
Silent Shadows: Dark Matrimony

Meet Lily and Michael Andrews—the power couple living their best life in the heart of the city. From the outside, their love story is all sunshine and rainbows, but there's more to this duo than meets the eye. By day, Lily is the loving wifey, sharing cute coffee dates and stealing kisses with Michael. Yet, come nightfall, she's got a whole other agenda. The city becomes her playground, and the shadows? Well, they're her cover. In the quiet corners of the urban jungle, Lily unleashes a side of herself Michael knows nothing about. Mischief, mayhem, and a sprinkle of darkness—Lily's got a secret life that could rock the foundations of their seemingly perfect marriage. --- Lily's mother: Lily doesn't like bloody things. Lily: Pass me the knife I'll cut out his heart --- Lily's stepbrothers: Lily can't hurt a fly. Lily: Burn him alive. --- Lily's sisters-in-law: Lily is so kind and forgiving. Lily: Why am I going to kill you? Because you stole my lunch money back in school. --- Lily's husband: Lily is the best and most perfect wife in the world. Lily: Let's go and ruin my husband's life. --- Her biological father and brother: Are they blind?

Mamapatience · Urban
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10 Chs



Mike led Lily through the corridors of Haven Prep, navigating the maze of hallways until they reached the principal's office. After ensuring Lily knew her way around and making plans to meet for lunch later, Mike bid her goodbye and headed off to his own class.

Entering the classroom, Mike took his usual seat, but something felt different. The room seemed transformed, with an air of elegance that hadn't been there before. His friend, Jason, joined him a while later, taking note of the subtle changes.

"Hey Mike, did you make a lot of money during the summer break?" Jason inquired, curiosity evident in his tone.

Mike's heart sank at the reminder of his financial struggles and the vast gap between him and Lily. Lily probably never had to worry about money at all. With a heavy sigh, Mike replied, "Yeah, but it's all gone."

Jason instantly understood the gravity of Mike's situation. It wasn't the first time that the money Mike earned from his part-time jobs had been used to support his family. The weight of responsibility that Mike carried was evident, casting a shadow over his youthful demeanor.

As Jason settled into his seat beside Mike, he attempted to change the subject. "Oh, how are things between you and Leslie? Did you guys hang out a lot during the vacation?"

Mike's expression darkened at the mention of Leslie. "I broke up with her last week," he admitted quietly.

Jason's eyes widened in surprise. "What? Why would you do that?" he asked, clearly taken aback by the news.

"It wasn't working out," Mike replied tersely, his tone betraying a hint of frustration.

Jason's brows furrowed in concern. "So you broke up with her? If there were no problems, you should have stayed together. She's our friend," he insisted, a touch of anger creeping into his voice.

The tension in the air was palpable as Mike bristled at Jason's words. "Then you date her," he shot back, his frustration boiling over into anger.

Jason recoiled at the unexpected outburst, taken aback by Mike's uncharacteristic display of temper. "Sorry, man," he offered after a moment, realizing his mistake.

Mike's expression softened slightly, but his anger still simmered beneath the surface. "Whatever," he muttered dismissively, turning away from Jason and focusing his attention on the front of the classroom.

As the lesson began, the rift between Mike and Jason remained, a silent barrier separating them despite their shared history.


Lily followed the teacher as he led her to her assigned classroom, his voice filled with pride as he extolled the virtues of Haven Prep. He boasted about the school's achievements, embellishing them to make them sound more impressive than they actually were. Lily couldn't help but notice the underlying agenda behind his words – it seemed he was determined to keep her at Haven Prep, likely due to her status as the daughter of an extremely wealthy benefactor who had made a substantial donation to the school.

However, Lily's reasons for wanting to stay at Haven Prep were quite different. It wasn't the school's supposed achievements that captivated her, but rather the chance encounter she had with a certain someone – Mike. As she walked through the corridors, thoughts of Mike occupied her mind, his image etched in her thoughts like a lingering melody. Mike was the second most handsome boy she had ever seen, the first being her brother Aiden. Lily found herself drawn to Mike's quiet demeanor and genuine kindness, and she harbored a growing interest in getting to know him better.

