
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs


Wow~wow~, the hot water drenched through the hair and the body, and the warmth completely relaxed Dean, who was a little tired.

At this moment, he doesn't have to worry about the bad things he is about to face, and it is also a rare moment to let go of psychological stun.

After half an hour, Dean took a hot shower before reluctantly wiping his body and coming out of the bathroom.

When he stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom and was about to change his clothes, he was suddenly attracted by the figure in the mirror and was stunned.

Under the light brown hair is a young and energetic face, but the most eye-catching thing is the crystal blue eyes.

If you compare it with the photos in the living room, you will know that these blue eyes are inherited from his mother.

Dean's mother is of Irish descent, and her blue eyes are iconic racial features. As for the light brown hair, it was inherited from his father.

As a Welsh, brown hair is the most normal hair color. Well, like the island of Ireland, Wales is another niche in the three British islands.

This can also be seen from their surname, Price. After all, it is one of the most common surnames among Welsh people.

It's just that because of the age, it has gone through the mixing of so many generations. Dean has already gathered the blood of the three British islands, which is a veritable string.

After a little review of the family's history in his mind, Dean gave up the idea of studying it. From the grandmother's generation, this story can be told for three days and three nights, but now is not the time.

After changing his clothes, Dean went straight upstairs, where his former room was.

Open the door and see a typical American teenager's bedroom. Sports star posters, baseball bats, magazines, and records are all over the room.

But it can be seen that it has been sorted out here. Although there are a lot of things, they don't seem messy.

It is not difficult to guess that his mother Catherine must have often tidyed up his room before her death.

Because Dean's college is not far from home, he usually returns to Youngstown on weekends. So every time Dean left, Catherine would tidy up the room for him.

However, since his mother passed away, Dean has hardly returned home for a month, and the room has been cleaned.

I came to the desk by the window and turned it over. There were mostly some magazines about computers, such as Volkswagen Electronics, Byte, PCC Communications, etc.

Looking at the professional computer terms above, Dean naturally came to his mind about all kinds of knowledge and information about this.

Yes, Dean was a computer geek before him, and his level seemed to be quite amazing. Give him at least a computer connected to the network service, and he can do things that many people can't imagine.

It was not until then that Dean suddenly realized that in 1988, when personal computers were about to take off, the eve of the birth of the Internet, the dawn of a big era.

He felt that the cells in his body were eager to try, and all kinds of ideas came, but he was soon suppressed by Dean.

Now it's better to solve the current problems first. After all, family and school are the beginning of a good start.

Randomly stuffing a few clothes into the backpack, Dean paused when he walked out of the door and passed the bedroom next to him.

The closed door in front of him seems to have been unattended for a long time. This is his brother Ryder's room.

About him... Dean shook his head and continued to walk downstairs, and two minutes later he stepped out of the house again.

Looking back at the detached house with a red triangular roof, to be honest, this house is actually good.

Although the lack of care seems a little bleak recently, the lawn has a tendency to grow savagely because no one is taken care of.

And those hibiscus, forsythia, tulips and hyacinths surrounding the yard gradually began to fade because of the care of their owners.

But Dean still involuntarily appeared the happiness of the past, Mil Creek Park in the south, the largest park in Youngstown. Eight hundred acres of woods, ponds and gardens connect the south of the city to the west of the city.

McGuffett Square in the north, a model shopping center in the south of the city, was built by the Cafaro family in the 1950s.

Bowling alleys, candy stores, Isa dairy stores, A&P supermarket chains, tram stations, schools, churches, playgrounds, everything.

Although Dean hasn't visited them yet, with just a glance, the picture of the past life comes to life in front of him.

At least he still had a home, and it was in the white area in the south of the city. Dean, who turned to Bruce Street, thought optimistically.


"Jerry, are you peeking at the adult pay channel again?"

"NO! Mom, I swear it's definitely not me this time!"

"The TV bill is $20 more than last month, and I only watched the $4 billed program five times. To be honest, this number is lower than I expected."

"So mom, this is definitely not me! I watched it 18 times last month!"

