

In the world of Aayan, Ahana, and their friends, a thrilling adventure unfolds as they delve into the mysteries surrounding Aayan's true identity, the reason behind his attack, and the enigmatic nature of the company he is entangled with. As the story progresses, they uncover a web of secrets and discover the hidden truths that shouldn't have reached normal humans to start with!

Rohan_Sajwan · Fantasy
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7 Chs


As soon as they reached his house, Aayan took out Morgen from the car and rushed inside. Ahana and Sherlin followed him. "Let's put him and tie him with a jute rope on this chair." Sherlin suggested. Aayan gave her a disappointing look and said, "This man uses swords and has such powers. Do you really think some jute rope will stop him once he wake up?" "Oh...I-I didn't think about that." Sherlin replied as she felt a bit embarrassed. Ronin put him on the chair and chanted some spell. Ropes, made out of magic, came out of nowhere tying Morgen to the chair. "That was sealing magic for you!" Aayan said with a big smile on his face, trying to impress Ahana but Ahana didn't give any reaction as she was angry with him. "What? You didn't like it?" He asked in disbelieve. "Just explain all of this please, Aayan. I'm already frightened and angry with you." Ahana replied. He had never seen Ahana in such state. "You're right. Come in the hall, I'll explain everything." He replied.

Aayan went to turn the lights on when Sherlin said, "Let the lights be off, we need tension in here." "Ahana and Aayan both gave her a look. "Well, I was just suggesting you know." Sherlin tried to cover. "Anyways, let's start." Ahana said.

"So as you guys must have figured out, my real name is Ronin. Ronin means, a wandering samurai, with no lord or master. In many areas, the term 'Ronin' is also used for warriors who were fearless and used swords in wars. So, I was given this name by my master 'Akira'. Basically, I was born with uncontrollable powers and Akira sensei helped me to control them. You must be thinking, what am I going on about? What time period am I even talking about? So, this all happened, when I was first born to a demon and a goddess. I'm not from this world. I've been cursed to die and reincarnate again." He explained. "So, this curse, is this why you took my Aayan's place?" Ahana asked. "You're getting it wrong. I'm your Aayan. This body is 23 years old, but this brain, it ages back to thousands of years. See, whenever I take birth, I'm given a life to live. I don't live in someone else's body. I'm living in accordance with what I've learned about my past. It's as if, my life has been given a purpose." He explained. "Hm, so? Who cursed you?" Sherlin asked. "In our world, it is said that, whenever someone is cursed, they will have to live with that curse until the caster who's magic was used to curse that someone, relieves them from the curse or the caster who's magic is used, dies." He explained. "So, if I curse you with my magic, you'll have to live with the curse all your life until I redo it or I die?" Ahana asked. "That's correct." He replied. "So, that means, the one who cursed you has not yet died or has not relieved you?" Sherlin asked. "See, the one who cursed me, was a really strong demon named Nue. There were these two demons, Neu and Nue, who wanted to rule the world. Apparently, they were Akira sensei's teachers. There was this oracle that said, "In the realm of destiny, it is foretold that your ultimate fate shall be determined by the hand of a prodigious pupil who was once under your tutelage. He'll be the end of you both." This oracle frightened Nue and Neu, so they went on a killing spree, murdering all their students. Akira and I confronted them on "The Edge Of The Dawn", a mountain side, which was said to be the way to heaven and hell. There, Nue killed Akira and cursed me. I've killed both Nue and Neu but this curse has not been undone yet. In my past lives, I've tried to find out why this curse wasn't lifted and what I found was absolutely shocking. Neu acted like the brain while Nue was the body. I used one of my most powerful magic from that time to kill Nue. He let the magic strike him of his own accord, cunningly harnessing my own powers against me. Using my own powers, he cursed me to reincarnate every time I die. He also cursed me to lose most of my powers after I reincarnate. So when I killed him, I broke the curse of losing my powers after I reincarnate but the main curse, that is, reincarnation, never broke." He explained. "Okay wait a second, so if that magic was yours, can't you undo the curse on your own?" Ahana asked. "I also came to that conclusion, and tried to redo the cruse. But it all went in vain." He replied. "Why?" She asked. "Because, even though it was my magic, the cursor was someone else, so I can't undo the curse. If we break a curse, we go against the law of our nature which in turn will put me in depravity." He explained. "Depravity? What's that?" Sherlin asked. "To define it, succumbing to the grip of the most malevolent manifestation of magic results in a corrupted mind and the deprivation of one's senses." Morgen replied. Everyone got shocked. "He's sealed, don't worry. He can just blabber his mouth. That's the most he can do. He isn't wrong though. I'll explain in simple terms. Depravity means, when dark magic takes over your mind and body. This dark magic is something that no one can control. Who ever tried to do so, lost their lives. I once died trying to control it. But now I think, the company is using this dark magic to produce these magical potions and magical equipment. I felt it the second Morgen appeared. They must have found out a way to harness this dark magic and if that's true, then they could destroy the world." Aayan explained. "Oh so that's why you weren't able to break the curse." Ahana replied. "Well, it's not like I couldn't have broken the curse, it's more like I should not. I've broken a curse before and killed many innocents. As I told you, I was cursed to lose most of my powers. I tried to gain all my powers back to defeat Neu and Nue, but as soon as I earned my powers back, I fell into depravity. The only way I was able to come out was because of Ela."

