

In the world of Aayan, Ahana, and their friends, a thrilling adventure unfolds as they delve into the mysteries surrounding Aayan's true identity, the reason behind his attack, and the enigmatic nature of the company he is entangled with. As the story progresses, they uncover a web of secrets and discover the hidden truths that shouldn't have reached normal humans to start with!

Rohan_Sajwan · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Suddenly, the orb busted open. It was Ronin, full of anger and hatred driving his powers crazy. "Okay that's enough. I'll undo my magic." Aayan said in a rush. "No wait, let's watch what we have here." Sherlin said. "Hey, you don't understand, you shouldn't be watching this in the first place. This was meant for Morgen." Ronin protested. "It's not just Sherlin who is curious; even I am intrigued to witness the depths of your anger and what kind of person you become in that state." Ahana insisted. "But this is one aspect of myself that I would rather shield you from. I fear that witnessing my anger may frighten you." Ronin replied. "Aayan, my love for you is unconditional. From the moment I committed to our relationship, I embraced every aspect of you, including your anger and powers. There is no fear in my heart. I am determined to find a way to understand and support you even in moments of anger." She replied. Aayan nodded, his expression revealing a mixture of a faint smile and a hint of concern.

"Zugardio you bastard!!" Ronin shouted. He unleashed his energy at an astonishingly supreme level. The smaller soldiers, lacking the will to fight, succumbed to the sheer force of the blast and collapsed, overwhelmed by its pressure. Meanwhile, the remaining soldiers dropped to their knees, unable to withstand the intensity of his energy. However, even Ronin reached his limits as the dark magic took a heavy toll on him. It consumed and drained his body, leaving him scorched and fatigued, severely depleting his stamina and strength. Nevertheless, he remained steadfast, standing resolute and continuing to unleash his immense energy without showing any signs of fatigue or weariness.

"That's precisely what I anticipated from you, Ronin-sensei!" Zugardio shouted from behind the soldiers. "Let's end it for real this time." Ronin said as He barreled through Zugardio's army with a powerful blast, swiftly closing the distance and confronting him face to face. Within a matter of seconds, he swiftly unsheathed his katana and launched a strike towards Zugardio. However, as expected, Zugardio deflected the attack with a sword enveloped in dark magic. ""You may be the undefeated champion warrior, but you are still powerless against the might of dark magic," Zugardio sneered. "Consuming all that dark magic earlier left me wondering if you could truly control it, but it's clear to me now that you cannot. You are not as strong as you once were, sensei. I must say, I'm disappointed." He taunted. Ronin struggled to hold of Zugardio's sword when he said, ""You have undoubtedly grown stronger, but let me make one thing clear: you can never defeat me," Ronin asserted with unwavering confidence. "Mark my words, you will come to regret the day you crossed the line and took Zetten's life!" He stated. "Me? Zetten's killer? You aren't joking right? You killed him!!" Zugardio shouted, laughing like a maniac. With surprising ease, Zugardio exerted force against Ronin, propelling him backward and delivering a powerful punch to his abdomen. The impact sent Ronin hurtling through the air, crashing towards the distant background. As the dark magic he had absorbed nullified his own powers, Ronin found himself losing his magical abilities. The clash between his own magic and the overwhelming dark magic resulted in a diminishing of his powers. "I solemnly swear to take this blood oath. I shall pursue you relentlessly until your last breath, leaving you begging for mercy. Your life will be filled with fear, Zugardio!" Ronin shouted as he firmly gripped his dagger, drawing a deep cut across his palm. With the bloodied hand, he began to chant an ancient incantation, weaving the words into the fabric of magic. Soon, a radiant barrier shimmered into existence, enveloping him in a magical barrier. "Oh, Sensei, can't you see? Lady Luck has turned her back on you. Your days are numbered, and the end is near. Don't even bother with your feeble warnings, for they fall on deaf ears. Your fate is sealed, and there's no escape from the impending doom.." Zugardio said as he laughed at Ronin.

"Divine Magic, undo." Aayan chanted. They all teleported back to his hall.

"What on earth possessed you to do that? We were so eager to witness it!" Sherlin exclaimed in utter disbelief and disappointment. "My my, you do seem so eager to witness my death don't you? Aayan replied.