"Aha~ Because of your efforts, the family's tissue expenditure has doubled last month."

Dean, who had just arrived on Bruce Street, heard the "happy" communication of Aunt Rachel's family before knocking on the door.

"Well, honey, I think Jerry is old enough for us to give him some private space." Frank's voice came vaguely.

"Mom, I said it's not me. Debbie can testify for me."

Bingo, Jerry has been busy with football games this month, and he has no energy to waste time on adult pay channels. And I think a certain father also needs some private space~" Debbie said harmless advice.

"Debby!", "Debby..." Jerry and Frank shouted in unison.

One is like discovering a new continent, and the other is full of despair.

"I knew there was something wrong with it. I only saw it 18 times last month, but there were 21 times on the bill!"

"Frank~" Aunt Rachel's voice began to become less friendly.

dong! dong! dong! At the critical moment, there was a knock on the door.

Squeak~ Dean didn't even wait two seconds before Frank appeared at the door.

"Oh, it's Dean!" Flack reported to the host in the house in an enthusiastic and exaggerated voice.

In fact, he didn't need to say that Rachel also saw Dean at the door, "Come in, Dean, the apple pie will be ready soon."

"That's right, Dean, you must be hungry. The whole family is waiting for you."

Frank patted Dean on the shoulder gratefully. It was really time to come.

"Aunt Rachel, Uncle Frank." Dean, who took off his coat when he entered the door, casually greeted them.

Because the two families live very close, it is common to visit each other, so they are very familiar with each other.

"Jerry" Dean hit his fist with his cousin and said hello to Debbie on the sofa.

Jerry is 15 years younger than Dean and is in high school. Debbie is the same age as Dean and is now a freshman at a community college.

"Dean, I got a Tandy computer, and we have work to do tonight." Jerry was very excited to come to Dean.

He knows that Dean has some unique skills. As long as a computer can let him play free Nintendo games.

"Cool~" Dean nodded and gave Jerry a reassuring look, who was immediately happy.

"Bad guys, let's say it first. I don't want to be found by the police." Aunt Rachel, who listened to all directions, warned far away in the kitchen.

"Of course," Jerry shrugged his shoulders. "I just want to exchange computer knowledge with Dean."

"That's right," Dean nodded with a deep thought.

"It's better." Rachel shrugged her eyebrows and continued to bow her head to get busy for today's dinner.

The next time, Jerry has been pestering Dean to tell him about new things at school or discuss the current hot video games.

Debbie didn't join their interest. She preferred the "Young Dragons and Tigers" on the TV at this moment.

As for Frank, in order to prevent Rachel from pursuing the TV bill. He is diligently helping in the kitchen, stirring up other topics from time to time.


Dean, who was new to the new arrival, was warmly welcomed by his aunt's family, and everyone spent the whole dinner in laughter.

And in order to take care of Dean's mood, everyone coincidentally avoided some sensitive topics.

For example, everything about Dean's mother Catherine, or Pete, who is in custody at this moment, and the name that everyone wants to mention "Ryder".

However, Dean was not immersed in the atmosphere created by everyone. He was 18 years old and an adult.

At the same time, in order to carry out future plans smoothly, some things must be solved in advance.

Of course, as the only person in the Price family who has freedom of movement and the highest education (who is studying). In the eyes of his aunt and others, perhaps he also has the obligation to disperse this into a place, pinch it and rub it round again.

So after dinner, Dean took the initiative to start the topic.

"Aunt Rachel, Uncle Frank, can you talk about Dad now? At least let me understand what I need to face next. Dean, who put down the knife and fork, looked at the two seriously in a correct posture.

Rachel and Frank looked at each other, and finally Frank, who was her husband, shrugged his shoulders.

"Well, before starting the topic... I guess some people need to go back to their rooms to rest. He looked at Debbie and Jerry, which was self-evident.

He quietly gave Dean a wind. After Jerry and Debbie said good night, they all walked upstairs obediently.

After there were only three of them in the living room, Frank began to talk about Dean's father Pete.