Upon entering the classroom, Lily introduced herself to the class with a polite smile before taking her seat. As she settled in, she couldn't help but notice the curious glances and whispered conversations that erupted amongst her classmates. It was clear that her presence had caused quite a stir, likely due to her status as a wealthy and attractive newcomer. Many students seemed eager to strike up a conversation with her, drawn in by the allure of her wealth and beauty.

Unbeknownst to Lily, Rose and Jane were among those watching her intently, their eyes filled with resentment and jealousy. From their perspective, Lily's arrival threatened to disrupt the delicate balance of their social hierarchy, and they viewed her with suspicion and disdain. As Lily immersed herself in the lesson, oblivious to the enmity brewing around her, the stage was set for a clash of personalities and ambitions that would shape the dynamics of their interactions in the days to come.


Leslie's mind was consumed with thoughts of Mike as she sat in class, her attention drifting away from the new girl who had captured the interest of her classmates. Lily's presence went unnoticed by Leslie, who was preoccupied with devising a plan to win back Mike's affections. She had spared no expense to look her best, investing all her savings in a stunning white dress that she believed would surely catch Mike's eye.

As Leslie admired her reflection in the mirror, she remained oblivious to the fact that Lily was wearing the same dress, her thoughts consumed by her own desires and insecurities. Leslie was confident in her appearance, convinced that her beauty would be enough to persuade Mike to reconsider their relationship.

Meanwhile, Rose and Jane couldn't hide their disdain for Lily. "I can't believe that slut is in our class," Rose muttered, her tone dripping with disgust.

Leslie, intrigued, turned to them. "Who?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Rose pointed toward Lily, who was focused on the lesson, oblivious to the conversation happening behind her. "We saw her flirting with Mike. She even gave him a ride in her fancy car," Jane added, her displeasure evident.

Leslie's heart sank at the revelation, hurt and anger bubbling within her. She couldn't fathom how Lily, with her wealth and supposed allure, could have caught Mike's attention. In her mind, Lily's wealth seemed to overshadow any genuine connection she may have had with Mike, and Leslie's jealousy turned to resentment.

"How dare Lily steal my man just because she's rich?" Leslie seethed, her voice dripping with venom as she lashed out in anger. Her eyes blazed with fury as she contemplated the perceived betrayal, her heart heavy with the weight of rejection.

Unbeknownst to Leslie, Esmera, a quiet girl with curly brown hair and hazel eyes, observed the unfolding drama with a sense of pity. From her vantage point, she could see Lily's obliviousness to the animosity directed towards her, her focus solely on the lesson at hand. Esmera couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Lily, recognizing the loneliness and isolation that often accompanied being the target of jealousy and resentment.


As lunchtime arrived, students hurriedly made their way to the cafeteria, eager to grab a bite to eat. Lily headed to the car park where her driver awaited her with her lunch in hand. Taking it gratefully, she set off toward the cafeteria.

Upon arriving, Lily spotted Mike approaching with another guy. A smile lit up Mike's face as he caught sight of Lily, his anticipation evident. Lily's attention was solely focused on Mike, causing her to accidentally collide with Leslie, who was also approaching with her lunch in hand. In the collision, Leslie's lunch spilled onto her dress, staining it.

"I'm so sorry," Lily apologized sincerely, turning her attention to Leslie.

Leslie, initially stunned by the mishap, quickly recovered and lashed out in anger. "You fucking bitch!" she exclaimed, her frustration boiling over.

Lily's expression softened with concern. "I'm sorry. I'll pay for your dress," she offered, her gaze shifting to the stained fabric.

It was then that Lily and Leslie both realized they were wearing the same dress. However, Lily's was undoubtedly genuine, while Leslie's was likely a counterfeit. Lily's raised eyebrow betrayed her realization, while Leslie's face flushed with embarrassment as the truth dawned on her.

"Perhaps I could replace it with a better one tomorrow," Lily suggested, attempting to diffuse the tension.

Before Lily could finish speaking, Leslie's hand shot out, delivering a sharp slap to Lily's cheek. Lily recoiled in shock, her hand flying to her stinging cheek. She had never experienced such a physical confrontation before, and she was momentarily stunned into silence as the cafeteria fell silent around them, all eyes now on the unfolding drama.

