

I grumbled as the streaks of light disturb me from my deep sleep. My mother had turned on the light in my room, which brings down to only one thing; it's already morning, another day, a new day – which will also come to an end. I stared at the window with the slightly opened curtain, through which I saw that the hectic morning has already started for some members of the city.

Dragging legs, I got up from my cosy bed after several tosses and turns and walked my way to the bathroom, sighing with every step - Gosh, I don't want to do anything today. Seriously, I have always been lazy and today is no exception. I looked at the clock and cursed myself. I'm late, again.

I took my time in the bathroom, letting every drop of water to freshen up my soul. It was a nice bath, and I went out, feeling comfortable. "Now let's rush and get dressed", is what I told myself.

I went out of my room to the dining table- a warm breakfast was ready to be gobbled up by the hungry me. I smiled at the sight, and happily sat and had my meal. I felt my older brother sitting next to me and eating quietly, just like how he always did. My brother seemed to glow, but I said not a single word. I didn't even turn to look at him. Clearing everything on my plate, I took a tall tumbler of warm tea. What I laid my hands onto is mine, I chuckled to myself. My brother was still eating quietly without any word. Not leaving a single drop, I "inhaled" every bit of the freshly made tea and got up to do my dishes.

"Lucky you, your younger siblings aren't fans of tea" My mother, who happened to see me, remarked. I smiled at my mum. Definitely, none of my younger siblings likes tea. Only my older brother and I did. Deep inside, my chest felt cramped – my mother just had no idea what I was seeing.

I did the laundry while my mum was getting ready for work. Me? Sorry for the late introduction, I am on my semester break, so, no class for me. What had I been late for? Oh, yeah, it was just my mission to make sure that I get myself ready every morning before 7.00am. Old habits die hard and it's the time to kill it slowly.

As I hang out the laundry under the sun, my older brother went in and out of the main entrance. He went up the stairs and came down – again and again. I sighed, ignoring everything. I kept on with what I was doing. When I went in after hanging out the laundry, I saw my brother lying down in the living room, in front of the TV, next to the sliding door; his favourite spot. I went straight to the kitchen and did the dishes left by my younger siblings from the breakfast.

Being alone in the house, it was too quiet, so I turned on the TV to let the morning news accompany me in this silence. While handling everything in the kitchen, again, I felt my brother, walking behind me, to the water dispenser, to the fridge, to the cupboard. Only after a while, my tranquillity was broken by a beep from my phone. It was from my mother.

I've forgotten to ask you just now, but could you please accompany me to your older brother's tomb after I got off work? Thanks, love you <3.

Yes, my older brother, the only older sibling that I have, is no longer here. My playmate is no Ionger by my side, no longer giving me little happiness when I see his antics every time I come home after a long semester. He was gone, and would never come back, but still, everything feels the same, as if he is still here. I smiled as my fingers danced on the virtual keyboard for a reply.

Sure, Mom, I've been missing him too