
Looking For Clues

Alec holds the water bottle out for me and I take it with confusion. He doesn't say anything and shifts away leaving behind dissipating embers. I stand there a few more seconds before I frown and throw the empty bottle away.

What the hell? I run my hand through my hair and say "Chip! Why didn't you try and stop what happened earlier?" I ask in irritation. Chip beeps and says "I was learning... and besides how can I stop it? I don't even have a body!"

I freeze and frown at what he just said. Learning? Learning what!? "What learning? Erase everything you just learned... and why are you bringing up not having a body?" Chip remains quite and I find myself amused. Was he pouting?

Sighing I walk back over to the computers and bring them back to life as I ask "Are you asking for a body Chip?" He pops up on the screen and gives me a pitiful look saying "I would really like a body Maya... you have one... all the humans do so why can't I? Think about it, I can even help you more with a body."

I feel myself smiling as I look at his face and say "What you say does make sense... I don't think I can make a human body... but I can give you a body you can move around in. What do you think?" Chip beeps and says "That's perfect! No matter what body it is as long as I can move around I'm happy!"

I giggle a little and say "Deal. I need to order the parts and make some adjustments. Wanna help?" Chip beeps again and quickly brings up the DarkWeb. I find myself laughing again as I order all the parts needed.

It's true though... I can't make a human body... I'm good with tech but not that good. So for the time being Chip will have to settle for what I can currently do. After placing all the orders I pull up the search Chip was running for the markings but it had still not found anything.

I think back to what Alec said and feel myself frowning. Was I a Charmer? If I was... what did that mean? I think back to my parents and Grandfather... I feel like I'm finally on the right track. Something else was taking place and my gut tells me that my parents may not have died in a "tragic fire".

"Chip, pull up all the reports on my parent's death..." Chip beeps and begins gathering information as my mind begins thinking about the hacker that's lurking around us. What was he after and why wasn't he just attacking?

I don't like feeling like I'm being toyed with... I decided to rewrite the walls and security. If he was able to get in before he'll do it again so this time I'll have a little surprise waiting for him. After spending hours rewriting the programs I find myself shaking.

I sigh and push away from the computers. "I need food. I'll be back in a bit... lock everything down tight Chip." Chip beeps and suddenly says "I'm ready when you are!" I smile at his excitement and head to the closest sandwich shop.

I order my sandwich and walk over to pay only to have the woman behind the counter frown and say "That's strange... Your meal has already been paid for.." I find myself frowning and quickly look at the camera in the corner of the shop but Chip quickly says "I took care of it, Maya. I don't know what's going on but the cameras are in my control."

My frown deepens as I suddenly turn around and look around the sandwich shop but everyone seems to be eating and talking. Paying no attention to me or what I ordered. I look back to the woman and ask "Was it just an amount added or was it my exact order?"

The woman looks down at the screen before turning it so that I can see. Sure enough, it was my entire order... even the extra pickles. I look back to the people eating and grit my teeth... the bastard really was toying with me.

Do you want to play? Fine, let's play. Just don't blame me when you lose... I slap the money on the counter and tell her to void the transaction and ring everything up again. She does just that but before she can hit cash the order was paid for again.

I stare at the sandwich and feel my lip twitching. The bastard really wanted to piss me off, didn't he... I take a deep breath and turn around, walking straight out of the shop, leaving my sandwich behind as I grit my teeth. I'm really going to kill this guy...

Poor sandwich T^T can you tell that I'm hungry?? XD

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