
Chapter 26

Standing on the top deck with Ivar and Dogmeat we took in Novigrad as the Wave Rider slowly made its way into the expansive docks. It had taken months of travel, but at last I was in some kind of familiar territory. The journey from Roggeven had been most uneventful beyond some testy weather that the ship and crew handled fine, though I was looking forward to being off the ship and at least for a short time in one of the biggest cities in the Northern Kingdoms.

Obviously though the city-state was much more impressive looking in person than through a game engine.

It was a sprawling behemoth of a city - at least by local standards. Back on Earth, it would be considered mid-sized at best, with a population that according to game lore was around 30,000. Robust walls encircled the landward side of the city, while the harbor utilized a combination of levees, sea walls, and fortified towers providing cover against any would-be attackers. From my position aboard the ship, I could make out ballistas, catapults, and - were those fire tubes? Well, suffice to say it was becoming clear why Emrys had such a hard time taking it during The Witcher 3. That plus the local criminal syndicate's threat to burn the ships to the waterline and the warehouses to ash. Not much point taking the city if all of the resources you needed from it are destroyed, after all.

The city had expanded beyond the obvious original perimeter, with a sprawling network of homes and businesses reaching out past the sturdy walls. Within, the city was divided into clear districts - banks and classy shops at the square, the Church of the Eternal Fire on an isolated island north of the city proper, apartments mostly on the east and south, the harbor and warehouse district to the west and north, and farms on the extreme south and east sides, reaching out towards the Pontar River. It even smelled like a traditional medieval city - ammonia from the tanners, steam and coal dust from the blacksmiths, food and flowers in the business area, street vendors selling everything from pierogies and sauerkraut to grilled chicken and lamb skewers. At least, I hoped they were lamb skewers.

And the best part was that the city hadn't yet drunk a tub of Radovid's kool-aid yet! Sure the Eternal Fire cult was still going strong in the city in general but they weren't leading any witch hunts yet for mage and nonhuman population so that was nice. Still, I wouldn't give any of the candle zealots much reason to look my way if possible and for all that it would be great to explore the city in its prime there was honestly no reason to stay longer than needed before moving on.

"Look at all those ships in port, I read about Novigrad's fleet before but it is certainly humbling to see it up close." Ivar said as he pointed out all of the military ships in their docks. We passed several on general patrol outside of the city but the vast majority of the fleet likely rarely left unless confronted with an invasion. Even Nilfgaard didn't want to directly fight it in game without risking a pyrrhic victory at best.

I guess being one of the largest and richest cities in the North along with being a major religious center allowed even a single city the ability to make even the largest nation in the known world pause a bit.

"Yup, with the amount of money this place rakes in through trade taxes alone likely pays for most of it. That is what happens when you are a port city and next to the exit of the Pontar." I idly said as the Wave Rinder's captain and crew worked to dock their vessel into one of the many open docks to unload their goods, and us. It likely required lots of precise coordination and sailing skill to do so with all the other ships coming in and out of port constantly.

Now it was a matter of finding a different kind of boat to take them on the next leg of their journey. But first there were important errands to run.


"I shall miss our talks with Captain Pisapia, he had such interesting stories to tell and insights into my own research." Ivar said as he rode his horse through Novigrad's streets alongside my own Griffin, who seemed very happy to not be cooped up on a boat anymore for at least a little bit.

"He was alright, I wished he asked me less about monsters I killed. I couldn't tell him much anyhow."

"Yes, I imagine it would be hard to entertain him when you have no knowledge of the original Markus' memories… if he wasn't entirely made up in the first give what you told me of this "CYOA" before you came here. The concept certainly sounds fun at least."

"Yup, and look where it got me." I muttered as I directed our horses through Harborside, passing by various merchants, sailors and other people who worked the district alongside it's many warehouses. We'd have to hitch them up somewhere though since apparently the city had a law against bringing them into more inhabited areas in order to cut down on horse shit getting everywhere. Couldn't blame them and at least they had a basic sewer system in place to cut down on smells.

Which is why I directed us towards the Golden Sturgeon and promptly did just that before turning to a dismounting Ivar and Dogmeat who was sitting in his bag.

"Alright, we'll meet up back here later as we do our own errands around the city. Hopefully once we are done we can find a river barge captain in this place to take us up the Pontar at least until the Termerian border. Don't get in any trouble and try not to get mugged or something. You take Dogmeat with you so you will subconsciously try to avoid any possible danger."

"That's not how that… I mean… huh, you might actually be on to something there." Ivar mused as he gripped his chin and Dogmeat stood up a bit to lick his hand.

"I know. I'm going to head by bank, blacksmith and alchemist to restock on supplies while you do the same for whatever scholarly things you might want. I also have to do a special stop over to handle something I have been neglecting for far too long…" I said ominously.

"What could that be?" Ivar asked curiously.

I rubbed my face in response.


As I opened the door and stepped into the shop I heard a tiny bell go off from where it was attached to said door.

"Welcome to Master Barbarous' Barber Shop, how might I help you today?" a well dressed secretary manning the counter asked as behind him I saw what was identical to a high class old timey barber shop. Well-crafted chairs for patrons to sit in, masterfully made barber tools and other items to tend to requests of customers, and in general a very stuffy atmosphere surrounded the place. There were a few clearly noble or at least high class merchant patrons having their hair done by several people, though none seems like the man in charge himself.

