
Chapter 44, time piece 3

Trisha nervously walked down the stairs. Her hair rose on her neck as she closed the door behind her. Sweat trickle down her back. Trisha really wanted a bath. She felt rung out and wanted to relax. Slowly she trudged past the first of the Bishop's guards. Unlike the first time carrying the demon's talisman, the guard didn't react at all as Trisha strode past.

Opening the outer door, she passed into the courtyard. It was late evening and, judging by all the students lazing about, training was over for the day. Many of the people raised their heads as she opened the large double doors to the cathedral. Trisha sighed. Judging by their jealous and even hateful stares, Trisha was not well liked.

She strode for the exit, hearing the words of the other students.

" Did you hear, she did not even have to take the initiates tests?" said a clearly angry woman.

" No way, she must be the daughter of a high-ranking noble to get treated like that." replied an older man.

" I dont know, the Bishop is really picky about taking an apprentice." said another.

Anger rose in Trisha's chest as more and more words assaulted her ears.

" I heard she came in from one of the border citys of the kingdom in the night. Is she the daughter of one of the counts? Or maybe the dukes?" asked one onlooker.

" Thats unfair! she didn't even earn it." said another, anger in his voice.

Trisha flushed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and anger. She was almost running by the time she reached the guards at the exit. A familiar face greeted her.

" Dont worry about them las, they dont know what they are talking about. Go on, your friends said they will wait for you at drunken goose." said Harry.

" Thank you." reply Trisha, a weight leaving her shoulders. The guards, noticing her mood, opened the gate and let her through. They didn't even make a rude comment. That was good, as she wasn't sure she could refrain herself from retaliating aggressively. Relief filled her and then unexpected anger welled inside of her as one of the passing citizens bumped into her. Trisha wanted to lash out at the random citizen but just stopped herself in time. She sighed. That pesky Victor was going to make Trisha go mad with his emotional manipulations.

The fresh air of the city streets slammed into her, filling her nose with the smell of manure and the faint sweet smell of sweat. She sighed in relief after leaving the stifling confines of the vault. The late evening breeze cooled her skin, rustling Trishas curly brown hair. A figure on the corner of the street grabbed her attention. The figure wasn't doing anything other than leaning against a building, acting as though they had nowhere else to be. Trisha entered the flow of traffic. At first she wasn't suspicious, but then she felt excitement bleeding into her from Victor. The emotion was quickly hidden, which only made her more weary. Through the bustling crowd, Trisha could see the heavily built figure push off the wall and follow her, keeping his distance.

Even though she couldn't make out his appearance, she could definitely tell it was a man. The way he walked and his build gave that away. Trisha rounded the next corner, following the cobblestone path towards the tavern. After several minutes, the figure following her disappeared into an alley.

This didn't make Trisha any less tense, however. Trisha scowled down at herself. With her low cut blue blouse and high quality black silk pants, she stood out as someone who had money. This was the upper district and so maybe half of the bystanders were dressed like her. That still made it much harder to blend in and mix with the crowd.

Trisha roved her eyes over the crowd and buildings. Ahh, there it was. The drunken goose was at the end of the street. It's sign sporting a goose in a top hat and a black doublet sipping a fine glass of red wine.

Her eyes roved the crowd, looking for the person in the heavy cloak. Other than a woman carving on a piece of wood on the front porch of a cobbler's shop, no one stood out to her as loitering. That was the trouble with the city and finding people who were spying. Something did seem suspicious about the woman carving on the steps. Trisha focused on her. The woman's face was oddly familiar. But no, after a second look, the woman was definitely a stranger. The woman's face contorted in pain as she moved her left arm. Her cotton tunic slid up her sleeve, revealing bandages.

Trisha shook her head. The woman must have just been injured, nothing to worry about. She strode up the stairs to the drunken goose and opened the door. A cacophony of voices washed over her as Trisha enter the tavern.

A cloaked figure sat at a table, playing kings with three others. Empty mugs filled the table, along with a pile of silver in the center. Trisha cocked her head, wondering if that was all of Greg's monthly pay. She could see at least sixty silver in the center.

