
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Father loving Dean

January 9, the second Monday of 1989.

On this day, Dean wore his only decent windbreaker. He called Judge Witt's office last Friday, and the two sides agreed to talk about the software again today.

Come to the Seventh Circuit Court of Youngstown again, there are still a lot of people here. Next to the Corinthian column outside the court gate, some people simply sat facing the sun.

There is no wind and snow in rare good weather. Even if there is heating in the court, it still can't stop people's yearning for sunshine.

Quickly stepping on the long marble steps, Dean found the information desk of the court.

Not surprisingly, it's still Larion sitting there. Her red hair is extremely conspicuous in the sunshine outside the window, and of course the freckles on her face are more obvious.

"Hey, Larion." Dean said hello from afar, "The first acquaintance I saw in the morning was you. I have a hunch that something good will happen today."

"Oh, Dean," Larian winked at him charmingly. "You are really a sweetheart who can't refuse."

"I have a day..."

"I know. You're looking for Judge Witt." Before he finished speaking, Larien knew the purpose of his coming.

"That's right," Dean shrugged his shoulders with a smile. "But I have an appointment this time."

"Look at our great boy, who has now become a guest of honor to the judge." While laughing at him, Larion also picked up the phone on the table and began to dial the inside line.

After a few words, Larion put down the phone. Dean, you're lucky. Judge Witt has time now.

"I knew something good would happen today." Dean waved his fist gently. He thought he would wait for two or three hours.

"Go quickly, but you only have 20 minutes." Larion patted Dean's buttocks without a trace.

"That's enough." Dean picked up his carry-on backpack and walked upstairs.

Well, the girls in Ohio are so hot that Dean feels that he needs to exercise well.

Judge Witt's office, Dean has been infor a long time, on the third floor of the court.

Finding the corresponding nameplate at the door, Dean politely knocked on the door.

"Please come in" Judge Witt did not look up and was still consulting the information in his hand.

"Judge Witt, this is Dean. Price, I made an appointment with you last Friday. Dean took the lead in introducing himself.

"I know," Judge Witt put down the information in his hand and looked up. "What surprised me more was that you not only developed an amazing software, but also met in court last month."

"Uh," facing Judge Witt's unclear smile, Dean could only spread out his hand and apologize. "I'm sorry, Judge Witt, my father's business..."

"Dean, relax. It's not your fault." Judge Witt's smile finally became kind. "There is one thing that your father and his defense lawyer are right. Dean, you are indeed a genius."

"Wow~" Dean was a little surprised. "I think it should be something to be proud to be recognized by a judge."

"Of course," Judge Witt raised his eyebrows with a smile. "But then again, is your father's alcohol treatment course going well?"

"I think it should go well. He hasn't touched alcohol for a long time." Dean lied this time.

"Good!" Judge Witt nodded. It seemed that her original sympathy had not been wasted.

"Okay, let's get to business." After a few divipros, Judge Witt began to step into the topic, and she motioned Dean to find a place to sit down.

After Dean sat down on the chair at her desk, he took out a project plan from his bag and handed it to her.

"This is a general introduction to automatic programs and simple instructions for use." Since he intends to do it as a topic, Dean is naturally well prepared.

From the purpose of software development to the achievable functions, to the impact, the plan is very detailed.

Dean knows very well that for public officials or politicians, there is no need to talk about technical parameters. They don't care about these.

It's enough for you to tell them what you have on the program or social level.

Of course, the most important thing is to convince them that you can do all this.

"Dean, to be honest, it's better than I thought. Your plan states that in addition to opening the inquiry portal to the public, it is also conducive to improving the efficiency of the judicial system.

For example, lawyers, law students, government workers, and almost everyone else can see court records and case details? Judge Witt felt that he still underestimated Dean's "ambitious".

"That's right, Judge Witt, this is the future goal of this automatic program." Dean still has no way to achieve this. In addition to technical difficulties, the most important thing is the recognition of the judicial system.

"For a simple example, now the cases in the Youngstown Court are all physical document storage, right?"

Judge Witt nodded, which is the current situation of most local courts in the United States. With the increase of cases heard every year, there are more and more shelves in the storage room.

But with this software system, it is different. It only needs to be matched with a scanner, which can load all physical files into one server.