Speaking of which…

"...The man in charge of a barber shop is named Barbarous?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Indeed, you are not the first to comment on it. Though the Master prefers if you do not bring it up since it annoys him." the man said with an air of one who had explained it many, many times before. I decided not to ask and make his job a bit easier.

"I'm here for a shave please."

"Do you have an appointment?" he asked as he opened what was likely an appointment book.

"No, just got in today and as you can tell I haven't had proper grooming done in awhile." I said as I scratched my face a bit which was sporting a decent-looking blond beard. I never liked them back home, too uncomfortable and looked awful, but without a razor I could never do it since I got here.

"Ah, I see. Sadly the Master and his apprentices are fully booked with appointments made months in advance so-" I interrupted by dropping a heavy coin purse on his desk.

"I really need a shave and I'll be leaving soon so I don't really have time to wait. Consider that a drop-in fee and I'm sure someone had to cancel." I stated.

The secretary merely stared at me before opening the coin purse and his eyes widened a bit at the amount. Making a stop by Vivaldi's beforehand to deposit the coin weighing me down and exchanging it for local currency for the various regions I was to pass through was just good sense, not to mention spending money for shopping. This was my last stop before going back to the Sturgeon and I intended to get it down before flies started living in my face.

"Well then, we actually did have a cancellation today and Master Barbarous is likely to grace you personally given your obvious need. Please sit for a moment while I inform him." the secretary said as he got up and walked into the back of the shop and I sat in one of the waiting chairs.

I likely overpaid by a lot but this was Hierarch Square, you were practically required to over pay on stupid shit and I really wanted a shave.

I didn't wait long before a greying Nilfgaardian man in expensive clothing walked up to me from a back office with the secretary trailing behind. Despite his apparent age the man stood tall with ease and gave me a very considering look. I had to admit, his own hair was damn impressive.

Not on his head, but his mustache! I knew Nilfgaardians disliked beards but I guess even they realized the high culture that was a well-groomed lip caterpillar.

"Hmmm, the Gentleman will follow me to a chair. The assistant here will place your belongings safely in the backroom. Please remove your armor, it will otherwise impede the process." the man said with so much stiff politeness and professionalism that all I could do was nod respectfully.

I quickly removed all my weapons and tools and even removed the outer layer of my Griffin School armor and handed it to the secretary who clearly struggled with the weight of it. He likely never had to carry much more than someone's purse or something for safe keeping, though credit where credit was due he powered through it and went to store my equipment safely away. In a place this high class I had no worries about anything being stolen.

I then followed Master Barbarous to a chair near the back and in front of a large expensive mirror and took the offered seat. Picking up a white cloth, he shook it out and draped it around my neck, covering my entire upper body.

A maidservant walked into the room, carrying a steaming bucket of hot water. Placing it down next to a nearby basin, she quickly trotted back out, leaving Master Barbarous and I alone. Barbarous took a linen towel and placed it in the water, letting it soak while stirring a white powder with water to make a fluffy shaving cream. He then took the now-steaming towel and placed it over my face for a few minutes, making sure to cover my entire face while making a tiny hole over my nose so that I didn't suffocate or something like that. He repeated this a couple times, washing my face and getting my beard clean in the process, before taking a badger hair brush, dipping it in the lather, and covering my beard with it. He then took out a gleaming straight razor and whetted it against what looked like a leather belt before carefully going over my face and, well, shaving me clean.

While all this was happening I noticed the front bell door going off again. My eyes were naturally drawn there, and what I saw made me freeze. Because the person that came in was arguably the most dangerous person in the whole city and likely one of the most dangerous in all the North.

At first glance he didn't seem very threatening, what with his forgettable features, bright colors, flamboyant dress, and pudgy looking appearance. But even without metaknowledge the look in this man's eyes was clearly one to be feared, especially as he scanned the room and his eyes landed on me. I also didn't miss the two well dressed men that followed him in and took seats near the front who I was certain were bodyguards with hidden weapons.

He turned to the secretary and I heard him speak.

"The usual." he stated and the man simply nodded. "And give me the seat next to the Witcher." That caused the man to start a bit before nodding once more.

I then watched the man walk over to me with a slight limp before taking the seat next to mine as another man came over to prepare for his own request. With his near seven feet in height he was taller than me even while sitting down.

Through it all Barbarous did not stray away at all at his job. Props man.

"I don't have the greatest experience with Witchers, so when one walks into my city I take notice and want to check in myself. I'm sure you get that often given your line of work." the man stated as easily as if talking about the weather.

"Hmmm, I guess you would know that given your position as one of the Big Four." I said back with as much control and confidence as I could. At least I still had my Signs if things went to shit.

"You're well informed." he stated.

"We never met, but I know of you through a… lets just call him a mutual acquaintance. A pleasure to meet you Sigi, my name is Markus." I said to Sigismund Dijkstra, former head of Rediania Intelligence, current crime lord, and all around scary scary man.

"Can't say the feeling is mutual." he muttered as the barber placed a towel around his neck..

Well… here is hoping I don't do anything to get myself stabbed in some back alley before being dumped in the Pontar.