
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Smile of Capital

Last year was both an ordinary year and a year full of changes for Youngstown." Kent, wearing a white shirt and a red tie, talked with a microphone.

The only remaining steel factory in Youngstown is still surviving, and the economy does not seem to have any good. Most of the workers living in the city now go to Pacard Electric in Warren City in the north, where there are several large factories.

However, it is true that fewer and fewer people choose to stay in Youngstown, which creates a situation where there are more and more empty houses in the city.

What Kent said, all who were present, were all experienced, and they couldn't be more clear about it.

"So the more empty houses, does it mean that the rent will drop?" Without waiting for everyone to answer, Kent waved his hand without hesitation, "No! As long as there is demand, the rent will not fall.

"Although people are constantly moving away from Youngstown, there are also constant people moving in. Especially in the north and east of the city, there will never be a shortage of people.

As Kent's words fell, everyone below laughed. They know that Kent is the bottom poor living in the north and east of the city.

The people living there are basically people of color, such as Africans, Hispanics, Puerto Ricans, etc. Not only has the population not decreased, but it has become more and more in the past two years.

"Under the guidance of the municipal government and major charities, Youngstown is getting darker and darker now." If everyone just smiled tacitly before, then this time it was a big laugh.

"Kent is always so direct." Susie shrugged her shoulders at Dean with a smile.

"I can see" Dean raised his eyebrows. This is very American. In an era without political correctness, people played racist jokes unscrupulously.

Not to mention him, the few black people present laughed together. Perhaps in their eyes, the poor people living in the north and east of the city can no longer be regarded as their own compatriots.

"OK~ Although they live in the north and east, they are 'Benjamin' who can walk in my eyes." Just then, Kent began to share his rental experience.

Although more and more people of color have moved into Youngstown, they are not worthless. Thanks to the welfare policies of the government and charities, these people basically hold rental vouchers in their hands.

"I know everyone has scruples about rental vouchers, but it's actually a good deal. Because the moment you see the tenant take out the rental voucher, you can silently increase the rent by two or three hundred dollars in your heart.

As for the possible housing management costs, ComeOn! We are landlords. We are only responsible for renting a house and then collecting cash. It doesn't matter whether it is in the south or west of the city.

Kent's speech silenced the scene, and everyone knew what he wanted to do. He wants to rent the house in the white area to those niggers! Only the houses in the white area can meet the review of the Housing Administration, and only in this way can they cash the rental voucher.

Rent the house to a nigger?! Everyone was stunned at first, but then the frowns slowly dispersed. Then there was sporadic applause, and a minute later, the whole hall thundered.

MotherF*cker! I just want to make money! As for the white community or the black community, what the fuck is it?

Everyone present regarded Kent as a hero, and he said what everyone buried in their hearts but did not dare to say. He broke the tacit understanding that everyone has always maintained, that is, to isolate black people from the white community, but no one blames him.

Because in the face of interests, everything will become insignificant.

Looking at the joy of everyone in the hall, Dean knew that the security in Youngstown would only get worse and worse.

But that sentence is right. It's none of his business. He just wants to make money from these people in the hall.

Next, Kent talked about a few more golden ides related to the rental market. For example, he thought that warehousing is also a "treasure place" in real estate.

"Warehousing has profits comparable to renting a house, but..." He lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes. "But you don't have to mess with others. If someone owes your rent, you just confiscate his things. This is simply the sweetest part of such a big economic individual in the United States. I'm sure you will make a lot of money.

After another applause, Kent gave the microphone to a lady to share her golden ides.

"If the result of monitoring asbestos is positive, and you have no obligation to inform the relevant municipal departments or tenants, you can completely ignore it. There will be no legal risk."

"If someone defaults on your rent, as a landlord, you can apply for the seizure of the tenant's bank deposit of up to 20%, but you can't make the other party's deposit less than $1,000. Of course, those who receive welfare subsidies can't touch it. A lawyer stood up to share his experience.

"Can you intercept the tenant's tax refund?" Someone threw out a problem.

The lawyer was surprised, "No, only the governor has this right."

Well, the more Dean listened, the more he felt that the American flavor in the hall was very strong. This is very much in line with his imagination of capital, public security, health, dignity... In their eyes, nothing is everything, only profit is everything.

After everyone brainstormed, the microphone returned to Kent again. In the hands of Shields.

