A self insert story using CYOA (create your own character) template for the Witcher Series. If Geralt is a generalist Witcher then SI is wizard version. This Amazing Fanfiction belongs to massgamer please support him! https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/signs-of-destiny-the-witcher-si.817754/#post-64152479 again this fic is not mine I'm sharing it hear because of the better reading mode and to share one of the best witcher fics out there. again please support the author
"I really think it comes down to what do I want to do as a person. Do I want to cower away from the rest of the world and live the safest way I possibly can? Or do I want to make the most use out of what I have gotten out of this shitty situation to do the most good I possibly can in the time I am alive? I know where there is going to be lots of trouble and how, as always, the good guys are outnumbered by the bad, so why not help out in own way directly or indirectly? Besides, assuming everything goes right I can either stay here knowing I did job well done or ask Ciri to drop me off somewhere. That makes sense, right Griffin?" I asked the horse.
Griffin just ignored me and kept eating his hay.
"That is good input. Thanks for listening and being an amazing sounding board. I now know why Geralt talks to Roach all the time. However, if at any point I gain the ability to understand you… wait a minute." I thought really hard for moment.
Didn't CYOA mention a unique Sign that allowed basic communication with animal and monster unique to Griffin School?
I focused on it mentally and suddenly the Sign came to mind. I then signed out Xiil while targeting Griffin and I felt something.
'Dumb Markus, just do it and let Griffin eat.' I heard an uptight voice in my head.
"Yeah, I am dumb. I won't deny that and thanks for kick in the pants Griffin. Also, no apples or other sweets for you for a week." I declared.
Griffin literally dropped his jaw and hay fell out.
"Ha! I'm going to love using this Sign, maybe it will help avoid conflict in future with some of the more reasonable monsters." I said with a laugh while my mind came up with ways to abuse power.
I brought out my map of Kovir and Poviss before me.
"Alright, travel plans. We are actually not to far from the main road to Pont Vanis which is the summer capital and it is currently summer time. We can head there, stopping periodically to do jobs and such to cover expenses, before taking a ship to Novigrad. Assuming we don't encounter any horrifying sea monsters, Skelligen raiders, or any other terrible things that can happen at sea we should make it to the city and make our way northeast along roads or up Pontar till we can follow river that flows next to Kaer Morhen. Need to buy more detailed maps at port to make sure we go the right way and then follow Witcher signs, but should be doable assuming we don't die in a variety of ways." I explained.
"When we get there we tell Vesemir I'm an amnestic Witcher in need of help retraining, since I am basically only a newly graduated Witcher, and from there see what we can do to do some positive changes in the world. Maybe restart Witchers without the mountain of dead children in the process? Fix up old keep? Would be nice if I can keep Leo from dying from Professor since he is a good kid. I don't have all the details, but then again no plan is a sure thing. Heck, for all I know I will come across Letho and the other Viper school Witchers and I can prevent them from becoming personal hitmen of Emperor dickhead before he kills them off instead of fulfilling the promise of restoring their school, or any other of things I can possibly do to do some good in the world. Seriously, lots of people end up getting screwed over."
As I talked aloud I knew for a fact I was making this all sound a lot simpler than it likely was going to be. Knowing my luck I would get eaten or something before even getting on the boat.
Okay, stay positive! Not dead yet and gonna work on keeping it that way.
"Whelp, this village has been good to us, but the job market for Witchers has kinda dried up so we'll leave in the morning. Griffin, rest up. I'm going to go the inn to do something I have been wanting to do since I got here." I said with total seriousness.
"I win again!" Peter laughed at my displeasure.
"I told you I would suck at this! I'm much better at games of strategy, ideally focused around cards. Dice Poker is literally nothing but luck!" I complained. If we were playing for coin I am sure Peter would have cleaned me out at this point, but thankfully he took request for me to learn in good spirits.
Though at this point I was seriously considering just never playing the game or else I am sure I would lose everything to a serious player.
"Don't take it too bad, not everyone has talent with this game. Besides, you have a much more exciting way to earn money."
"I guess…" I mumbled into my cider. It had such a low alcohol content that my Witcher liver easily dealt with it.