She focused her attention on constantly keeping out Victor, but knew her focus would eventually waver. If she had to describe the experience, it would be like standing in the freezing cold and trying to keep warm through sheer stubbornness.

Once she forced Victor out of her head yet again, she strode over and stood next to Greg. Greg looked up at her, his expression split by a toothy grin.

"Trisha, so good to see you! Boys, I would like to introduce you to my employer." Said Greg, waving his hand as though offering her to the three men.

" You must be shitting me, Greg? That little slip of a girl is your boss? She looks young enough to be my daughter-

" Or my wife!" laughed another, elbowing Greg playfully in the ribs.

Greg chocked looking at the man, his eyes wide.

Trisha looked the man in the eye. He was short, with corded muscle and a moustache that needed more years to grow. She gave him her coldest stare, trying to convey the depth of her scorn. The mans skin turned pale, and he swallowed, cowed for the moment.

" Oh? And you look like you 're attempting to grow a rat's tail on your face. " Said Trisha blatantly looking at the man's wispy moustache.

Greg and the other two men burst out laughing as the man flushed, chuckling.

" Greg told you not to try roger! And besides, she is the apprentice of her ladyship the Bishop. Not some tavern girl you can get with." Reply a second burly man sitting across from Trisha eying her with steely eyes.

" I'm Elliot, the leader of our little mercenary group. I don't suppose you need more men for a job anytime soon?" Asked the third the man sporting a thick beard and thickly muscled arms. Unlike the other three, the burly man only had one empty mug and was started on another. Trisha eyed the man in approval. Under the man's cloak he wore leather armour, and a long handled belt knife next to a sword on his hip. She could see several places where the fabric of his clothes pressed out slightly, hiding other weapons.

" Perhaps, I may have need of more in the future. If you don't take a job in the next three days, I'll get back to you." replied Trisha.

" Greg here told us about the job you went on this week. And I admire your thoroughness. If his tales of your adventures are true, then you are more competent than you look. I can't believe you waltzed into the pit Viper's guild house alone and killed their guild master by yourself. That I can respect, it takes balls of steel to do that!" said Roger, his drunken voice carrying across the room.

Trisha scowled at Greg, who at least had the decency to flush in embarrassment. The sounds in the tavern died as Roger's drunken voice drifted across the room. People talked in hushed whispers as they surreptitiously eyed her.

" Your loose tongue and unprofessionalism will come out of your pay." Reply Trisha anger welling in her chest. She needed to punish this sort of thing. Maybe she should do more? Like kill him! Trisha scowled, pushing Victor back to where he belonged.

" Dont be like that, everyone has heard of it! Roomers are spreading through the city like wildfire. You can't kill five thieves of a prominent thief's guild and their guild master without people seeing who did it." Said Roger.

Trisha sighed. Of course, they had seen her entering the guild hall and then returning to the church. Her anger cooled as she forced the demon out of her head, unsure what was her emotions or Victor's influence.

" My lady, may I get you something to drink?" asked a young lady. Trisha smiled at the young server.

"Do you have any Royal red?" Asked Trisha.

" Ten silvers a bottle. Sorry but with the short supply we had to raise the price." said the server.

" What! Ten silvers? That's triple the price." Said Trisha as she took one of the two remaining seats next to Greg.

" I'm sorry, the boss said that's the price and so I can't do anything about it. We have a nice white wine from closer to home if you would prefer?" asked the server.

" Never mind, I will get the royal red. A bottle, please. That white wine swill will make my stomach ache." Said Trisha, pulling ten silvers from her purse. It may have been extremely expensive, but Trisha was the Bishop's apprentice now. And she hated cheap wine ever since she sampled her first royal red.

Greg swayed in his seat as he focused on the paper playing cards in his hands. Trisha wrinkled her nose at the sour stench of mead and ale. The server returned just as Eliya entered the common room. She straightened her woolen cloak, the blue initiates badge of the church glinting on her chest. Eliya's mouth turned up slightly as she noticed Trisha sitting at the table.