It's not complicated. The reason is that after drinking, Dean's father, Peter drove a truck into a roadside farm on Interstate 80 and injured a farmer.

Fortunately, the farmer was not seriously injured, but just broke a rib. According to the federal or state laws of this era, Pitt was likely to be convicted of a misdemeanor.

Then be detained for two or three days and pay a fine and compensation, and you will be released.

But the trouble is that he is not the first offender. The police who dealt with it at the scene found that Peter also had a drunk driving record last year. Although he didn't hurt anyone that time, he was just an unlucky man who was randomly checked by the police with a "sobriety test".

However, according to Ohio's traffic law, if drunk driving is committed again, the crime will be automatically escalated to a felony. If it is a felony, then criminal punishment is completely different.

So Pete, who was arrested for his personal gain, was arrested on the spot and refused bail.

After listening to Frank's story, Dean had a headache. Even bail is not allowed. It seems that the police determined that Pete was drunk driving, which was very unfavorable to the later trial.

"Of course, it's not without good news." Seeing that Dean was a little depressed, Frank threw out a slightly refreshing news.

The truck driver union is actively mediating for Pete and is willing to provide him with free legal assistance.

In addition, the cooperative lawyer of the union believes that the police were suspected of forcing Peter to do a blow test at the scene, and even did a blood test without his knowledge.

Although Pete is drunk driving, he has the right to refuse the police's request for air test or blood test.

Even if he refuses to cooperate with the police, it means that his driver's license will be revoked, but this is his right.

If the union lawyers find enough evidence to even overturn the police's test results, the sentence is even more untalked.

Of course, this is the most ideal result, and it usually won't be so smooth.

The trouble is that Pitt didn't seem to be sober for a while, and he didn't remember the police's actions at that time. So the statement is vague, but the lawyer is actively communicating with him about this matter.

Sure enough, Dean knew it would be like this, but there was still room for maneuver. Otherwise, once the felony charge is confirmed, not only will you have to pick up soap for two years, but also a large fine will have to be paid.

Where did he get the money, and from his impression of his father in the past month, it is estimated that he has no savings.

Since his mother Catherine left, Pete has been depressed and his life has no plan at all.

Because of the lack of a thread that held him invisibly, Pete, who once liked to drink a few glasses, began to drink with him and drink heavily every day. Then there was the current trouble.

By the way, when it comes to money...

"Uncle Frank, the compensation after the father injured people..."

"Puckard Electric Appliances has paid $12,000 in compensation and has been understood by the farmer and will not appeal.

The price is that Peter was fired, and his pension and pension were all gone.

Well, at least don't worry about this huge compensation now, Dean thought optimistically.

According to lawyer Wedner's advice, a happy and family is more likely to win the sympathy of the jury.

Especially you, Dean, as a famous genius teenager in the community, is a key figure in the performance in front of the jury, so you'd better meet him.

With that, Frank found a business card and handed it to Dean, who glanced at Matthew roughly. Wedner Law Firm.

"The co-lawyer of the Truck Drivers Union is also a native of Youngstown." Frank introduced it thoughtfully.

"Okay, I'll meet him." Dean nodded to show his understanding.

If you want to say who's advice is the most useful now, of course, it's a lawyer, and it's free.

"Dean, besides your father's matter, there is one more thing that may..."

"Okay, Frank, let Dean have a good night's rest first. He's tired enough." Aunt Rachel interrupted him so that Frank had finished speaking.

"That's it," Frank spread out his hands. "Then have a peaceful night." He got up and patted Dean on the shoulder, and got up and walked to his room.

"Dean, let's concentrate on Peter's matter first, and the rest later." Aunt Rachel smiled at Dean with a reassuring smile.

"Okay, auntie." Dean also needed time to digest the information he had just received, so he didn't worry about what Frank said.

After saying good night to them, Dean walked to Jerry's room upstairs. Tonight, the two brothers slept in the same room.

Through the windows of the stairs, Youngstown looks a little quiet at night. When Dean looked over, most of the areas yawned deeply.

In the era of lack of entertainment, but Dean is optimistic, and lack also means opportunity.