
The One that lives on Destruction

Sigurd POv

I was in a dream I was standing alone while facing an uncountable number of beasts with my demonic blade Gram with different small throwing knife each movement of the blade caused destruction my Icy face was now releasing a demonic pressure the blade of the sun that brought destruction continuously evolved at the end It changed its name I could feel it calling my name "Your name is Demonic end Bölverkr Gram[Heaven's Wheel of Destruction]" I pulled the sword from nothingness my mana was rising rapidly and my dragon heart evolved I had finally reached the threshold of a dragon lord I used runes to conceal my aura, I could feel it the change in my body all my senses were enhanced I could feel everything finishing I went to wash and got ready to go to my job.

Narrator POV

Sigurd arrived at the bar but this time there was someone else "This familiar presence of a dragon" Finally my eyes fall on a boy with brown hair with a shy personality in front of Tia 'So you also are here Issei Hyodo' I continued to walk and stopped in front of them "So you have arrived here boy, by the way, this boy also want to work here hope you get along" well I hope he won't be bad as the original when we continued two men were arguing with each other while there was another person beside them

The old man smiled as his hand moved to slap the butt of the woman who stood next to him, earning a loud "Yep!" From the woman and a roaring laugh from Azazel.

"O-Odin-sama you should behave yourself! As the leader of the Valkyries and your personal bodyguard, it is my job to make sure you do your job and conduct yourself in stellar man and..." Her speech was cut short as the sound of flesh hitting flesh was heard loudly again, together with another "yep!".

"How are you doing Odin, you old fart?"

"Probably doing much better than ya sorry pale ass Azazel. Since when do crows have the time to be drinking around?" The old man named Odin talked with a thick accent, swinging a cane at Azazel, and grabbing a large mug filled with a dark-colored, creamy beer.

"Well you old fart, since the Great War things have been troublesome for sure, but if a man can't drink a bit in his free time, then he is no longer a man but a slave of the system!"

Though they were insulting each other they seemed to be on friendly terms

The platinum-haired woman who moments before stood at the side of Odin was now crying while hitting softly the wood of the counter which she was found. Soon a drink hit her hand, and he lifted her head that was buried between her arms and found a glass filled with a transparent liquid. Looking for her giver, she found Tia not too far from her polishing a glass mug.

"Well, old fart have I introduced you to my buddy here?" Said Azazel as he pointed to Tia who growled annoyed at his antics.

"Well now ya crow bastard, since when do ya know Tiamat?" Odin said as soon as he finished draining his mug of beer.

"...everybody just shouts commands at me, what am I suppose to do...WAIT, WHAT!?" Rossweisse seemed down for some moments before her spirit lifted her up.

Sigurd POV

Hoh, she was the dragon Tiamat known as the chaos karma dragon is she lives with destruction then we might get along no wonder i felt no sense of danger from her I let out a small chuckle as the two men continue to talk.

Azazel POV

"Azazel ye crow bastard droppin' news like that and hoppin' someone make it due with ya craziness!" Odin said as he fixed his eyepatch in place. Infinite wisdom would not be capable of understanding what makes the Fallen Angel tick.

Tia or Tiamat hissed low for herself and put the image of a brunette in her mind. Azazel was already into the trail but he wasn't a dragon. Only a dragon was able to fully recognize another, even a dormant one. So this Issei was this generation's current [Red Dragon Emperor] huh? Maybe the current years would be fun and not only that the other boy must have something to do with dragons as I was looking at him I could feel his eyes looking at me they gave me quite the shivers "What kind of monster did Tiamat just recruit" I am fairly sure no normal person can give that look hell even high tier devils the boy then looked at Tiamat I then sighed.

Narrator POV

I and Issei went to the counter expecting Tia but this time instead Tia, instead finding a nonetheless beautiful girl. She looked a bit older than him, maybe 17, and had blue hair. Her equally blue eyes had the "mature beauty" style and her expression stayed serious. Her body had the right curves and while her boobs were small, they had their charm as they seemed well-shaped and soft. The black pants, white social long shirt, a small tie, and slacks hugged her form perfectly to exult both elegance and charm.

The girl focused her blue eyes upon him and Issei couldn't help but shudder under her gaze. Her lovely hands moved with both grace and agility as she was preparing a snack. Tearing his eyes from her form was hard but he managed to do it after feeling stares burn holes in his back as some males looked at him. But when she tried to look at the other male she shuddered as if a gigantic beast was looking at her as a mere ant while some males also were pressured by him and looked the other way

"How may I help you, sir?" Her voice was melodious, even if a bit dry in the emotion department, I could feel the shudder in her voice when she looked at me. Issei responded to her question

"...B-barley tea and ...a cheesecake please?" Pathetic Issei, to crumble under pressure from the gaze of such a beauty, what kind of man are you?

" I am here for the job I was supposed to start today," I said

"Oh, yea lady tia told me there was someone who would start today. Please I wait I will be with you " the girl said as she went away I sat along with Issei on the counter

I ordered some water as we waited for Tiamat as she suddenly entered she went for Issei

"That as fast boyo, I thought you would wait at least a day or two before coming back!" Tia's mocking voice was a boon for Issei.

"Thanks, Yukihime." Tia said to the other girl who gave a short bow and said, "My pleasure Tiamat-sama", before coming out of the counter through a waist-high door with a platter in her hands with drinks for clients no doubt.

