
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Credit Karma

Susie wants to put the Landlord's Manual she wrote on "excenderent" and bundle it with Dean's credit report.

If the actual report issued by "excrue rent" is said, it can help the landlord avoid the risks caused by the tenant. Then the Landlord's Manual teaches landlords to deal with all kinds of reviews theoretically.

One partial data, one partial theory, the two are compatible, but it is also appropriate.

I have to say that Susie is not only in good shape, but also smart enough. She doesn't match Dean's imagined image of "blond silly girl" at all.

Especially when wearing an OL uniform, the coldness of strangers should not be close. On the contrary, Dean is a little ready to move. There are not many girls like this in Ohio.

Of course, Dean. Grant will never change. He said that if you want to divide achievements, you must divide them. Susie couldn't work hard under his legs, even if his voice was hoarse in the end.

"Dean, you're an asshole!" Susie, with some knotted tongues, lay on her back again exhausted.

"ComeOn, Susie~ I provide you with a promising platform, but I only accept 30% of your share, which is definitely proof of our friendship."

"Proof of friendship, ah?" Susie squeezed his weakness and threatened him.

"Oh~Shit! Susie, you're joking about your happy baby!" Dean motioned her to let go quickly.

"I have a Landlord's Manual for $3, and you have to draw nearly $1! As a price, I also need to take something from you!" Susie turned over and came up.

"What are you going to do?" Dean felt that his legs and stomach cramped.

"Squeeze you dry!" Susie took the initiative to attack.


"Dean, are you not feeling well?" Rachel came to the door of Dean's room for the second time and asked with concern.

"Auntie, I'm fine. Maybe it's because I was busy for too long last night. Dean gasped and continued to tap on the keyboard.

"Dean, I know you work hard, but your health is very important. You will start school next week. Before that, you'd better stay in a good shape. Rachel is glad that Dean has his own hobbies and has been working hard for it.

But since he came back from a party in the afternoon, he has been depressed.

Rachel is very worried about him. She is worried about whether Dean was drugged at some party? Look at the dim eyes, as if you have lost interest in everything.

"Okay, aunt. I will make sure to adjust it before the start of school. Dean, who was still in the sage's time, tried to cheer up and continue the movements in his hand.

"OK~ Then I'll go to prepare dinner first." Rachel looked at him uneastlessly before turning around and leaving. "By the way, if you have any questions, remember to call me. Frank's car is downstairs, and we can get to the nearest clinic in five minutes.

"Aunt, I'm looking forward to dinner tonight." Dean turned his head and raised his eyebrows, trying to make his expression look expectant enough.

"Oh, it seems that our little Dean is starving." Rachel rubbed her hands with a smile, "Let's have seafood pasta tonight. How are you looking forward to it?"

"Uh..." Dean's head is full of abalone now, but he still nodded happily, "Great! I like seafood best!"

"It will be ready soon!" Rachel, who was encouraged, went downstairs briskly.

"Oh~Shit, I don't want to see seafood again in a month." Dean held his head and complained before he continued to work on "exceive rent".

Although I was very tired today, I also gained a lot. After the Youngstown Real Estate Investors Alliance meeting, many people couldn't wait to find Dean.

They want to check the reputation of tenants under their own names, especially those who find various reasons to default on rent. The landlord didn't trust them, and it happened that Dean appeared with "exceiving rent".

Then it is necessary to spend 19 dollars to screen carefully. Even if it is proved to be no problem in the end, it will be regarded as spending money to buy peace of mind.

So in just one afternoon, Dean received nearly 200 commissions. On average, each landlord provides at least 4 tenant names.

Of course, it is impossible for Dean to finish so many commissions on the spot, so he took the job home.

Because of the guarantee of Susie and Kent, the landlord's inquiry fee has been settled in advance. 200 servings, $3,800. Dean couldn't help laughing when he thought about it when he ate seafood.

Look, anything can become a business in the United States.

And this is not a one-shot deal. Those landlords with multiple apartments always receive several new tenants every month.

