
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Less Glorius Ideas

I didn't care about Wadena's complaints behind him, Dean. Grant has arrived at a phone booth on Wood Street at this moment.

He needs to call Frank and tell him the progress here, which was taken care of by his aunt when he went out.

Touching his pocket, Dean took out the MCI phone card that Frank gave him. Looking at the words $20 on the brown card, Dean couldn't help but slightly turn the corners of his mouth.

He only saw this kind of antique in his previous life when he was a child. It is about the same size as a credit card, and there is no brass chip on the surface.

So how to use this pure plastic phone card? Dean skillfully turned over the back and found the string of code call signs.

Picking up the receiver of the public phone booth, Dean dialed out according to the dial number on the card.

"Please enter your access code" mechanical response came from the receiver.

Dean continued to glance down and found the 6 random numbers under the scraped coating.

Enter the 6-digit access code according to the prompt, and soon the recording prompts him to start making calls.

While pressing Frank's office phone, Dean was suddenly stunned.

Wait! Phone card, 6-digit random access code, $20 face value...

Information about the communication principle of the telephone company flashed in Dean's mind in an instant. The sharpness of the computer geek made him grasp an unusual inspiration.

"Hello, this is Eagle Moving Company." Frank's voice pulled Dean out of the fantasy.

Regardless of the inspiration halfway, Dean summed up his meeting with lawyer Wadner just now.

Frank was also very happy that Pete's case had a turnaround, and the two sides agreed to discuss it carefully after going back.

Before hanging up the phone, the mechanical recording appeared again, this time to remind him that there was still a balance of $13 in the phone card.

Out of the public phone booth, Dean reversed the MCI phone card back and forth in his hand, which was elusive.

Why did he leave Wedner's office just because he had no money?

He doesn't know the specific charging standard of Weidner, but he knows that the consulting fee for the cheapest law firm in Youngstown is $75 an hour.

This is still a fee for assistant lawyers with less than five years of experience. If it is an experienced lawyer, it is not surprising that he will increase it several times.

Dean only had more than fifty dollars all over his body, which was the balance of living expenses last month.

As for the only $10 bill he took out today, he was worried that meeting Nigo would make the economic situation worse.

The source of all this is that he has no money!

What's worse, even if everything goes well with Dad, the fine and court sentence will not be less than a penny.

According to Wedner's estimate just now, a fine of $1,000 plus a judgment of $1, which is a necessary expense.

After his release, Pete will be ordered to take a few months of alcohol treatment course, which is mandatory, and he has no right to refuse unless he never wants to get his driver's license back.

So guess how much does this alcohol treatment course cost?

Damn, it's all business!

Dean, who was swearing, could do nothing in the face of the number of thousands of dollars.

This is not something that a freshman can solve at all!

My aunt's house may be a little help, but how many thousands of dollars? Dean can guarantee that they will never be able to take out the cash equivalent to half a year's family income.

All the root causes of all this dilemma can probably be attributed to the word "no money".

But now there is a choice in front of Dean. It is not so glorious, but it can make money.

Turning the phone card to the side with the words $20, Dean's mind gradually became clear.

But in order to avoid some unnecessary troubles, this matter still needs to be discussed in the long term.


In 1988, the annual income poverty line for single-person families set by the U.S. federal government was $5,770, and the number increased by $1,60 for each additional person in the family.

For example, a typical family of four such as Dean's family and aunt's family, if their family's annual income is less than $11,650, then they belong to poor families.

In other words, the poor and the bottom can apply for various benefits from the government.

But obviously, the aunt's family and the Dean's family do not belong to poor families. The former's family's annual income is close to $20,000.

As for the Dean family, because Peter is a truck driver - the ceiling of the blue-collar class, their annual income can reach more than $30,000.

There is no doubt that neither of the two families belong to the poor, and they are positioned as the middle class worthy of the federal government statements.

The middle class means paying more taxes. In addition to the national unified federal tax, there is also a state tax.

Health care tax, social security tax, federal income tax, state income tax, real estate tax, consumption tax, all of which add up, 30% to 40% of the annual income of a middle-class family should be fully contributed.

However, this is not the worst, just paying taxes, but the middle class can't enjoy the benefits that taxpayers should have.

Most of the taxes paid by the middle class are given to the poor and the bottom as welfare subsidies.

One fact in front of us is that Dean's mother suffered from asthma. Every time she goes to the hospital, few of them can be reimbursed, because they are a middle-class family.

So although Peter has a good hourly salary of $18, the family's financial situation is not necessarily very good.

Especially when only Pete has a source of income in the whole family, the economic situation of Dean's family is not even as good as that of his aunt's family.

