

[8:50am Tuesday, São Carlos City, Brazil]

On the roof of a building stood a hooded figure in dark costume. A masked female, known by the town's people as Silver Cross.The first superhuman to appear in Sao Carlos (Saint Carlos). No one knew her identity, and those who knew her real name didn't know her secret life as a vigilante. Her real name was Rebecca Rose.

Silver Cross watched the building across the street, a bank. She got a tip there was going to be a robbery in it. She called the police but they didn't believe her because she called anonymously and wouldn't tell them who her source was.

"I should have given them my identification as Silver Cross." She said seemingly to herself, she was known as Silver Cross because the Cross on her chest always shown like silver, and it was but no body had ever gotten close enough to touch it. A reply came from the intercom she had in her left ear.

"it would have done no good Cross, besides, the police don't like you. you made us look bad." The voice belonged to Detective Malcove, the only person in the department who trusted her and vice versa.

"Well it sucks." She said. she got down her knees and picked up a scope that laid beside her.

"Where did you get your tip, you're sure it's not bogus?" Malcove asked.

"Am sure." She said holding up the scope to get a close view. Detective Malcove was below in a Cafe getting a ground view of the bank.

"Yeah, and where did you get it?"

"A relative to a gang member, a cousin. he overheard them talking about it."

"And He just happened to have your number."

"Saved him from a situation once, he was just a kid, still is, think he's seventeen now." She replied "Just keep your eyes open for any suspicious looking character."

"Yeah, well, it's 9am in the morning, I'm in a coffee shop so am just going to order coffee, want me to get them to deliver to you upstairs?"

"Very funny." She replied placing her goggles down.

"Aww come on." Malcove said as he signaled over a waitress. "Am sure they would love to see you."

"Sure they will." She smiled.

Suddenly a sound came from inside the bank, gunshots.

"did you hear that!?." Cross asked. There were people fleeing from the bank.

"Yeah I heard it." Malcove said cracking his gun. "Seems like your boys were already in the building."

"that's impossible, we should have noticed them."

"well, am calling this in." he said checking his pocket for his cell phone.

"Tell your men to hurry cause am going in." she said getting up and taking back a couple of steps.

"Don't go in alone Lady." He cautioned, "Wait for backup, that's protocol." She wasn't listening, she dashed towards the edge of the roof "

"Protocol? I'm not police remember?" Then she lept off the building.