"Well, we have gained a lot of golden ideas at today's meeting. Before the end, please allow me to introduce a new partner to you. Kent raised his hand and made an invitation in the direction of Dean.

"Dean. Price! Outstanding computer genius! As long as there is a computer, he can provide us with free advertisements, free of charge!"

In Kent. In Shields' enthusiastic and exaggerated introduction, Dean got up with a smile and nodded to everyone and said hello.

Go to the front of the hall and take the microphone from Kent. Dean is ready for his performance.

"First of all, I have the same identity as everyone, that is, the landlord." Dean's first words made everyone below smile. Everyone was on the same side.

"Mr. Shields just said that I can bring you free advertisements, that's right, and I've always done it. It's just that my advertisement is published on the Internet, not a newspaper or magazine that everyone imagines.

I won't say much about the Internet. I believe that as a member of the elite, everyone here knows what the Internet is. Under Dean's exploration, everyone in the hall said "Yes!"

Before they came, they had been told by Kent that today's meeting would have a special process related to the network. So even if I was not familiar with it before, I still have a general impression of the Internet.

"Very good, then let's get straight to the point. When I was just sitting down, I saw a lot of old friends. Last time in Miss Susie's class, we even left contact information for each other.

Susie and the landlord who registered here in Dean last time waved to him with a smile, and everyone was also an acquaintance.

"So..." Dean spread his hands with a smile and said, "How many people here have heard of the Price list?"

About half of the people in the hall raised their hands. They were all early users of Price List.

"I saw someone who is unfamiliar with the name Price List. It doesn't matter. Everyone will have a chance to get to know it again soon." With that, Dean had leaned over and began to operate next to the computer on the side.

A computer has been set up in the venue for a long time, which Kent prepared for him. While opening the website, Dean was also connected to his own hard disk.

Soon the familiar white page appeared, and several blue letters of PriceList were suddenly printed into the eye.

"This is a website focusing on city-to-city services, local news, community activities, search for people and things, work exchange... Almost everything in life can find the answer here.

Of course, today we mainly talk about the service of housing. As you can see, Dean opened the housing sector, and hundreds of pieces of information about house rental jumped out.

I have to say that with the support of the American network server, the current Price list and the original website are simply two products.

"These are all rental advertisements, and their owners are sitting below."

"Yo!", "Cool!" When some people saw the advertisement they posted, they all stood up proudly and cheered loudly.

When they calmed down, Dean smiled and said, "It seems that everyone has gained a lot from this~"

"Yes, one of my apartments was successfully rented on the Price list." A white man in a camouflage hat stood up and appeared to say. Because of it, the agent couldn't make a penny from me! This is so incredible. I got 200 dollars more cash than before!"

"Congratulations, Lenny! This will not be your last successful transaction, I promise. Dean smiled and motioned him to sit down. This was not the trust he found, but the real thing that happened on the Price list.

Of course, the person who rents Lenny's house is a classmate of Roger. Under Roger's persuasion, he chose to register an account on the Price List and rented a house. It's just that Lianni doesn't know all this.

"Look, this is the Price list! Anyone who uses the Internet is likely to see the rental advertisements posted by you, and it's all free!" Dean stood by the computer and proudly showed everyone his masterpiece.

This time, there was a more warm applause in the hall, novel network, convenient and incredible advertising methods, free... All these made everyone keep their eyes on Dean.

"Then the advertising problem of renting a house has been solved, but there is another problem that often bothers everyone." Dean made a close move and turned his eyes to the pink figure under the stage. "About the tenant, Miss Susie, what do you think is the most important thing?"

Susie, who was named, first winked at Dean, and then got up gracefully, "It's screening."

"That's right, screening!" Dean snapped his fingers, and his eyes showed the light of meeting a bosom friend. With his affirmation, Susie nodded reservedly before sitting down again.

Screening is the most important step for landlords in the rental process. If you meet a tenant with a poor reputation, it not only means that you will lose a large amount of rent, but also may get into trouble.

Dean's explanation resonated with most people. They had encountered such a bad thing. Although the final lawsuit will end in victory, this does not mean that they can recover the money.

Those people would rather be expelled than make up the money. And this often causes heavy losses to the landlords.

"So how to solve the screening problem?" Dean smiled mysteriously, like an old farmer raising a sickle.