

Being forced to give up your dreams and hopes just to get married is the worst thing that could happen to a woman, especially Emma Xavier, who was forced to drop out of school at the age of 16 after her family's company went bankrupt, her parents forced her get married to one of the most successful and ruthless businessman in the world for money. This is a story of how Emma's life changed drastically after she married Maynard and how she develops feelings for him knowing full well that she shouldn't because that would be against the contract. But unknown to her the marriage contract isn't the only thing that is not letting him allow her to fall in love with there is something else.

Kaulifla42699 · Urban
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41 Chs

Chapter 26

It was finally over now, we were exiting the main door and we were finally done. Maynard looked at me for a few seconds and then he looked away, he had a serious look on his face the entire time we were inside, he didn't have that expression that a man has when he is getting married, his expression was just blank and serious like someone was forcing him to do this. I was even afraid of looking at him because damn he looked like he was going to eat me. We stood next to the car.

"I'll see you when I return." He said, still having a serious look on his face.

"And when are you coming back?" I asked him hoping that he would cone back after ten years.

"I don't know." He said.

"OH okay." I said and he left. I was a bit shocked, I mean like isn't he going to at least hug his newly wedded wife or even give her a little goodbye jus or something. What an asshole, this guy was the biggest asshole I had ever met in my life, I don't think anyone can be a much bigger asshole that him.

"Come on dear let's go and have some food you must be hungry." Maynard's mom said, well at least she was not an asshole like her son, he didn't even ask me how I was doing or if I was hungry or not, or if I needed something or not. This motherfucker just freaking left just like that, I wonder how many times he has dated and how long his relationships lasted but anyway I shouldn't complain because he made it clear to me from the start that this was just a contract marriage, we would act all lovey dovey in front of his parents and the world only, behind closed doors I would be nothing but his prisoner, his toy and his puppet.

"So hubby what would you like to eat?" I hear Maynard's mom ask her husband while wrapping her arms around his neck, they looked so in love with each other.

"I don't know anything except red meat." He said.

"Okay as you wish." She said kissing him on his cheek. I opened the car door and I got inside not wanting to watch them anymore because it was hurting me. That was the kind of ligmfe that I wanted but I don't think I was ever going to get that kind of life because I had just entered my own prison cell willingly. Without any hope of escaping. I sighed and I looked at my phone and the first thing that came into my kind was to call my best friend Lizzy, I was sure that she was worried about me. I unlocked my phone and I dialled her number.


She answered, it had been days since I had heard her high pitched voice."Hey." I said with a low voice, I could feel tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "Emma... Is that you?" She asked. "Y-yes it is me." I said. "Emma, oh my gosh how are you, and where have you been? Are you sick and why didn't you call me?" She asked. "Lizzy. First of all I am alive and breathing, I don't think I won't be seeing you again, I won't be coming back to school." I said with a hint of sadness on my voice and a little bit of guilt. "What, what do you mean? You didn't decide to drop out, did you?" She asked in a worried tone. "It's a long story lizzy." I said. "Tell me, I have all the time in the world. Just tell me." She said and it sounded like she was closing a door, maybe it was her bedroom door. "Well I will tell you later because I am not alone right now okay." I said, because I saw Maynard's parents opening the car doors. "Okay, I will wait. Just tell me everything and don't leave a single detail okay." She said. "Okay, I will talk to you later, bye." I said and then I hung up the call. I leaned on the car seat I tried not to cry because I didn't want to be asked why I was crying because I don't think I would have the answers to those questions. "Mother I would like to go home and rest." I said. It was weird for me to call that place 'home' because it was not even close to being my hope because that is not where my heart was. "Why are you not feeling well?" Maynard's dad asked me. "No I'm just tired, I couldn't sleep last night because I was very nervous." I said. That was a total lie, I slept like a baby. "OH it's okay sweetheart I can relate, I only slept for an hour the day before our wedding day." Maynard's mom said with a smile on her face. She looked like she was a really great woman. "Yeah." I said. "too bad you have to go I was thinking that we would spend the whole day together before we leave tomorrow."She said. " What you guys are leaving? "I asked her. "Yes, you guys need you privacy and we are looking forward seeing your children." She said. "OH, okay." I said. So Maynard will get to do whatever he wants to me after they have left. But at least I still had some time to myself without him.

After an hour we finally arrived at Maynard's house and I rushed to the bedroom and I called lizzy. "Hey Emma." She said. "Hey lizzy." I said. "So are you ready to tell me now?"She asked me. "Yeah." I said. "I'm married." I said "What!? What do you mean you are married, Emma you are only sixteen years old." She said. "I know lizzy but the choice was not mine, I just didn't have one I just did what I was forced to do." I said. "What do you mean by that? And what about school?"She asked" I won't be coming back to school, you won't get to see me ever again lizzy. "I said feeling my heart breaking into a million pieces."Emma I don't understand, can you explain to me what exactly happened because I know that you would never drop out of school just to get married, just tell me everything Emma." She said. "Well the thing is... My family's business went bankrupt, it has been like that for a while and my parents hid the truth from me." I said sighing. "What? Wow that's... Uncalled for." She said not knowing what else to say. "And my dad owes the banks a large amount of money, so they sold their stuff to try and get some money to pay the banks but they did not make even 20% of the money that they were owing the banks so they... They sold me off... They forced me to drop out if School and get married to some super wealthy guy and in return he would pay them a lot of money, so it's kind of like selling me just so they could be rich. "I said, taking a deep breath."And yeah, I just got married to that guy today." I said. "You know what my parents said to me.... They said that I was a mistake an unwanted mistake. They said that I should be grateful and that me marrying this man is me repaying them fir raising me, buying me stuff and sending me to school." I said with tears falling down my eyes. "But isn't taking care of you and making sure that they meet your needs and wants their responsibility?" She asked. "It is but to them it's not. They told me that if it weren't for me then they probably wouldn't have gone bankrupt." I said wiping my tears. "Girl, your parents did you dirty and someone will have to make them pay for their deeds." She said. "Yeah karma will." I said. "No no no no, you can not wait for karma to deal with those two demons, you have to deal with them yourself... You said that your husband is filthy rich right? Then why don't you ask him to give you a hand. If he can give them money to off their debts and restore their company I'm pretty sure that he can also destroy them and everything that they have. "She said."Lizzy... Do you think that, that is a good idea?"I asked her."Of course, you have to Mahe then pay a hefty price for what they did to you, I mean who in their right mind would do such a thing to their own daughter." She said. "Emma there is no need to think about this just do it... Okay I gotta go, we'll talk later okay." She said. "Okay." I said and I hung up the call. I sighed lying down on the bed on my back. Lizzy was right, I should make them pay the price for what they had done to me. But I just didn't know how.