The young woman weaved amongst the tables, pulling out the last wooden chair next to her. The chair scrapped screeching as it dragged noisily along the floor. Trisha scowled at the woman, wincing at the sound. Trisha took the proffered bottle and glass from the server and poured herself a glass of royal red.

" I see you couldn't resist the royal red? How much of your pay did that cost you?" asked Eliya, leaning her heavy staff against the table.

Trisha sipped the wine, sighing in contentment at the bold flavour and complex taste. The mercenary known as Roger reached one hand over the pile of silver in the center of the table towards the bottle. Trisha drew her belt knife in one smooth motion and thrust down. Roger jerked his hand back, his eyes going wide as the knife dug into the table. Trisha sipped, ahhh. And placed her knife back in her belt. She glared at Roger, making sure he knew she was serious.

" Focus on the game Roger, it's your turn. Stop messing with Trisha." said Greg.

" She is beautiful and feisty, I like that." said Roger, winking at her playfully.

" Ignore him boss, he means nothing by it." said Greg. Trisha decided to let the insult pass. No point in ruining her bottle of wine.

" Greg you are just sour that you are going to lose all of your remaining silvers." said Roger laughing.

" Shut up and play your cards.," Growled the short, stalky mercenary.

" Easy Carl, don't be so testy." said Roger, drawing a card and placing another in the center next to the other four cards on his side of the table. Trisha looked from the card Roger placed to the faces of Greg and Carl.

Greg blanched while Carl tossed down his hand full of remaining cards in disgust. All five cards in front of Roger were the checkmate. Trisha wasn't much for gambling, but she knew the rules. Based on the cards on the table, Roger had won the game.

" This is horseshit. How did you get so lucky again?" said Greg, sitting his cards down. Roger laughed, pulling the enormous pile of perhaps sixty silver coins towards himself.

" Dont worry about it, Greg. You have work so you don't need to worry about it." said Carl.

" Trisha, what are you here for? Did the Bishop finally free you from training long enough to come hang out with us?" asked Eliya, sipping a tall mug of ale.

" We have a new mission this weekend." said Trisha sipping her wine, savoring the taste of strawberry.

" You two will need to pack for a trip. I can't tell you exactly what we are going to be doing until we move out." said Trisha.

Greg sat up in his chair, straightening.

" Right back to work, can't you ever just relax? I could help you if you need some stress relief." Said Roger, grinning a winning smile at her. Trisha ignored the remark and waved a hand, accidentally smacking Greg hard across the shoulder.

" Hey! What was that for? I said nothing. It was Roger." said Greg.

"Just a warning, next time I might use Eliya's staff." said Trisha staring at Roger suggestively.

Roger blanched but seemed much less ill for ware. He grinned at her and winked, a smile that she had to admit was rather dashing.

" Trisha, did you notice our pursuers? They have been lurking around. I think they are waiting until you come out of the church grounds." said Eliya her tone as though she was remarking on the weather.

" Yes, one followed me here." said Trisha.

"I am betting it's the thief's guild you pissed off watching you and waiting to put a knife in your ribs." said Elliot, leaning back and continuing to nurse his second ale.

" I don't think they will attack us together. They are probably waiting until I'm walking home after having a few drinks." said Trisha, her thoughts drifting to the timepiece on her wrist.

" We will need to come up with a plan to lure the pursuers into making the first move." said Eliya.

It probably wasn't a good idea to drink too much. Trisha needed to be ready for anything on her way back to the cathedral. She shook her head and stuck the cork back into the bottle of wine. One large glass was enough. She wanted more, but was concerned about the walk back to the cathedral. The only light drifting into the room was that of a flickering torch.

She waited with the group, finding they were actually kind of fun. She laughed at the tale of an irate drunken farmer who stumbled into their campsite and demanded they take his cow. They all agreed until he brought them his wife. The joke was rather crude, but she laughed all the same.

After several hours of sipping her exquisite bottle of bold strawberry wine, Trisha stood, and making sure her voice would carry, said, " I will see you back at the church tomorrow."