Imagine Judge Witt, when you need to know a historical case but can't remember the time when it happened, it will mean that it takes a lot of energy to check in the archives.

But with this automatic program, you only need to enter a few keywords, and all the information about similar cases will appear on your computer. Cases and files are within reach!"

Dean is drawing cakes, but they are not impossible. The most important thing is that he knows that this must be attractive to Judge Witt.

American law follows "case law", and every judge has the need to inquire about historical cases. Dean's software perfectly fits their working environment.

"Well, Dean, if this can be achieved, it will indeed greatly improve the work efficiency of Youngston's judicial system. But let's talk about the inquiry portal for the public.

Judge Witt is not ignorant of the value of this system, but it is not up to her alone. This involves procedural changes, and it is difficult to move forward without the approval of the state Supreme Court.

Of course, Judge Witt doesn't mention it now, but he remembers it in his heart. If what Dean said can really be done, not only does the court need it.

Other law enforcement agencies, such as the Ministry of Communications, the Taxation Bureau, the Ministry of Corrections, the Bar Association, etc., will become its users, after all, they are connected to the judicial system.

See Judge Witt pulls the topic back to the original purpose of the software and open the right to know the law to citizens. Dean didn't care, even this was exactly what he could show.

"Judge Witt, do you mind using your computer?" Dean took out the ready-made hard disk from his bag.

"Of course," Judge Witt cleaned up his desk a little and got out of his seat.

This time, Dean did not lie under the table and screw the screws. After plugging in the computer host on the table with the pre-connected cable, he directly pressed the restart button.

"Judge Witt, because of the limited time, I only entered the cases of Youngstown in the last month in the file database. Of course, this does not affect the use of most functions.

"I can understand." Although Judge Witt doesn't know computers, she also knows that it takes a lot of time just to sort out the case information.

After the computer was started up, Dean quickly opened the optimized software.

"Judge Witt, you see. I re-optimized the algorithm for the first case search function. Now you can filter out the corresponding results by entering your name, case number or company name.

Under Dean's guidance, Judge Witt quickly found an eye-catching search box. She thought for a moment and entered "Peter. The name of Price.

"Uh..." Dean is a little nervous.

"Wow, it's very good." I saw the screen popping up about Peter. Judge Witt nodded with satisfaction at the record of Price's arrest.

"Okay," Dean shrugged his shoulders, and he suspected that Judge Witt was deliberately making fun of him.

Despite this, Dean tried his best to explain, "Although some people were arrested but not convicted, the system will still record it truthfully. Of course, there will be an explanation after this message.

Dean pointed to the notes below his father's case and reminded Judge Witt to pay attention to it. The prosecution's prosecution has no legal effect without proof. Peter. Price still applies the conclusion of innocence.

"Very good, Dean. I now finally believe that you developed this system to fight for the right to know information for the people in a selfless spirit. Although it was a small joke, Judge Witt was undoubtedly much convinced of Dean's words.

Dean spread out his hands and responded like self-comfort, "Thank you for your trust."

"Okay, Dean, that was just a joke." Judge Witt finally showed a teasing smile on his face. "Let's talk about any other 'surprises' in this system now. I need to take them to convince the acceptance office of the state court to support it."

Well, although I sacrificed my father, it sounds good with the approval of the judge.

Dean, who is full of filial piety, instantly entered the role. "Judge Witt, in addition to the convenient search function, I also added a court event calendar. For example, public trials or hearings will be fed back on the agenda of the homepage.

These gadgets only serve as an auxiliary role, but don't underestimate them. Judges can note the cases that need to be heard today on the agenda, and the outside world can also get some public court activities.

In addition, the number of cases heard every month will also be classified by the system, which even completes the work done by some clerks.

"As Judge Witt, as you can see now, this system can operate within the court or develop some functions to the outside world. Of course, all this needs to be decided by the court, which can be made public and which need to be handled carefully.

Dean is very considerate to divide the software permissions, and the search function can be used by everyone. After all, this is the original intention of developing it. However, the transfer of some internal information, schedule planning, etc. can only be operated by the court.

After listening to Dean's introduction, Judge Witt thought about it for a while before asking the most important question in her opinion.

"Dean, when will this system be officially put into use as soon as possible?"