Issei suddenly asked

"Tia-san... where are all those drinks and bottles from yesterday? I could swear those cabinets were full." Issei decided to ask a safe question. His annoyance at her antics was unexpected for himself since normally he would love if a woman were to be playing and talking with him like that

'Hoh, it seems she gave the "Dragon Blood" to issei no wonder his hormones are like that since that drink increase them it a wonder how he can contain himself' Sigurd thought while looking at Tiamat

"It's you booya now that I think about you are supposed today let me call Yukihime she will show you what to do " as she said she called her she was looking scared when she learned she was going to work with me 'Am I that scary?' we then went in there re the staff is while Issei was with Tiamat discussed with each other. I was waiting suddenly Issei was thrown here as she also threw some clothes to us I caught them easily

"Alfred is a bit smaller than you so those should fit you nicely. He and Yukihime will explain better later, for now just change into those and meet me at the counter.

After ten minutes I looked at my clothes I modified them to fit me while I didn't change my pants since they look similar but the ones I wear is even more comfortable while Issei didn't look shabby too.

A lot of people sighed as if a great weight had been removed from their shoulders. Some girls even gave him some scowls, as if asking him "How dare you even touch our glamorous Tia-same". Sincerely, it was quite a shock. The jealous looks of some guys were quite worth the trouble, as Issei used a great deal of restraint to not flip them the bird. While others were intimidated by Sigurd after all his chilly eyes and Ice like sculpture appearance made them feel intimidated the girls were attracted to him but they sighed as they looked " That man could take Tiamat hopefully not"


By the time the last customers, a couple no less, exited the hall, Issei just dropped dead at a seat by the counter. Yukihime waked slowly and still full of grace towards the counter and stood close by. Even the old man (Alfred for sure) Issei saw in his first visit was coming towards here. "But Sigurd wasn't tired at all he was like those ikemen that work and never lose their energy. Is the difference between him and me that big " Issei thought.

"Good job Ise, you lasted much more than what I expected!" Tiamat said from her place at the counter, a cloth in her hands polishing a glass cup, and putting a cup in front of him."And you Sigurd you were better than expected have you ever worked a similar place" I answered while cleaning the cup "No this is the first time I am working in this kind of place"

"Why don't I reward you with "Dragon Blood" as she put the bottles on the table Issei quickly grabbed them and started gulping them down "I see she is fastening the process of Draig awakening and transforming him into a dragon, "Sigurd thought while Issei was gulping Tiamat was looking at Sigurd

To the untrained, Yukihime never moved, but to the special senses of Tiamat, the slightest tremor or the minor clenching of muscle was never passed. The smallest movement, the smell in the air, all those gave Tiamat all she ever needed to tell what someone was going to do before they could even think of doing. Yet she couldn't sense anything from him normally any person with a dragon that drank the "Dragon blood" should feel the need for more and yet the boy was composed and his behavior didn't change at all " Interesting" she thought

meanwhile, as Issei finished I had removed the work clothes and preparing myself to live I could sense some turbulence in him as he rushed away. As I got back I met Tiamat talking to her employees. As I was about to live I stopped and talked to Tiamat " I would suggest you don't play with the fate of that boy Chaos Karma Dragon" Tiamat looked at me amusingly and said with a mocking voice " And why should I do what you say booya" suddenly a dragon aura was rising from her, so this is how things are going to be I replied while releasing a greenish-blue aura " For both the sake of us" My eyes were serious she then laughed.

Tiamat POV

That energy as I thought he is not ordinary

"Please do not spoil my fun Yuki-chan, or I will have to punish you, fu fu fu!" Tiamat said as she went back to polishing glass cups and mugs. "I know Yuki-onna are quite cheeky, but I rule here and I just so happen to dabble in ice." Small snowflakes circled one recently polished cup making it gain a misty inside and a slight layer of frost. I told them

I used my power but suddenly he had disappeared he was right on my left he then said "It would be best inside a barrier" then he made a barrier I smiled " You are getting me more curious of who you are booya" I said but I suddenly released my claws he evaded them easily as if he could foresee him he then appeared in front me he then said [Zahard Style Lethal Move - Rampage ] the moment he said that an immense amount of mana was accumulating on his fist "This is dangerous I need to defend against" it as I raised my arm to defend against it he had already released his move as blown away I looked at myself I had wounds on my body I the Chaos Karma dragon was inflicted wounds from a boy " Who are you" and he simply said " I am your employee" the barrier broke the place was utterly destroyed my instinct of a dragon to fight was rising

Fight him!

Destroy him!!

Devour him!!

I forcibly stopped them, after all, I looked at my horrified I then got up the boy used magic to restore the bar how it was and then said " It would be wise to stop" "yes " I said after that he cleaned the dust off his shoulder and got out I finally sighed "lady Tiamat-sama" she came running while incredibly worried along with Alfred "Don't worry it seems at least he healed me if not I would have fired him, and also that aura and nature there is no doubt he must embody some kind of power of destruction but I couldn't figure out whether he is a dragon or an evil one" "Lady Tiamat -sama what doe we do about him" " Nothing he will come here to work anyway" I may have potentially found my mate I can't wait

This was the end of the fight at the bar