
19- A Monotonous Day

"Erich, wake up. I have taken out your clothes. Get up and get ready for work."

Red woke Erich up, removing curtains and letting the sunlight fall directly on his face.

"You did?" He asked, yawning and getting up.

"Yeah... I have some obligations as your wife." She replied, sitting on the bed.

"Thanks... By that I can drop you at work." He offered, getting up.

"And return?"

"I will pick you up." He shrugged.

"No. You don't have to."

"Obligations.... Besides, I can at least do this much for you." He smiled softly.

"Whatever. I am waiting for you downstairs." She said, leaving.

They both sat down to have breakfast and Erich began to say hesitantly.

"Red.. I.. Have a meeting next month." He took a pause before continuing.

"So what?" Red shrugged. "...With Lucifer." He completed his sentence, leaving Red stunned for a second.

A shiver anticipated with fear went down her spine, lost in mystifying thoughts.

"Red?" Erich called her.