When they get used to this convenient credit inquiry, "exceiving rent" will become the first choice.

In addition, there are more landlords in Youngstown than expected, and Dean saw only a small part of them.

In this suburban city with a population of more than 500,000, about 20% to 30% of people do not have their own properties. They are all tenants. There is no doubt that the market for "exceiving rent" may be bigger than Dean thought.

Save the filtered report into the floppy disk. Dean couldn't help but start to imagine the future, although such a business was not so glorious. But as long as he doesn't break the law, he has no burden.

This is the glory of the Virgin Mary in the United States. Let those evachers spread it.

He happily knocked on the keyboard a few times, and after processing the 60th report, Dean finished today's work.

He will print out these reports and mail them to the landlords who leave their contact information, so that everyone's transaction is completed.

As for the rest of the work, leave it for tomorrow. Dean is so tired today that his aunt's seafood pasta can't make him interested.

"Dean! Come down quickly!"

While Dean was thinking about seafood pasta, Aunt Rachel's cry came from downstairs.

"Auntie, I'm actually not very hungry." Dean now has some resistance to everything related to seafood.

"No! It's Pete. He's injured!"

"WTF!" Dean was stunned for a moment and got up and ran downstairs.

Did your father get into trouble again? Dean couldn't help thinking of the two when they separated in the morning.

When he went downstairs, he saw Pitt with messy hair lying on his back on the sofa.

The left eye was blue and purple, and a rolled-up tissue was blocked in the nostrils. The hem of the clothes and the jeans were covered with blood.

"Oh~Shit! Dad put his wife to sleep and then was blocked in the bathroom by the other party's husband? Seeing that Aunt Rachel was helping him stop the bleeding, Dean simply hugged his arms and watched the play.

"MotherF*cker! Although your father and I have a need, I will never be blocked by others! Besides, I still think that the girls there are better to deal with the fatal temptation, and everyone takes what they need.

Although Pete, who was blocked by his nostrils, lay on the sofa with his head upside down in confusion, he still continued to talk hard with Dean.

"Peter, it's all like this. Can't you be honest?" As soon as Rachel put a towel on him, she was messed up by the latter.

"OK~OK~" Peter raised his hand and said that he must be honest this time.

"So, what's going on with this?" After Aunt Rachel finished packing, Dean sat down on the sofa opposite Peter.

"An accident, Dean, you know. Your father, I can't see bullying the weak. I have a righteous heart!"

"ComeOn! Dad, why don't I know when you started worshiping Zorro? Dean doesn't believe such nonsense at all.

"Dean, you have too much prejudice against your father. Sometimes I do get a jerk, but I will also reform myself. I also want to work hard to become a qualified father and support this family, and that's what I do now. Is this also wrong? Ah?"

After Peter vented, he saw that his son was still staring at him. After two seconds of silence, Peter couldn't help turning his head with a little guilty heart.

"Well, it's really just an accident, I promise."

"Is there anything you can tell me?" Dean felt the need to communicate well with his father.

"NO!" Peter subconsciously denied that after looking at Rachel in the kitchen, he shook his head again, "Nothing~"

"OK" Dean did not ask, but got up to help Aunt Rachel.

Jerry went to his classmate's birthday party. Debbie was at his friend's house, and Frank hasn't got off work yet. Although there were three people in the whole room, they seemed a little deserted.


Just as he was about to leave, Pete's voice came from behind.

"After a while, my compensation for the length of service will come down. You don't have to worry about the tuition fee for transferring to another school."

"But Dad, I have collected enough tuition by myself."

"No, Dean." Peter looked at him seriously. "This is what I should do. The money is clean and won't cause any trouble."

Dean suffocated, but soon he nodded and agreed. Okay, dad, we only take clean money.

"Yes, clean money. No addicts, no police, no trouble, and no damn Nig.

Dean, you must finish college. Then leave here, leave Youngstown, and leave the rusty Ohio.

Go to a sunny place. The winter in Ohio is too cold.

Dean suddenly understood why his father did this today.

He met the opposite of himself, and he wanted to push himself into the light zone.