
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Drop Out Of College

 "Given your current condition, Professor Miller and I both suggest that you consider taking a leave of absence." In the office of the Vice Provost for Student Affairs, Clark looked at the report from the Student Mental Health Center in his hand and raised his head to look at the young man opposite him. However, the other party's attention didn't seem to be here at all. At this moment, his eyes were empty and he was in a trance. "Dean~Dean!" "Yes, Sir!" Dean woke up from the chaos, and the world in front of him gradually became clear. The sunlight shone obliquely from the window onto the desk. In the shadow, Clark, the vice-provost of the department, was slowly retracting his fingers from tapping the table and leaning back in his chair again. Professor Miller, who was sitting next to him, sighed slightly when he saw Dean's performance just now. Dean came back to his senses and seemed to realize where he was. "I'm sorry, Mr. Clark, Professor Miller, I... just now..." "I understand." Clark gave him a sympathetic look. "No one wants to see such a terrible thing happen." "Dean, relax. The school is aware of your situation and we will give you the greatest support within our authority." Professor Miller also comforted him at the right time. "Okay~" Dean, who was still thinking about how to explain, simply spread his hands and shrugged. Karak put down the report in his hand and placed his fingers on the table. He swirled his thumbs back and forth before speaking slowly. "The school's mental health office said that you've been in a trance or have...hallucinations recently?" "Yeah," Dean nodded, "but I think I've recovered now..." "No," Clark signaled that he didn't need to explain in a hurry. "Dean, we're sorry about what happened to your family. But you just turned eighteen and haven't even had your birthday yet. So there is no need to rush to become a man and then pretend to be strong and take on everything at home under the sympathetic eyes of others. It's too early for you, Dean, you're still a child." Clark tried to slow down his voice. "So we recommend that you take a year off, or a semester, even if the psychological evaluation report doesn't make such a recommendation." Dean didn't know how to answer for a moment, but he had indeed just recovered from his dazed state not long ago. After all, it takes a process of adaptation for the soul of the future generation to merge into this body. Clark thought that the student in front of him was worried about the loss caused by taking a leave of absence, so he explained considerately. "Dean, I understand from Professor Miller that your performance in your first semester was excellent. Just like your high school transcript, it was dazzling and amazing." Professor Miller, who had been sitting nearby, smiled and nodded, and in due time handed Clark a report on Dean's academic performance this semester. "Wow~" As expected, Clark exclaimed after receiving the report. "GPA is 3.8, which is a very rare result for an electronic engineering major. In addition, you have completed 20 credits in just the first semester of college. Dean, just like what your high school recommendation letter said, you are worthy of the name of a genius." While Clark was amazed by Dean's transcript, he couldn't help but feel sorry for his experience. But at this moment, Clark had already made a decision in his heart. "Dean, during your leave of absence, the school's full scholarship policy for you remains unchanged and can be extended as scheduled. And as long as your GPA remains above 3.5 after returning to school, the full scholarship will support you until you graduate from college." To be honest, this promise is definitely a rich reward for a college student and his family. However, Dean did not seem very excited. He raised his head and gave an answer that surprised Clark and Professor Miller. "Mr. Clark, I still need to think carefully about the decision to take a leave of absence. If possible, I personally prefer to apply for a long vacation of one to two weeks." Clark and Professor Miller looked at each other in surprise, and the former confirmed it again. "Dean, are you sure you can continue your studies? Although taking a leave of absence will cost you some time, I think it may be more beneficial to you at this time." "Of course," Dean nodded affirmatively. "Okay," Clark shrugged, "Since you insist, I'll explain it to the Dean. What do you think, Professor Miller?" "Based on Dean's grades, he can easily take the rest of this semester as a vacation." Miller even felt that Dean didn't need to study in college for four years. For him, two years would be enough. "In that case, then..." Ding-ling-ling~, the ringing of the phone on the desk interrupted Clark's speech. Showing a wait look to the two, Clark picked up the phone and said "hello~..." After saying a few words, Clark hung up the phone. "Dean, your family is here to pick you up." Dean stood up, "Mr. Clark, I..." "Your vacation application has been approved." "Thank you" nodded and Dean quickly left the office. Family? For some reason, Dean felt a little uneasy. Looking at his leaving figure, Miller still seemed to have some regret on his face. "Let him deal with his family affairs first. Less than a month after his mother passed away, his father is facing charges of imprisonment. This is indeed a bit cruel for this child who has just become an adult." But this is life, no one knows what will happen tomorrow. Clark believes that Dean will handle it all, based on his calm performance just now. ... After leaving the school's administrative building, Dean still looked a little dazed. Hell, it's been days, but he still can't get used to who he is now. From the initial long-term trance, with hallucinations all over my head, to the occasional daze now, this process lasted for nearly a week. It was not until today that my brain became fully clear. Could this be the aftereffect of time travel? During the few days of adaptation, in order to avoid attracting attention to his abnormal condition, Dean could only maintain an expressionless face most of the time. That's right, the calm Dean mentioned by Vice Provost Clark might just be in a daze. As for the reason why Clark and others talked to him today and suggested that he drop out of school, Dean probably knew what was going on. After all, just yesterday, the aunt he had never met called him. On the phone, his aunt kept comforting Dean, telling him not to be too sad because of his mother's death, and not to lose faith in life because of his father's arrest. His mother in Heaven and his aunt's family will support and encourage him to complete his college education and become the first person in the Price family to earn a college degree. Sigh~, Dean rubbed his forehead. He didn't know whether he should feel sorry for himself for his current situation, or be excited for becoming the hope of the whole village. "Dean~!" Just as Dean was thinking about his current plan, a concerned voice came from the front. Dean just raised his head, and suddenly, his head was hugged by a pair of arms. What followed was the smell of cheap perfume and a soft chest. "Oh~, Dean, my Dean! My poor Dean!" The woman's caring voice instantly filled Dean's ears. "Aunt Rachel..." "It's okay, kid. Cry if you want. I promise I won't laugh at you like I did before." "…"Dean. Only after being held in the arms of Aunt Rachel and forcibly comforted did Dean breathe fresh air again. It was not until then that he noticed that there was a middle-aged man in his forties next to Aunt Rachel. "Uncle Frank," Dean greeted. "Dean, you're a great guy~!" Frank, who was wearing work clothes, patted Dean on the shoulder. He was Aunt Rachel's second husband. Although the family encountered a series of misfortunes, at least Dean remained strong, which made Frank more willing to help him through the difficulties. "By the way, Dean, where is your luggage? I called the school and told them that you might take a long vacation." Aunt Rachel looked at Dean with empty hands and asked curiously. "Uh..." Dean then remembered that his aunt had told him on the phone yesterday that he should pack his luggage and take it home today. "Forget it. This place is not far from Youngstown anyway. If we need something later, we can just come back." Aunt Rachel, who was wearing a thick windbreaker, did not dwell on this issue. She thought Dean was just too sad to remember these little things. "Dean, let's get in the car first. What you need to do now is to have a good rest in the car. When you wake up, I promise that the steaming hot and fragrant apple pie will appear perfectly in front of you." Aunt Rachel hugged Dean and got into the back seat of an old Ford Escort. Through the foggy car window, Dean looked at his school again. Cleveland State, which he didn't even remember.