
Silicon Valley King Starting From 1988

debt, economic decline, immigration; hippies and Anti-Government protests . In the tide of the era in the late 1980s, a country boy from the rust belt. When the door of the lower class to the upper class is closed, it struggles to move forward. University, Silicon Valley, entrepreneurship, HP, Apple, Microsoft. To become that 1%, or even 0.1%, he gave up a lot and got a lot.

DESH_32 · Urban
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40 Chs

Christmas Gift

After more than a month of tossing and turning, Peter finally returned to his home. He was in a good mood and decided to celebrate that day.

But it happened to be Dean's eighteenth birthday, just two days before Christmas. The three dates of release, birthday and Christmas collided, which directly caused Peter to spend three days in alcohol.

To be honest, seeing his father's virtue, Dean doubted whether he could pass the later alcohol treatment course.

"Dean, get up quickly! Don't you want to see what kind of Christmas gift Dad has prepared for you?

Christmas gifts? Dean, who had done the website code in the middle of the night, rubbed his eyes and climbed up.

"Dad, I'm not a child anymore." Before Dean opened his eyes, he grabbed a sweater by the bedside and put it on him.

"Kid, you should be happy. I can guarantee that no parent in the United States can prepare a Christmas gift for his child after his eighteenth birthday. Only I, Peter, will your dear father be so thoughtful.

Pete's voice first came from the stairs. When Dean got dressed, he had pushed the door and walked in.

"Look at our spiritual young man, I can feel the vitality downstairs." Peter sat down by Dean's bed. "Look at the gift I prepared for you. It's absolutely suitable for you now."

A thick pile of gifts sealed with gift paper was thrown into Dean's hand.

"What is this? It feels like some kind of book?" Dean is wondering if his father has prepared a computer magazine for himself. After all, he also knows his hobbies.

"Why don't you open it?" Peter's urgent appearance looks more than Dean's.


"Of course"

"Okay," Dean opened the package and took out a magazine from it. Only then did he find that this was not a book, but a stack of magazines.

"Oh~shit! Dad, isn't it? As soon as I saw the cover, Dean felt a little hot-eyed.

"Open it and turn it to the middle." Pete instructed Dean what to do with a serious face.

"Dad, I'm 18 years old, more mature than you think." Dean was very helpless to spread out his hand.

"I know, that's why you need it." Peter encouraged him with his eyes.

Well, Dean turned it over casually, and a pair of big colored pages appeared in front of him.

"Look, this is...emm... The photographer put the focus on the woman's body on her chest. The chest can..."

"Wait, Dad, you don't have to say so explicit." Dean didn't know how he got a serious explanation.

"OK, let's change the next one." Peter turned to the magazine below again, "This one is called Shaved. I'm not very familiar with it."

He also turned to the middle and said, "Wow~" Peter's eyes widened. This time, the photographer put the focus below, at a glance. They look like tropical leaves... Or some kind of seafood?"

"Stop!" Dean closed the magazine and said, "Is this the Christmas gift you gave me?"

"Yes, I've thought about it for a long time, but I still think they are the most suitable for you now. Dean is 18 years old. I haven't even seen you take your female classmates home since high school.

It's incredible. Peter can't understand it at all. When he didn't graduate from high school, he made Caitlin pregnant and dropped out of school.

Compared with Dean, Peter even has reason to doubt his orientation. It's not America at all, okay?

"OK, Dad, I know what you mean. What I want to say is that I also like seafood, and I can't wait to taste them. But I have other more important things to do now, transfer to another school and earn more tuition..."

"I know, Dean." Pete patted him on the shoulder with relief. When he heard Dean say that he liked seafood, he was completely relieved.

Sure enough, the Price family still has some red-necked genes, and Dean will not become a gay.

The rainbow flag was not popular in the 1980s. If someone had a gay, it would definitely be a disgrace to the family, especially in white families.

Peter looked at the new second-hand computer on Dean's desk and clapped his hands with satisfaction.

"Since you have your own things to do, I won't bother you. Of course, I will quietly put down the magazine before I leave. Peter raised his eyebrows and winked at Dean.

"By the way, Dad, what Wadner said about the award..." Before Pete left the room, Dean couldn't help but care.

He knew that his father had no money on him. Although he was acquitted and a fine was missing.

But the court's ruling costs at least $1,000, and the alcohol treatment course that is about to start is $200 a month. Dean doubts whether he can make up the money.

"Aha, is my genius son caring about his father?" Pete first joked a joke, and then shrugged at Dean optimistically.

"At the beginning, Parkard fired me in the name of drunk driving in violation of the traffic law. But it turned out that I was wronged, and I was found innocent and released in court.

So this created another situation." Pete smiled with a successful smile on his face. "The reason for them to fire me is not true! If you don't want me to take me to court, they'd better pay for it to compensate me, and the union will support me unconditionally.

To be honest, he was found not guilty. Pitt's biggest gain was not to avoid prison, but the compensation that Parkard Electric would give him.

According to the original agreement signed by the union and Pacard Electric, Pitt, as a formal contract worker, can enjoy high benefits such as future retirement pension and medical insurance after serving at work for ten years.

But now that Parkard Electric has fired him and charged him with a fuse, it has to be said well.

The union will unconditionally support Peter, and the lawyer will also entice Peter to apply for compensation from Pacard Electric. This kind of winning lawsuit is simply a fat money.

Wadner gave up the opportunity to take a vacation with his family yesterday and came to communicate with Pitt in person for a whole afternoon.

According to him, since Pete has been fired, Pacad will never let him go back.

God knows how expensive it is to hire a worker now, especially an old worker like Peter who has worked for more than ten years. It's too late for Parkard Electric to lay off staff. How can he let Peter go back?

So the best result is to buy out the length of service! In order to avoid the difficulties of the union and the possible legal proceedings, Parkard Electric will definitely discuss with Peter about buying out the length of service.

It is definitely more cost-effective to pay a large amount of money to get Peter's business done at one time than to rehire him until retirement.

Based on Peter's seniority, the buyout fee will never be small, which is the reason why Peter is not worried at all now.

"Dean, don't worry. Maybe you will have settled on the tuition fees for the next few years of going to the new university." Peter was in a good mood until now after learning yesterday that he would receive a large amount of compensation by accident.

"What about the house?" Dean suddenly remembered another thing. "My aunt said that the mortgage might not be late, so I found a new tenant online and even signed the contract."

"Oh~" Peter also remembered that he had asked Rachel to deal with this matter before. "Then rent it first. I'll just find a place to live. There are not many other empty houses in Youngstown. The house will continue to be rented until I find the next job.

This result is not bad. Dean will start school in late January, and he will return to Cleveland.

At that time, Peter could deal with it anywhere, although there might be a large amount of compensation. But it's obviously not a long-term plan, so he needs to find a new job.

Dad is out of prison again, and Dean will go back to school next month. Although the family was not fragmented, the final result seemed to return to the situation on different sides.

Dean looked at the computer on his desk and laughed, but he couldn't say that. At least their family got rid of a lot of trouble, and there is only expectation in the future.

So now it's time to work again. Today is Christmas, and Dean is ready to officially launch his Price list.