Bottle of royal red in hand, she strode towards the door purposefully swaying like she had drank far more. Her head was clear, but she knew what drunken idiots acted like. She stumbled ungracefully out the door and onto the street. Other than a passing patrol, most people were already inside for the night. Trisha took a dark alley for a shortcut. She was willing to bet that the figure who was hiding in shadow when she left the drunken goose was the person hunting her.

Walking slow and unsteady, Trisha glanced back over her shoulder as the man she had seen earlier followed gaining on her. She felt excitement welling in her chest and grasped her curved dagger from the base of her back. Trisha rushed down the alley to escape the trap. She didn't know where the second figure was, but letting them trap her between them wasn't Trisha's idea of a good time.

The second figure stepped out from ahead of her. It was as if the second thief could hear her thoughts. Trisha smiled. She channels manna and creating runes before she blocked off the alley. A wall of grey mana formed in alley blocking off the thief with a torrent of air swirling like a rushing river. She could feel the wind contained in the shape of a wall begging to be released in a violent tempest. No, not yet! Trisha thought.

The man halted as Trisha turned and ran at him head on. In the light of a torch, the man drew a dagger and widened his stance. Trisha ducked low and slashed at the man. The mans cloak fell back as he rolled to get away.

" Kirt, is that you?" asked Trisha cocking her head at the thief she had met before. Trisha's head clouded as something pressed down on her thoughts. She shook her head, forcing herself to remain focused. Now wasn't the time for Victor to be messing with her.

" Give me the time piece! You don't have your friends to save you this time!" said Kirt swinging his dagger menacingly.

Trisha glanced back over her shoulder, only to realize the other thief was gone. Damn, the second thief must have run to go around the front.

" Why do you want the time piece? ," asked Trisha.

Kirt gasped, clutching his forearm. Now that Trisha could see him up close, she took a step back in horror. Black lines snaked up Kirt's neck and even on his scalp, it looked like all of his veins were filled with black sludge.

" The master, give him back!" Said Kirt, his pain-filled eyes pleading. Trisha couldn't believe it. The man was obviously sick. And judging by his pleas, Victor was his master.

Trisha recoiled from the man. His hands shook, clutching the dagger in a weak grip.

" What is wrong with you?" asked Trisha, bile rising in her throat.

" Nothing! Give me the time piece!" said Kirt, shuffling forwards, each movement causing him to wince. Trisha feinted at the clumsy man, her knife parting the cloth on the man's forearm. Kirt gritted his teeth, his eyes flicking continually to the timepiece on her wrist. Trisha moved away, pondering the man's odd behaviour.

" Was it Victor that caused those black lines under your skin?" asked Trisha. She could have just attacked Kirt, but she needed to buy time for her comrades to come and help her. Kirt lept forwards, his knife narrowly missing Trisha's face. She rolled backwords, falling onto the ground to flip back to her feet again in a move she had been working on all week. To any onlooker, it would look as though she had done it a thousand times, while in reality, that was the first time she had actually succeeded.

She smirked, holding out her dagger defensively. Her second enemy rounded the bend, her hood falling away, revealing her pale face and sick looking skin. Trisha scowled. Kirt must have been stalling as well.

" It's about time Aria! What took you so damned long?" asked Kirt as Aria rushed up next to him, drawing a knife. Trisha scowled at the woman as she slid to a stop. Trisha, not liking her odds channeled mana. She yelped when a force coming from the time piece sent a jolt of pain into her mind. Her runes sparked unformed.

" Dont let her channel her magic get her." said Kirt, terror crossing the man's face.

Trisha channel mana as she backed away, reaching behind her in the alley and breaking her own runes. The mana tore apart the gust of wind, nearly knocking Trisha over. Dirt rocks and refuse flew past some striking Trishas' back. The two attackers in front of her were not so lucky, as dust and even an old piece of a box flew past. Taking the advantage, Trisha rushed forwards and without hesitation slammed her curved dagger between Arias outstretched arms.

