
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs


Before dawn the next morning, despite the severe cold of winter, Dean got up from the warm quilt.

The reason why he is so active is, of course, to test the results of last night.

After clicking on the floppy disk on the computer and seeing the five or six numbers recorded in it, Dean waved his fist fiercely.

But now is not the time to be happy. He wrote down the number on the floppy disk on the paper, and then put on his clothes and hurried downstairs.

"Dean, go out after breakfast!" Aunt Rachel's voice came from behind.

"Aunt Rachel, I'll be right back."

Before he could explain to his aunt, Dean found the nearest public phone booth to him on Bruce Street.

As for why you come to the phone booth, of course, check how much balance is left on the phone cards represented by these access codes!

Five minutes later, Dean whistled and left the phone booth with a relaxed face.

Good luck, $50 for two, $30 for two, $20 for one. Another one has been used, and there are only a few dollars left in the balance.

Dean studied carefully yesterday that when entering the phone company's dial number in the first step, there was a string of numbers in it that should represent a different series of phone cards.

Phone cards also have different theme series, such as linkage with entertainment stars, games, etc.

So if you want to try out the latest and unused card, you just need to check the recently launched phone card series by MCI.

Screen when dialing in the first step, and there is a high probability of trying out unused phone cards, which has proved to be true.

With these available carmi, Dean's next step is to find a way to replace them with Daole.

This step is not easy to do, and it is also a little troublesome. If you don't handle it well, you are likely to be approached by the FBI, so you need to plan carefully.

Of course, the automatic dialing software on the computer will not stop. They will still start at night and then terminate in the morning.

These tried numbers are all invisible wealth. Dean won't feel burdensome because they are too much.

To put it bluntly, this series of actions to crack the card is not new. Someone did it a long time ago.

The most famous ones are the two Steves of Apple, but there are some differences between the two.

The method used by Jobs at the beginning was to use the blue box to simulate dial-up audio to make free calls, which is a physical means.

However, as telephone companies upgrade their communication technology, this audio method has been gradually eliminated.

In order to cope with the increasingly complex principles of communication, Dean naturally chose the computer to assist in completing this work, which is a software method.

Although the ultimate purpose of the two is the same, both of which are for free telephone companies, but the specific solutions are different.

In fact, with these access codes, Dean can even enter the phone company's server and perform greater permissions on it, but he didn't do it.

He only wants a sum of money to solve the immediate troubles, not to rely on these means for profits for a long time.

In addition, this kind of oppotical method will not take long. Once Bell or MCI finds the abnormality of the phone card, it will definitely fix the loophole in time.

Maybe it's easy to find the source.

So just try something fresh, don't be greedy.


"Aunt Rachel, I need to see a doctor today."

"Doctor?" Rachel looked up and said, "Dean, are you sick?"

"No, I'm just talking to a psychiatrist."

"Psychiatry?" Rachel's voice unconsciously raised, "Dean, if you don't open it, don't do stupid things!" After not finishing a word, she turned to her husband again, "Frank, shouldn't you say something?"

"Aunt Rachel, it was the advice of lawyer Wedner that I went to see the doctor. He thought that the other party might be able to help Dad's case." Knowing that his aunt was thinking wrong, Dean had to explain.

As for Frank, who was drinking coffee, he shrugged his shoulders and continued to read the Youngstown Defender in his hand.

"Well, everyone knows the plan, and I'm kept in the dark, ah?" Rachel can see it. Obviously, the two have discussed it for a long time.

"Because your aunt was on duty the night shift the other day, we hope you can have a rest time that will not be disturbed."

"That's right," Frank nodded with a deep thought.

"But for such an important matter, at least you should discuss it with me." Rachel is still a little dissatisfied.

"Auntie, you have done enough for me and my father." Dean looked at his aunt sincerely.

"Oh, kid, we are a family." Rachel came over and hugged Dean with a gratified look.

Their Price family is not a native of Youngstown, and there are not many relatives to rely on here, so Rachel cherishes this family friendship.

"By the way, Frank, have you found a suitable tenant for Dean's house?" It has been a few days since I decided to rent the house, but I don't seem to hear anything from Frank bringing back.

Frank put down the newspaper in his hand and was ready to get up and go to work. There are not many people looking for a house recently. Several niggers asked me about this, but I refused him.

