
Silent Darkness

A boy who leads a normal life living and caring for his family suddenly hears a voice at school, a voice from a god from a higher world looking down on his world. This spells chaos and destruction for Earth and all of humanity; a plea for help. The help of a hero or a messiah, one who will banish these fake gods and relish as the real ‘God’. An Opportunity! I also upload this Web Novel on a Website called “Royal Road.com” Attention: This Web Novel is currently on a hiatus. I am going to try my best to stack enough chapters until I get to the point where I can confidently post chapters, while being able to write at a determined pace.

TroySpecht · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 15 - Victory or Defeat

His miraculous weapon grew several dozen times in size, likely large enough to fill the room, and as ominous as my fumetsu of death.

I could feel several intense and nauseating waves of extraordinary energy coming from the man's green weapon, and I felt that I was an ant in it's presence. This was different from back then when I was murdered by that so-called 'god'. I feel like I have much higher odds of surviving than back then. "Is this hope? … Or have I lost the emotion of fear?" Thoughts pondered throughout my head but I couldn't find a clear and concise resulting answer that could possibly explain this unique phenomenon.

After thinking to myself for what only appeared to be a few seconds, I could see the man's green scythe at my neck. I felt flustered so I chose to duck and avoid the fatal attack, it somehow worked. 

Then I grabbed my blade from its sheath and swung it with all of my might.

A tremendous tremor formed in the ground as the sword managed to catch my enemy off guard and the attack was successful!

The attack had black energy surrounding it and appeared to be very powerful.

"If that attack would have been thrown at me, I would have been dead" I thought as the man stood back up on his feet.

"So it seems you really are the one fated to have that weapon… interesting,… very interesting." 

"Sir, what do you mean by me being fated to have this weapon?"

"I mean to say that weapon and you go along together quite well and dandy." He said this in a joking and charming manner; like talking to a child.

"I'm not really in the moods for jokes and tricks right now sir."

"What? I never said that I was joking." He smirked with an obvious hint of laughter.

With a quick and swift movement he ran up to me and attacked with a world cutting slash that could cut through space and its principles like butter. 

I quickly reacted to the situation and blocked the attack with my weapon and was thrown backwards into a concrete wall.

The wall shattered on impact and my body began to lose large amounts of blood, causing me to be unable to move; like being paralyzed.

"… My body is unresponsive, this is bad!"

I sat there with a petrified look on my face while drenched with blood and sweat, I could feel my life flashing before my very eyes, and the emotion of fear or dread began to invade my senses, causing me to fear death.

Then the man walked up to me and said, "Thanks for the battle, you allowed me to relieve some stress." He showed an ancient smile worthy of making someone happy, and an ominous presence telling the truth. "Now you should rest for a bit after being wounded so badly. Haha sorry I put a little bit too much power on the last attack. It almost destroyed the entire building that we are currently in, my apologies." As he said this, he used an unknown power and forcibly put me to sleep.  

As my body became limp, and my consciousness gradually faded, I became fixated on this man's strength. Who the hell is he? I pondered this one single and monotonous sentence over and over.

Then after a few seconds I fell asleep into a dream of complete and abstract darkness; with a deep void that penetrates nothingness. This was my alter ego! My body, my heart, and my soul.

Once I fell into this dark comatose state, I felt like I could see everything. The Earth, the ground, and the sky's, it felt like I could see and feel them all as if they were reverberating in and throughout my eardrums, causing them to burst.

Then as these sights and feelings began to fade into abstract darkness and nothingness, a hoarse and rash voice entered my train of thought as if I experienced an unknown event.

Then the horse called out to me and said, "Are you my master?"

I paused, looking for the right words to use in order to answer 'his' question, "Are you my alter ego?"

He look at me flustered and said with a childish tone, "If I am your alter ego, then who are you?" He looked more serious after he asked me this question.

… "The one who will slay the fake gods." I said with bloodlust and vigor.

'He' momentarily paused in a loud silence as he then sighed and smiled, "Alright I will help you then, child." He paused once more and a mystical black and red aura surrounded 'him' as he seemed to transform his hazy and indefinite appearance into a definite being. He then said, "Child, this is my true avatar, evidence of my being and my existence."

After the mystical black aura dissipated from my surroundings, I could see this being's avatar body.

'His' body outlined that of a divine species, an ancient species that roamed the world during the early years of existence, the ones who paved the way for others to simply exist and coexist in this world together as one.

An Ancient Dragon!

The darkness that surrounded 'his' body permeated through all possible light in my soul as I suddenly felt warm and content.

Then he said with a soft tone, "This is my new home now, master."

… Master!!

I was suddenly surprised and dumbfounded by this statement that the Ancient being said. "Why do you call me master?" I was serious when asking this question.

He paused and replied, "If I am to live inside of your human body, then it wouldn't hurt to have some hospitality."

'He' then stopped speaking and swirled up counter clockwise into to a swirl of nothingness and said, "Rest well young one."

Then he disappeared from my sight and I suddenly felt very heavy.

A few moments later, I opened my eyes to see my sensei looking over at me with intrigue.

He then said in an exaggerated smile, "How was it Unmei?"