
silver core

immortal_dragon · Fantasy
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2 Chs

chapter 2

Silver arrived at the hospital and had to thank to thank his his lucky stars he was smart enough to escape from stalkers , the moment he mixed up with the crowd he used the opportunity to enter into a commercial bus not too far from where he lost them , it was a little trick but still worked for him 

     He met his mother reading a book , she had a very striking resemblance with silver looking very beautiful but the abnormality that occurred in her system causing her body to dry up wrinklyn her body looking more sick than some suffering from essence deficiency but something seemed odd about her sickness and that was the fact that her face still held it form not looking any different from a normal person still having its glow , sometimes making silver ask himself ask himself a question "did the illness for about your face ? " , even though he wasn't happy it didn't affect it , it still gave him cause to worry .

      "Good morning shooting star , you look quite strained this morning ...…. Did you stay up late last night ? ... did you eat well this morning ?" silver mom started asking bathing him with question and with her sharp eyes nothing could easily her eyes , silver could only smile knowing she was worried over little details she noticed " im fine just a little problem with stalkers " silver replied bringing out the food pack " you have to be careful now a days …. You know being good looking isn't safe anymore " his mother said, giving him a little smile , she sure had a way to make him smile with pride .

          "You know i don't care much about that  anymore  i spend my worry more on getting your bills settled '' silver replied serving her own share in a plate placing it in a table close to her before bringing his own share " guess who came visiting ?" his mother asked but Silver did not seem to care , not showing any sign of curiosity " if it's anyone who anyone who won't add any value to my life, then I don't want to know " silver replied with a straight face taking a sip from the cup of tea he was holding.

        " Your in-laws came visiting " hearing this silver nearly choked on the tea , his expression turned sour hearing her it was as if he was being introduced into something he hated e.g. smoking.

      His mother noticed this instant change in his mood , even the air around him was disturbing, " can you just stop this stubborn character of yours it's not helping matters " his mother said but he didn't seem to budge , her voice was calm trying to ease the air around but he didn't seem plan on being calm. Silver was betrothed to a member of a powerful dragon kin family by his paternal grandfather who was also the head of a powerful dragon kin family but a little problem happened in the house causing he and his mother to be thrown out, the main reason being the second wife his father had gotten married to . This made him develop a deep grudge for both his mother and father's family, as they were being treated as trash after the incident.

   Now the family which he was betrothed into which is known as the nux family suddenly approached his mother telling her to bring silver to complete the marriage rites and he isn't having any hope of doing so , he knew better than to be a chess piece in someone's game knowing how the nux family played their games.

  " Mom, I've told you many times I'm not going to associate myself with any of those families, so don't think I'm going to answer their call ...… eat up the food is not getting any warmer " silver replied trying to divert attention away from the main topic of discussion but his mom seemed adamant " ok , then I won't eat anything" she replied turning away pouting like a child, it did look cute and funny but he didn't find it funny

      " Okay seriously I'm the one supposed to be throwing a tantrum.... I'm the one being forced Into marriage here " silver said with his expression not looking funny only for him to feel a strong tug in his ears which obviously was his mother's doing " what did you say ? It's for your own good and you are complaining ?" Her voice echoed in his ears as she pulled even harder " ok ok ok ok I'll listen now " silver called out trying hard to leave her powerful grip but it was harder since he didn't have the guts to tug her hand.

     Hearing this his mother decided to let go of him with a satisfied smile , the duo continued their chit chat for close to thirty minutes before his mother decided to let go of him," you don't have weekend classes today and you said your company gave you and Divine the weekend off …

…. Use that to stay with your mom please" his mother kept pleading but silver didn't seem to have " staying in the hospital with mom " in his schedule today so had to plead for a postponed date so he could finish everything in his checklist " speaking of Divine ….. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning " silver said looking odd 

His mom replied" you know he is the studious type who spends more time doing his research than doing personal things " and she was quite right about that. Divine is one of silver closest friends and was someone who silver mom took as her son since his own mother wasn't always around for him , he even stayed in the same apartment with silver and didn't return home the previous night because of an obvious reason ; he was busy studying by himself since he and silver could only afford to pay for weekend tutoring .

" I pity ,his kind of brain is more study and less fun, " Silver said and this was met with a very strong criticism by his mother who felt annoyed that he was being sarcastic about Divine's Attitude but only he knew the main reason why he was really studying.