Morgen went inside his his room and banged the door. "What the? It's not his house! Why on earth did he bang the gate?" Sherlin exclaimed. "Now now, it's okay. He just witnessed his father's demise. I'll go inside and talk to him don't worry." Aayan replied. As he was going inside to talk to Morgen, Ahana held his hand and said, "Aayan, I must admit I once claimed you weren't my Aayan, but now I see my mistake. As I witnessed you fight, I couldn't help but notice the familiar enthusiasm, smile, willpower, and emotions that have always been a part of you. I deeply regret my words, and I am genuinely sorry for saying that. I realize now that I acted foolishly, not considering the strength you possess. You've endured immense pain and faced countless struggles over the years, and without a second thought, I doubted you. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for my thoughtless actions. I'm really sorry." She had tears in her eyes. "My dear, there's no need for you to apologize. I understand that the situation I put you in, and I should have been more understanding and open about this. Our relationship is built on honesty and openness, and I realize that I broke that trust by hiding something important from you. I'm truly sorry for not being upfront about it. Let's use this experience as a learning opportunity and grow together, being even more open and communicative in the future. Your understanding means the world to me, and I cherish our bond deeply. I love you and I cherish our bond. I promise that I'll never hide anything from you now." He apologized for his mistake. Ahana burst into tears and hugged him tightly.

Ronin entered the room and locked it from inside. "Morgen. You want to talk? Tell me, how do you feel?" Ronin asked him politely. "Uncle Ronin, I can't help but feel remorseful for all the hate I directed towards you. You certainly didn't deserve such behavior from me, and I deeply regret my actions. My father would be disappointed in how I treated you. I now realize that I was under the influence of Zugardio, and it clouded my judgment. I questioned the value of dark magic and asked him about it multiple times, but he never offered any answers, always dismissing my inquiries. I see now the mistake I made, and I want to make amends for my actions. Please forgive me, and let us work together to right the wrongs that have been done." Morgen replied. He had tears in his eyes. He witnessed the truth, his father's death and understood his mistakes. "Kid, don't be so formal with me. Just call me Ronin. Uncle would be too old for this body you know. Don't worry. Zetten will be proud of you." Ronin replied. "So, tell me, what happened to you and dad's body after that?" Morgen asked. "Well, I took the oath and I am still binded to it.

My body was severely wounded, and the darkness within me had taken control, leading to the extinguishing of my magic. As I lay on the ground, unconscious, Zugardio and his army departed, leaving me in my weakened state. When I finally regained consciousness, a heartbreaking sight greeted me—your father's lifeless body lying nearby. The grief and guilt washed over me as I picked him up, honoring his memory by giving him a proper and heartfelt funeral. I realized the consequences of my actions and the devastation they had caused. Now, I seek redemption and wish to atone for my mistakes. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me, as I strive to make amends and protect those I care about from the darkness that once consumed me." Ronin explained. "You don't have to apologize to me Ronin-san, just fulfill the oath you took." Morgen replied.

Everyone sat in the hall, while Aayan cooked the dinner. "So Morgen, how do you plan on defeating Zugardio?" Sherlin asked. "Um, who are you? What's your name?" Morgen asked. "Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Sherlin, Ronin's best friend." Sherlin replied. "My best friend? She's Ahana's best friend. Stop lying you moron!" Ronin shouted from the kitchen laughing. Sherlin was embarrassed. "Nice to meet you Sherlin. I'm Morgen. As of now, I don't have a plan. We'll have to figure one out soon if we want to stop the company from creating their base here." Morgen replied. "And the dark magic? What about it? What will you do about it?" She asked. "Dark magic will create problems for us. When I absorbed the magic, it felt like it's trying to destroy me from inside, like puncturing every cell in my body. It also neutralized by magic from within and I sustained a lot of damage, a lot of bleeding, failing organs and what not. And also, your will power should be sheer!" Ronin explained from the kitchen. "Sensei, my father, how was he?" Morgen asked suddenly. "

Zetten, much like you, possessed boundless energy, an unwavering determination, and the mindset of a true warrior. On the battlefield, he displayed exceptional skill and was undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. However, his true essence as a person was the complete opposite. He had a childlike nature, often displaying immaturity, carefree behavior, and a loving heart.

It was after the final battle with Neu and Nue, where both of my other friends lost their lives, that Zetten and I formed a deep bond. Amid my profound sorrow and depression, he stood by my side, offering unwavering support and friendship.

His personality was a fascinating blend of contrasts. In moments, he could act with childlike immaturity, bringing light and joy to those around him. Yet, when I found myself in the depths of despair, he transformed into a pillar of maturity, offering me solace and strength.

Zetten's complexity made him a cherished friend, someone I could rely on no matter the circumstances. His ability to balance both sides of himself made him an extraordinary companion. He had a lot more than what he actually revealed. That's how your father was. Someone who can't be contained within words." Ronin explained.


"What was that? Was it the main door?" Ahana asked in fear. ""It's them, the company. They must have come to take me away from here," Morgen said.