He replied. "Who's Ela? Sherlin asked. "She was my past lover. She was killed during the final battle with Neu and Nue. She made me swear that I'll move on with life. After, so many centuries, I finally was able to leave her behind and move on but I never found anyone like her. I was going to give up when I found you Ahana. Ela was my past that taught me a lot. I respect her a lot." He replied. "Oh." Ahana replied. She was confused as to what she should say. "What's this company thing? Sherlin asked. "When I reincarnated for, the fourth time, I gave up on searching a way to undo my curse. I, with Zetten and some more acquaintances, formed the company. It was basically an organization, which hired people who could actually make a change in this world using their powers. The organization was nothing what it is today. It was all because of a single man, Zugardio. Zugardio was one of the founders of the company. We built the company from scratch. We decided to make Zugardio the head of the company as he was really influential and had this positive mindset. I and Zetten on the other hand, were not available most of the times because we both travelled worlds to join them with ours so that everyone could live in harmony. For many centuries, the company thrived into positivity, joining worlds and living in harmony. But for some reason, Zugardio got brainwashed by some cult group who wanted to control that dark magic. He tried to change our mind but thankfully, I wasn't influenced by them. I had to flee to another world where the company's influence couldn't reach. I used to warn people and create barriers so that these worlds wouldn't be tampered with. I even used to infiltrate the headquarters they formed in other worlds, destroying them and forming barriers for those worlds. Looks like they've reached this world too." He explained." "So, who is this guy then?" Sherlin asked, pointing towards Morgen. "I'm Morgen, the son of Zetten. He killed my father, I'm here to avenge him." Morgen replied angrily. "Your father asked me to kill him!" Aayan shouted! "Why would he ask you to kill himself?" Morgen asked angrily. "That's because, when he became a father he understood Zugardio's intentions and didn't want you to get involved with the company. He was wrongly influenced by the company! And when he realized that I was right, it was too late. You were at the headquarters with Zugardio at that time. If Zetten would've turned on him, he could've killed you! That's why he asked me to kill him and somehow get you away from that bastard!" Aayan shouted. "Liar!! Zugardio told me everything! You killed your own best friend because he wanted you to join the company back but you were so jealous of my father's success that you killed him!" Morgen replied back angrily. "Oh, so that's what he told you. You can't be blamed. It's my fault that I wasn't able to raise you." Aayan said in a low voice. "Here, let me show you." Aayan said.

"Divine vision" He chanted. All of the people there, were teleported to the past. he then unsealed Morgen and asked him to just watch.

That fateful ground where Zetten met his end at the hands of Ronin.