father, taking a seat next to his wife.

" Oh nothing dad, we were just taking about how good the soup is." said Micheal though a mouthful of glazed pastry.

" Oh! My favorite. Thanks dear, I love when you make these pastries." said Michael's father reaching across the table and taking a steaming pastry.

Clair could only shake her head as everyone besides Michael's father burst out laughing. Clair only shook her head and laughed with them. Michael's father glanced around the room, completely confused as everyone else laughed at some unspoken joke.

:) Hope you like the humour.

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