The woman screamed as the knife tore into her chest. Aria flailed, covering her eyes as she felt the knife enter her chest. Trisha backed away as, hearing the scream, Kirt slashed his knife around while squinting through watery eyes. Trisha felt something sharp tear through her skin as Kirts knife carved across her shoulder.

Dropping her knife, Trisha grasped her arm, trying to stop the blood flowing down her shirt. Where were Eliya and Greg? Her only consolation was that aria was kneeling and screaming while she grasped the knife wound high on her chest. Trisha winced at the sound, lurching against the alley as Kirt stabbed for her gut. The only thing keeping her from becoming like Aria was the fact that Kirt was using his off-hand.

Wincing through the throbbing pain in her right shoulder, Trisha fumbled for some way to stop Kirt from stabbing her. All she could do was retreat down the alley. She wanted to run, but the taller man would no doubt catch up to her. Kirts knife cut perilously close to Trisha's nose, the air washing across her face. Leaning back, Trisha kicked up just as the man committed to the slash. Her leather boot connected hard. Her boot found a home right in the man's crotch. The mans eyes bulged, and he wheezed. His knife fell from his fingers as he grasped his damaged family jewels.

Trisha balled her left fist and stepped in to punch the man across the face. Her weak left handed punch still rocked the man. Heart racing wildly, Trisha reached down into her boot awkwardly with her left hand and grasped her boot knife. She raised the knife and kneeled hard on Kirts chest, pressing the knife against the man's neck.

Wheezing, Kirt glared up at her through blood-shot eyes.

" What did Victor do to you?" Asked Trisha.

" He performed some foul magic on us. Now I can hear his thoughts. And whenever I disobey, he makes the pain worse. He drew something on the ground in our blood. Be careful girl Victor is a monster-" Kirts words cut off, and his mouth foamed, his body shaking violently at those words.

Trisha lept off the man as his body trembled, the black lines under his skin writhing like snakes in a pond. The deep black lines extended to Kirt's head, causing the man to scream. Trisha covered her ears. No man should make such a sound. After Half a minute of writhing in agony, Kirt lay motionless, dead.

Footsteps on stone could be heard from the street as both Eliya and Greg rounded the corner, weapons drawn. Their faces went pale as they saw the look on the dead mans face and his ghastly complexion.

Greg, please go fetch the guard. We will need someone to help us bring the bodies back to the church. I'm sure the bishop will want to see these markings. Tell them the dead may be sick. I'm not sure if this sickness will spread or not." Said Trisha, wincing as the pain in her right arm hit her full force.

" Let me help you with that, it looks bad." said Eliya, reaching into a pouch at her waist for a strip of fabric.

" Where were you two?" Asked Trisha, slouching to the ground as Eliya pulled the bandage tight, pain shooting up Trisha's bloody arm.

" We lost you, and couldn't find you until we heard the screaming." Said Eliya.

" How do you loose me?" asked Trisha, confused.

" Well, about that, we followed some random stranger for a few minutes until we realized it was just some random lady going home after too many drinks. For a few minutes I thought you were extremely convincing at playing a drunkard until I realized it wasn't you." said Eliya chuckling.

Thirty minutes of waiting later and the guards arrived. After Trisha showed them her verification, the guards decided to help. Trisha walked alongside the soldiers carrying both corpses. They covered each body in a bedsheet, hiding their appearance. As the guard captain didn't want anyone to see their sickly appearances. She was lightheaded and exhausted, and didn't want to deal with panicked civilians. With the tension brought on by the war, no telling what would happen if rumours of a ghastly disease broke out.

Was it just her fatigue, or was Victor trying to talk to her? She could swear that something was pushing at her mind, trying to speak. Over the thirty-minute walk back to the cathedral, Trisha listened. Maybe it was her fatigue, or maybe it was just her desire to hear it, but she finally heard the voice.

" Hey! You! Yeah, you, I know you can hear me. Stop forcing me out of your head, I want to talk." said a clearly irate voice in Trishas head. Trisha gaped, pausing in the darkened street. Victor could talk?