Mike rushed to Lily's side, his protective instincts kicking in as he pushed Leslie out of the way. Jason, who had been closely following Mike, caught Leslie before she could stumble from the force of Mike's push. Lily turned to Mike, her expression a mix of surprise and gratitude, before turning to address Leslie.

"Excuse me," Lily said softly, her voice trembling with emotion as she hurriedly handed her lunch to Mike and rushed out of the cafeteria.

"Lily!" Mike called out, his voice filled with concern, but Lily didn't stop. She simply left, leaving a palpable tension in her wake. Unnoticed by most, Rose and Jane subtly slipped out of the cafeteria after Lily, their expressions unreadable.

Turning to face Leslie, Mike's anger flared. "What is wrong with you? Are you insane?" he lashed out, his frustration evident.

"Hey, Mike, calm down," Jason interjected, stepping in between Mike and Leslie, his voice calm but firm.

Leslie's eyes welled with tears, pain evident in her voice as she spoke. "Is that slut the reason you broke up with me?" she asked, her heartache palpable.

"I broke up with you because of this. Stay away from Lily," Mike said sternly before storming out of the cafeteria, his emotions raw and tumultuous.

Leslie watched Mike leave, her heart heavy with sorrow. Jason, sensing her distress, reached out to comfort her. "It's okay, Les. I'm here," he said gently, offering his support in her moment of need.

Meanwhile, Esmera watched the scene unfold from the crowd, her heart aching for Jason as he tried to console Leslie.


Lily rushed into the girls' bathroom, her emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She had managed to hold back the tears until she found sanctuary in the bathroom stall. It was the first time Lily had been slapped, and the shock of the encounter left her reeling. She couldn't simply brush it off like in the movies; instead, tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over.

Wiping away the tears as they fell, Lily took deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself down. She couldn't let anyone see her like this, especially not Mike. She needed to regain her composure before facing the outside world again.

As Lily attempted to collect herself, the door to the bathroom swung open, and Rose and Jane entered. Lily eyed them warily, a sense of unease settling in her stomach. She made a move to leave, but Rose and Jane blocked her path, pushing her back against the tiled wall.

"What's going on here?" Lily asked, her voice trembling slightly as she regarded them cautiously.

"Look, the slut talks," Rose retorted mockingly, a sneer twisting her features.

"I'm not sure how I may have offended you in my short stay here, but I apologize," Lily said, attempting to defuse the tension. She made another attempt to leave, but Rose and Jane pushed her back once more, their actions becoming more aggressive.

Lily struggled to maintain her balance, but before she could steady herself, she felt a sharp sting across her cheek as Rose's hand made contact with her skin once again. The force of the blow sent Lily tumbling to the ground, her body hitting the hard tile floor with a dull thud.

Pain shot through Lily's cheek as she lay there, stunned by the sudden attack. Tears welled up in her eyes once more, but this time, she made no attempt to hold them back. She felt a surge of fear and vulnerability wash over her as she realized she was completely at the mercy of her aggressors.

"Stay away from Mike. Do you understand?" Jane warned.

Lily stood there, holding her stinging cheek, as she watched Rose and Jane leave the bathroom, their laughter echoing in the empty space. The warning from Jane lingered in the air, sending a chill down Lily's spine. She knew she had just become a target, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of dread wash over her.

Slowly, Lily made her way to the sink, her heart heavy with the weight of what had just transpired. Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned on the faucet, splashing cold water on her face in an attempt to soothe the pain, both physical and emotional.

As Lily tried to compose herself, the door to one of the bathroom stalls creaked open, and a shy girl emerged. Lily regarded her wearily, her guard still up after the recent confrontation.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't come out with all that happening," the shy girl explained timidly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lily felt a pang of sympathy for the girl, recognizing the fear and discomfort mirrored in her own eyes. Despite her better judgment, she couldn't bring herself to lash out at someone who seemed just as vulnerable as she felt in that moment.

"Please leave," Lily said softly, her voice tinged with helplessness as she turned away, unable to bear the thought of anyone else witnessing her moment of weakness.

The shy girl nodded silently, understanding the unspoken plea in Lily's words, before quietly slipping out of the bathroom, leaving Lily alone with her thoughts in the dimly lit space.