
School's Out

Another two days pass as I buried myself in the text. I've only slept a total of three hours a night so I could read as much as possible and it was starting to catch up to me. I rub my tired eyes and grab the last granola bar.

I nibble on it and imagine it as a tasty steak. I felt like crying! I've nearly read everything but it doesn't say anything about a door or a portal. I eat half the bar and put it down. I need to save the rest... "Maya you've lost a lot of weight... please eat," Chip says from behind me.

I wave him off and say "You know I can't do that. I refuse to eat the mutated creatures here so this is it. I can't eat it all just yet." I go back to reading and after another night I'm done. I find myself looking at the empty wrapping paper of the last granola bar with sad puppy eyes.

I look at the walls and think about everything I've learned... Maybe I can use this? Sure it's dangerous... there could be real repercussions for doing this but I kinda felt like I didn't have much of a choice at this point.

We all die at some point right? So even if this did somehow lead to my death I won't be too upset... at least that's what I keep telling myself. "Maya? Your vitals are unstable... are you okay? Do you need more water?" Chip asks from behind me.

More water? I've been drinking so much lately I felt like the little toy water babies I had growing up. I wanted food! Real food! Meat! I keep my back to Chip and I try to calm down. "Water would be great Chip, thanks," I say in a calm voice.

Chip nods and grabs one of the empty water bottles to fill up. I watch him leave and when I'm sure he's gone I quickly get up and lock the door. I pull off my necklace and cringe when I cut my hand once again.

In the text, it spoke about rituals their people did when they came into magic. Every one of them that carried the gift of magic would go through this process to unleash their true potential. Potential my ass, I just wanted meat. I wanted to go back home. I wanted a shower and my damn bed!

Was I crazy? Yes. And at this moment I wasn't going to fight it. I begin by drawing a circle around me and then began writing the symbols. Everything came to me like I've studied it my entire life. I make short work of it and squint against the glowing light.

With every new symbol, the light became brighter and brighter. Once finished I stand up and nearly fall with a dizzy spell. I fight against it and jump when Chip breaks the lock. He comes running in with a worried look.

"Maya! What are you doing!?" He yells but when he tries to step closer the circle seems to keep him back. His eyes glow blue with determination as I try to calm him down. "It's fine Chip, with this we can go home," I say but Chip continues to push against the light and roars.

"No Maya! You're changing! Your body is changing as we speak! Do you not feel it!?" Chip yells in panic. I frown and look down but I don't see or feel anything. I look back when he roars again. "Chip stop! You're going to hurt yourself! I order you to stop."

Chip ignores the command and keeps pushing closer. "CHIP I SAID STOP!!" I scream but I can't stop the light. I can't even leave the circle! That stupid AI!!! "I have a failsafe in place that if your life is in danger I can ignore your command," Chip says through his teeth.

"YOU IDIOT! STOP!!" I yell but he continues to push closer. "I'm fine Chip I promise! Look at me I'm okay!!" Chip continues pushing as he says "Your entire internal structure is being torn down. Your DNA is being destroyed! YOU'RE THE IDIOT!!!!!" My face loses all its color.

My DNA was being destroyed!? Did I do something wrong? I quickly look around at the symbols but everything was right... I don't understand but Chip is finely tuned into me so he can sense these things. Chip's roar has my head whipping up in panic.

"You stupid overgrown cat! Even if I die you don't have to as well!!! Your battery I've given you will last you long enough to live thousands of my lifetimes. Stop!" I yell looking at him in despair. I don't want Chip to die because of my stupidity but before I can say anything else, Chip pushes through and hits me knocking me out cold.