"That's a pity. We can only wait and see." Aunt Rachel regrets that there are not many people renting the house, not Frank's decision to send the nigger.

There is no doubt that Rachel is a kind woman, but that doesn't mean she is willing to see black people move into her community.

Once a black man moves into a white community, some inexplicable people will appear here soon.

Then there will be more graffiti on the neat walls, and some white people will move out of here, so the security will get worse and worse, and there will be more and more black people.

This is not the first time such an ending has appeared in Youngstown. Rachel and Pete once lived in the east of the city when they were young.

At that time, the east of the city was not a black area like today, but a multi-racial mixed area.

In Rachel's memory, when they lived in the east of the city, there were Italians next door, Hungarians across the street, and Puerto Ricans in the blue house.

There are also some black people around, but few. Generally speaking, most of them are white.

However, since the late 1970s, a large number of white people have left the east of the city and migrated to the south and west of the city.

The reason is that there are more and more black people in the east of the city, which is why Pete insists on buying a house in the south of the city with a double-digit ultra-high interest rate.

Since we haven't found a suitable tenant, we can only wait. If it really doesn't work, it's okay to put a rental advertisement in the newspaper in a couple of days.

Of course, that's the last choice. After all, advertising is also expensive.

After breakfast, Dean was going to go somewhere near the east of the city to meet Dr. Sean.

I hope the doctor introduced by Wedner, a good talker, can at least help Pete's case.

When Dean had just left to go to the nearest bus stop, Aunt Rachel chased her out.

"Dean, take it. You need it."

"No, auntie, I can't ask for your money."

"Dean, listen to me." Rachel looked at Dean and said, "I know you have made a lot of efforts for Peter's business, but it's not your responsibility. Don't forget, we are a family, ah?"

"Auntie, I'll pay it back." Dean didn't refuse. He took over the 200 dollars handed over by Rachel.

"No, Pete owes me." Rachel corrected his words.

"That's right," Dean laughed.


The biggest difference between the east of the city and the south of the city is that the streets here are messy, and there is more garbage on the road. Of course, there are more Africans.

After walking through a crossroads, Dean even saw a wooden sign that said "Youngstown Black Gang".

Some uninhabited houses have peeled off the outer wall panels because of the time. However, the most obvious is a crooked house, which shows that it should have been baptized by Molotov cocktails.

Soon Dean stopped in front of the burned house, and he was not sure if he had found the wrong place.

This doesn't look like the address of a psychological counseling clinic, especially not far from Dean, where several black tramps are beating an Asian.

Although the Asian was beaten to the ground, Dean didn't mind his own business.

Because in just a few seconds, he heard three "Siba" surging out of the Asian's mouth.

As for why he was beaten, Dean guessed that these Africans treated him as Japanese.

RB's steel company has acquired several local factories in Youngstown. Due to the invasion of RB cars, the benefits of RB Electric have not been as good as before in the past two years.

So it's not surprising that the Japanese were beaten on the street. Sometimes it's easy to beat the wrong person. After all, in the eyes of many Americans, Asians look the same.

"If you plan to watch it here for a morning, why don't we go next door to buy two bottles of beer and watch it together? To be honest, although I don't like Nig, I also hate Japanese.

"He's Korean," Dean replied without replying.

"Koreans? Can you distinguish between Koreans and Japanese?

"Of course..." But just in the middle of saying it, Dean stopped, and it was not until then that he realized that there was one more person around him.

The gray hair is piled up in a mess, and the jacket is casually open on both sides. At this moment, the middle-aged uncle is looking at Quan Wuxing not far away with his hands in his pockets and a smile.

Seeing Dean not answering, the middle-aged man turned his face and nodded familiarly, "Sean. Murphy.

"Dean. Price"

"Price?" "Wait, Dr. Murphy?"

"You came to see a doctor. I think you are in a good mental state." Sean was not surprised that Dean had heard of his name. After all, he was the only psychologist in the east of the city.

"No, Mr. Wedner introduced me." Dean quickly took out the business card that Wedner gave him.

"So it's that guy." Sean nodded and said, "Are you here to inquire about another young man named Price?"

"What?" Dean looked up in surprise. As far as he knew, there were few people surnamed Price in Youngstown.

"A week or two ago, another Price came to me. His mental state looks very bad. Sean shrugged his shoulders.