
Silent Rose

Azura Xanders wanted nothing more than to be a part of Silent Rose, a group of specially talented teenagers who organize a multitude of events and fancy parties from all around the world to donate money to charities. Being in Silent Rose was her dream, and even made sure to get the top grades just to be transferred to one of Silent Rose’s main schools of operation, Ruby Private High, to even have a small chance of getting in. But with all the “troubles” of school life as a commoner in a rich high school, she eventually lost her confidence in ever being a part of Silent Rose. That is until she met, Rosemarie Waters, one of the 7 leaders of Silent Rose. It was an encounter that would changed her life forever. Join Azura as she learns the secrets, history and motives of Silent Rose’s true purposes.

TaffyKandy · Teen
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4 Chs

Nothing Is As It Seems (Part I)

Azura Xanders, packing her things from her locker as she sighed. Her light blue hair tied up in a ponytail, her glasses that she just got brand new after it broke yesterday, and her very tired silver grey eyes that just says, "I'm so done with today."

She was about to leave to go home, when she was taken away by a group of female students to the school's gymnasium. She tries to break free, but was unable to get out of their hold, as they start to beat her up with a multitude of gym equipment. Bats, Tennis Rackets, Hockey Sticks, literally anything they can get access to. How did it come to this? Why was this happening to her? What did she do to deserve so much pain and suffering?

She flashes back to her childhood, with every strike of pain. The days when she would spend time with the neighbour kids. The days she would help out her mother with cooking. The days where she would play different types of games she'd find with other students for fun. And then, she remembered the day, her mother asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up.

She's smiled and looks at her family with innocent eyes, "I want to be a hero, when I grow up."

Wasn't the case right now. No, it wasn't even close. She became a victim of bullies for being a commoner. All because she followed a silly dream, to be a part of the Silent Rose, a exclusive group that organized events and parties all over the world for charities. It was all she ever wanted, and even made sure to make top marks in her previous school to even be transferred to one of their main schools of operation, Ruby Private School.

All the effort. All the time. Completely wasted.

No one wanted her there. All the students were middle rich class kids, who got in because they could afford it. Some believed Azura cheated her way to top marks. Others believed it was blackmail. Regardless, she was in, and was obviously not welcomed. It only started small, a bit of rumours and teasing here and there. But weeks go by, and it gets more drastic and ruthless. Because the school was three cities away from main home, she was forced to live in a dorm, which made her situation worse, because she would see hatred in everyones eyes every waking day.

She was alone. She wanted desperately to scream for help. She wanted to call her mother and tell her pains, but couldn't. She wanted to tell the teachers or the principal, but couldn't. She was afraid to admit how helpless she actually is. She was afraid to admit she needs help.

As the students finished up, beating her up, they lock her in the gym closet. The room was almost pitch black dark, with barely any space, she desperately banged on the door.

"L-Let me out of here! Please! Let me out, " Azura cried.

But there was nothing, but silence. They left her beaten in a cramped gym closet. If the closet had more space, she'd be able to think straight with ease. Nope. She has claustrophobia, with or without light, if she's in a small closed space, she freezes up, loses focus and hyperventilates, as she tries to desperately find a way out.

"What's the point, " she said thinking to herself, "Even if someone did hear me, no one in this school would open-."

She then loses that track of thought, as she falls to the floor from the sudden movement of the door opening. Good news, she was free. But, who exactly helped her?

"S-Sorry, I should have said something first before opening the door, " the voice said apologetically.

It was a female voice, but it sounded so soft and gentle, that could easily charm anyone. Azura looked up, to see a female student in the Ruby School's second year uniform, with crimson red hair tied in pigtails with dark black eyes. The girl's eyes hypnotized Azura, as she stared at them with a dazed look on her face. Concerned, the girl held out her hand.

"Are you okay, " she asked, "you're staring at me quite intensely."

Snapping, out of her trance, Azure takes the girl's hand, "I-It's nothing, but... how did you know I was here?"

She didn't answer, but instead dragged Azura to the nurse's room near the main school office, as she tries to patch up the visible wounds on her face and arms. When she finishes cleaning up with bandages, she drags Azura again to another room completely unfamiliar to her. It was then, she turns around as she takes a breath to look at Azura with a serious look.

"How did you get those wounds, let alone end up locked in a closet, " she asks.

"I... I got hurt falling down the stairs to get to the gym closet and accidentally got myself locked in there, " Azure responded looking away.

She shakes her head, "You're not fooling anyone, you got those wounds from your classmates and they locked you in that closet after beating you up. If you're gonna lie to my face, at least make it believable."

Azura was surprised, she looked at the girl in disbelief. The girl leans down at her, and pats her head gently, still with a serious expression on her face.

"I saw those girls pass by me, when they left the gym, and felt something off, so I came to investigate, " she explained, "What's your name?"

"Azura Xanders, " she said introducing herself to the red haired girl.

Her eyes widened in surprise, but smiles later in a bit of excitement. This really confused Azura. She thought for sure, the moment she said her name, she would mistreat her like the others. It was nothing but pure joy all over her face when she introduced herself.

"So you're Azura Xanders, the student who transferred to the school two months ago. Wow, it's nice to finally meet you in person, " she said happily, "I'm Rosemarie Waters, but just call me Rose."

The name felt familiar to Azura, but where. It didn't take long before Rose locked the door behind Azura, and took her to the back room where she was petrified in fear. The very students who beat her up and locked her in the closet, were tied up and blindfolded.

Azura was scared to her very core, "W-What is... this..?"

Rose looks to Azura with what is now a devious grin, "Judgement."

Wow I made my first chapter of my first novel series of my first time being in Webnovel. Neat.

Thank you for taking a peak at this story. I’ll try to be consistent about posting chapters, but for now, it’s gonna be a messy post schedule until I can organize it properly. Hope you all have a fantastic day.

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