Later, the mother Caitlin was in an accident, and Pete was arrested, and the Dean family completely cut off the source of income.

However, it's not over yet. After discussing the precautions for Pitt's trial with my aunt today, Aunt Rachel had to tell Dean another cruel fact.

"Dean, no matter when Pete is released, there is one thing you need to decide as soon as possible."

"What's the matter, aunt?" Dean suddenly had a bad feeling.

"House" Aunt Rachel gave a Dean's unexpected but reasonable answer.

"When Peter bought this house, he chose a 15-year fixed mortgage."

"So?" Dean calmed down before signaling her aunt to continue.

This means a fixed expenditure of $820 per month, otherwise the house will be foreclosed. And Peter said that he should keep the house anyway, and he has everything here.

"F*CK!" Dean couldn't help spitting out the fragrance directly.

He thought that after the thousands of dollars, his life would be on the right track.

But the reality is that you never know what else is waiting for you.

Dad Pete's job has been lost. Let's see if he can find another job after he is released from prison.

Dean can also pat the family with both hands. He can say that this is beyond his ability, and he also believes that his aunt's family can understand him.

But in his heart, he still hopes to bring this family together, whether it is beneficial to the future transfer plan, or the persistence of his predecessor, all of which invisibly affect his efforts towards this goal.

After all, he is half Irish, and the Irish are the second most important family among the Italians.

But at this moment, he is really a little shaken. It is too difficult for the middle and lower classes to break free from their quagmire and move upstream.

All kinds of accusations, life pressure, mortgage pressure, and academic pressure are like checkpoints blocking him from crossing the door.

Put aside everything and be an "personally supremacy" delicate egoist? No, before getting lost on the road of capital, Dean hopes to leave a little light in his heart.

Besides, he actually likes the house on Charlotte Street.

"Sorry, auntie, where did we just say?" Dean rubbed his face and regained his comolm.

"$820~" Frank ruthlessly uncovered the scar.

Seeing that Dean's face began to wrinkle again, he couldn't help laughing.

"Frank~" Aunt Rachel blamed him and gave him a blank look.

"Haha, to be honest, I like the way this boy swears."

Ignoring the "unscrupulous" Frank, Dean looked at his aunt.

The monthly expenditure of $820 is obviously beyond Dean's ability. So we discussed with Peter and decided to rent out the house.

Dean, you will spend most of your time at school in the future, and you can live here even when you come back occasionally. As for Peter, he will take good care of himself.

I have to say that Aunt Rachel's proposal brightened Dean's eyes. This is indeed a way.

Not only did I keep the house, but I haven't spent much money. The only price is that they can't go back to the house until they can't repay.

However, Dean still has a question. Why must he have to discuss with himself about renting a house? Can't his father do the same after he is released from prison?

As if he knew what he was thinking, Aunt Rachel told him some not so good news.

"Peter's account is out of money, so if you don't want to receive a bank summons, it's better to rent out the house this month, as soon as possible."

Well, Dean is relieved.

But can they find such a tenant for $820 a month? As far as he knows, housing prices in Youngstown have fallen for a long time.

And how did they have the confidence to repay the ultra-high mortgage of $820 a month ten years ago? It was in the late 1970s.

Frank answered this question for him. In the early 1980s, it was the highest period in the history of American mortgage interest rates.

Dean's house is in Charlotte Street in the south of the city, a white area with good social security. That was a good location, and Youngstown was not in decline at that time.

So the price of $80,000 is worth it in Pitt's opinion, and because he got a job as a truck driver at the Parkard Electric Factory, Pete's confidence was full.

Less than 20% down payment, 15 years, 13% interest rate, it was Pete who worked hard for the bank manager to sign the contract for a week. At that time, he felt extremely lucky for his decision.

Because the interest rate became 15% a week later, and it broke through the 20% mark a month later.

However, after 83 years, everything has turned up sharply. Because a large number of factories in Youngstown were closed, many white people left here, and there were many houses sold in the market.

If it hadn't been for Peter's good salary, he might not have been able to stop the loss in time.

However, the price of hard-top is the current mortgage expenditure of $820 per month.

After clearing his thoughts, Dean nodded to show that he understood. But he suddenly thought that his home was in the south of the city, and so was his aunt's house, so...

Frank shrugged his shoulders at Dean. Who did the sky spare?

Dean also shrugged his shoulders to comfort him, and then turned around and took care of his aunt in advance.

"Aunt Rachel, the phone bill at home may be higher next month, because I need to use the network, but I will make up for these fees."

"As long as it's not used to watch adult paid programs." Rachel shrugged her eyebrows indifferently.