"Beg pardon gentlemen, but am I correct in assuming that your sir are a Witcher?" Someone said from my right.
Huh, I was so focused and the inn was so rowdy I didn't notice them coming directly at me till within arm's length. I need to work on that.
I turned to my right to see a man who's entire look just screamed scholar. I'm talking bright robes in Kovir and Poviss colors, large glasses on his face, carrying a large bag most likely holding books and teaching supplies, and basically as stereotypical in looks as one can get.
I had an annoying feeling.
"Yesss? I'm a Witcher of the School of the Griffin known as Markus of Kovir, and you?"
"Excellent! I am a soon to be professor of the University of Lan Exeter, and I have a potentially very lucrative job for you." he said with a smile.
"Really now? Also, soon to be professor? You don't even seem thirty yet." I pointed out.
"Indeed, I am quite young for the position, but that is simply because I have worked very hard to get where I am and, assuming all goes well, I will become one when the year is up! My field of study is one barely looked into considering the danger so there are few peers in my field nor even high in it. Would you like to take a guess at what my field is?"
Well… time to get my Sherlock on.
"Well for one thing you approached me, a Witcher, so I assume it is related to me somehow. I can also smell the monster parts in your bag and notice that your scholarly robes look a little frayed around the edges so that tells me you do work in the field that focuses around monsters. Finally you said your field of study is a dangerous one to pursue and have few peers so safe to assume it is both an unattractive field and one that has low life expectancy for the scholars that pursue it. Adding all that together, you are a monster biologist." I concluded.
"Haha! You are quite the deductionist! Indeed, I am a scholar of monsters of all types and of their lifestyles, personalities, inner workings, and what have you. Ivar Holien is my name and I am hoping to hire on your services as a protector and expert in my field of study so that I might expand important knowledge of the creatures and beings that inhabit out world!" was Ivar's passionate reply.
Oh jeez, did I just pick up someone more likely to get himself killed than even Dandelion?
"I'm guessing you realize how dangerous that kind of work is in general, right?"
"Oh certainly! I can name several colleagues that have met their ends in a number of horrible ways in their pursuit of knowledge, I myself have come close to death no less than three dozen times! But that is why study is important! We must work to push back the ignorance and misconceptions of the world around us in general. Most knowledge on monsters is sadly collected within only select groups despite the fact they are a regular part of the world that affects everyone. It is my hope that I might discover enough to make the average man's life easier and maybe even find a balance with it so that all sides can benefit. After all, for all that wolves plague livestock they are also important to keeping other animal populations stable. That is why I wish to hire you since who else would make a better companion in the task?"
"Got to admit, he's not wrong Markus. Anyhow, will leave you to your business." Peter commented before picking up the poker board and walking off.
Nice bail.
"Look… I think your goal is a good one. But to be totally honest even for Witchers, studying monsters is deadly and I kinda have a goal in mind that requires travel outside of the country-" I tried to explain.
"Excellent! I can get a wider selection of monsters to study traveling with you! I have already earned a good research grant by the university to do just that after all, I was planning to head to Oxenfurt for a research panel anyhow. Will you be going that way?"
"Technically yes…"
"Splendid! I shall make arrangements and we can leave on the morrow!" Ivar said with a smile before walking off to talk with Peter about spending the night.
… What the heck just happened? Did I just accidental a traveling companion whom I will have to work hard to keep alive if I don't want to feel like an asshole?
Oh Destiny you insufferable bitch.
Not on my watch! I'm leaving tonight while he's sleeping!
Plan in mind, I got up to collect my things and saddle up Griffin.
"There you are! If you wanted to leave earlier you should have told me!" Ivar greeted me cheerfully from the top of his own horse galloping towards me a mile down the road from the village.
How did he know I left?!
"This will be a great opportunity to potentially look into the nocturnal habits of several monsters we may come across! Many prefer to hunt at night after all." Ivar happily informed.
Yup, it was official. Destiny loved sticking annoyingly straightforward people with antisocial individuals like me just to see the lols.
If monsters don't kill Ivar at some point I'm sure he will become so plot relevant and useful that I won't be able to ditch him and grow emotionally attached!
Ugh, the magic of friendship will be the death of me.