
Chapter 18

Getting directions to where the local alderman lived wasn't hard; neither was getting there and figuring out the well-made two-story building must have been his and his family's. No, what was hard was the fact that clearly a Witcher being in town had spread to the locals and I noticed more eyes on us as we passed through town. Not to mention Ivar was practically bouncing off the walls as we walked as he excitedly talked about the legit ghosts I would most likely be able to deal with.

"... and the best part is that the odds of these ones being fake after decades and so many attempts of removal by an order of knights focused on monster hunting is next to zero! I can finally get some proper notes done!" Ivar said ethusasically as he went over all the reasons why this was a 'good' thing.

"You are not stepping foot into that tower until I take care of things, just a quick reminder. Besides, I need you to watch Dogmeat in the meantime since she is too young and couldn't do much to ghosts anyhow. And before you ask, I don't think rubbing Specter Oil on her teeth is healthy."

Before he could respond I went up to the alderman's door and knocked loudly. Thanks to the footman's directions it wasn't hard to find the middle-class looking home not too far away from the tower.

The answer to my knocking came about quickly in the form of a woman in her thirties with light hair. I had the distinct pleasure of watching her soft features turn hard near instantly the second she took me for a couple seconds, at which point she spit in my face and slammed the door.

Huh, honestly better than I was expecting. I think it is safe to say I found Marilka.

"Well, that was rather rude." Ivar said the understatement of the… lets say day.

"Get used to it, I'm honestly surprised I haven't gotten that very much yet already." I said idly as I used my gloved hand to wipe the spit away. Gross.

Being the glutton for punishment that I am I proceeded to knock on the door once more. Now lets see if I can't- and that is a crossbow in my face.

"You have ten seconds to get away from my home or else you'll have a bolt for a nose." Marilka threatened me, her voice filled with spite and venom.

"I'm here to see the alderman, and if you aren't him I would like you to get him for me." I said calmly, though internally freaking out since I knew for a fact if she did want me dead she could easily pull it off right now. I hadn't been smart enough to apply a Quen before I knocked after all which was rather stupid in hindsight given the odds of who lived here.

"My husband has no desire to talk to a mutant freak like you."

"Based on what the guards at the tower said I would think you need one if you want it to be actually put to use for the town rather than taking up space while infested with wraiths."

"I said shove off or-"

"Marilka! By the gods woman put that thing down! Just because I run this town doesn't give you the right to shoot anyone in the face with it!" Came a masucline voice from behind who I knew for a fact was Marilka, the little girl who once befriended a Witcher who came to down decades ago and joined the mob to drive him out when they believed he cut down people for no reason.

Marilka lowered her crossbow and looked behind her to see the alderman and husband. He was a little on the pudgy side, but still had some good muscle on him. He was roughly in the same age range as me with dark hair and eyes, heavy calluses on his hands, and in general seemed more like a laborer than the leader of a whole town. Then again aldermen's were diplomatically chosen, the guy must be popular with the local population at the very least. I noticed he did slightly smell of alcohol despite it being the morning still, though not heavily so and to be fair for normal humans alcohol tended to be safer to drink than well water.

"If the Witcher is here to see me then let me handle it, and if he causes trouble I can just call the guards and Order on him. Now put that down and go to the children." The alderman spoke firmly but not unkindly, sounding like he had experience dealing with his wife's… issues.

Marilka just turned to glare at me before putting down the crossbow in the door frame and moving past her husband deeper in the house. She obviously wasn't happy but at the same time seemingly unwilling to argue about it in front of me of so many people. Then the alderman went through the door and closed it behind him.

"Sorry, it's best we talk out here if you want to talk business. I apologize for my wife, she had a bad encounter with a Witcher years back when she was but a girl. Lots of folk in town remember that day and while not everyone still holds onto it as much as her it lingers in the back of their minds. I was too young to really remember that day myself and honestly I don't give a damn as long as you don't hurt my town now. I take it you are here about the haunted tower then?" the alderman said, his demeanor one of practicality.

"Yes, the guards say it has been haunted ever since the last tenant left, not long after this Witcher came through and killed a bunch of people. I assume it's related somehow. Anything you can tell me about it? When it comes to hauntings I need as much information as possible to clear it out."

"Not much to be entirely honest. Those that have stuck their heads in real quick are liable to get their heads cut off from the ghosts in there that they say look like armed men. While the town has tried a number of ways of dealing with it but none have been successful, thank the gods whatever undead horrors are in there stay in there. Even the Order of the Flaming Rose has tried and from what they tell me even when they put down the ghosts, with lots of effort mind you, they always come back. Brought in mages and priests to try to put them to rest but nothing takes. It's no real threat to the town as long as no idiots go in there trying to get some loot, but it's costing the town money since people are scared to trade in a town with a haunted tower in the middle of it and no mage has wanted to move in to provide services to the people. It's been a steady thing over the years and while Blaviken hasn't become destitute over it it is a problem I'm willingly to pay to see gotten rid of. Sadly, the town hasn't seen a proper Witcher in decades and as I said no one else has had any luck." the alderman said with a sigh.

About what I expected really, and something I would not be against dealing with as long as I'm paid and no one mobs me. Or lynch me, which might be slightly more likely in a place like Blaviken.

"I should be able to put it down quickly assuming it's what I think it is. Question is what are you willing to pay me?" I got down to brass tacks.

"Assuming the ghosts say away for more than a day? I promise as the alderman to pay you 500 crowns to see it done. If that is fair to you I'll give you a writ to give to the guards saying you are allowed to enter the tower and afterwards when you say you are done I demand their second opinion to look over the place." he offered.

"750, you are the alderman of a port town that wants this problem gone. You can afford it." I countered.

"750?! You must be joking! Considering how much people here hate your sort, you should be grateful that I'll pay you anything! I know for a fact my wife will yell my ear off about hiring you at all!" He paused. "550."

"Deal, I'll get rid of the ghosts and maybe show this town that not all Witchers deserve their scorn." I stated and gripped his forearm to make it official.

"Right then, let me write up the writ… and while I have you here I might have something else that might interest you. Not as important, mind you, but there have been several complaints sent my way about it."

"What about?" I asked curiously. Usually larger wealthy towns like this didn't have to worry too much about monster issues compared to the countryside, barring situations like the tower.

"It's an unruly customer down at the inn, scaring people off and such as they drink their sorrows away."

"That sounds like guard work." I pointed out.

"And normally they could deal with drunks just fine… but this one is a troll. It hasn't done anything violent yet, but some folk are asking me to call on the Order to deal with it. I don't think they get I don't really control this part of the Order in town, but I can hire you to handle it."

"Hmmm, I'll look into it. See if I can't end things peacefully if the troll hasn't done any harm yet." I offered.

"All I can ask, assuming you are successful I'll give you an extra fifty crowns. Now, let me get that writ." the alderman stated while going back into his home.

Well that went better than expected, and I even got another job out of it!

"A troll! Oh happy days! A species that straddles the line of savage and civilized! I do wonder what insights it could provide!" Ivar said excitedly.

"Most likely less than even the wraiths." I couldn't help but snark given what I knew of troll intelligence when they actually talked with you instead of attempting to crush you. That isn't to say I wasn't looking forward to it. Trolls were a refreshingly straightforward folk and could honestly be more reasonable than humans on good days.

Still, this time I will apply a Quen beforehand before meeting it.

The alderman returned not long after that thought with his writ which I was to give to the head of the local Order chapter, some knight named Roland, that I had permission to enter the tower and attempt to put the being haunting it to rest.

I hope Destiny favors me here for once.