
Signs I Cannot Comprehend

When Jericho Mcgrin, an Irish Redhead, goes with her roommate Jin Kyong-tae to the notorious Drama club known all throughout campus, she spots the beautiful French crew manager, Amelia Amboise doing her duty by yelling at people to move. She instantly falls for her and plans their entire life together before even speaking to Amelia. Little does she know Amelia has a past and is mysterious to anyone who meets her. Is Amelia even into girls? Does Jericho succeed in wooing Amelia? Will Amelia reveal her hidden secrets? Will Amelias past rear it’s ugly head?

Plena_Arcanis · LGBT+
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7 Chs

Scene Six! Ice Cream in the Morning



Walking to class always felt so liberating, great to take your mind off things like school and stress. it had rained during the night so the whole town smelled like rain. It smells so good! I'm glad I wore that jacket, it's kinda cold! I was just gonna wear a shirt with my jeans, but Lola woke up to pee just before I left and told me to wear a jacket. I totally chose the WRONG day to walk to class, but Kyong-tae doesn't have classes in the morning and Lola has class until one on Wednesdays, WHY DID I GET MOSTLY MORNING CLASSES!?? I wouldn't dare to wake Kyong-tae up in her sleep in day to drive me to school so I had to go walking. I mean, of course, I COULD take the car, but last time I took the car without Kyong-tae's permission since it's her car, she tore me apart and put me together just to tear me apart a second time. Me being the stupid dummy I am, I forgot to ask her if I could take the car last night, so now I'm stuck walking in a 50-degree climate with a light sweater. I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a buzz from my phone.

{English} Professor Amsel posted an announcement.

Amsel posted an announcement?? I was just heading to her class! I click on the banner and stopped walking once I realized what she said.

Prof. Amsel: Class is canceled little Vögels! I went to Aslan to get some things before class, but my car broke down and now I'm stuck here! Just read chapter 6 of Norwegian Wood, and get my Nutzlos a get well card! She's an old car, but hopefully, she'll be fine. -Amsel:)



My head snapped up from my phone. Amelia stood in front of me, wearing her signature color: blue. She had a gorgeous long coat that was a silver blue and it popped out from the autumn colors drastically, but it was such a beautiful look that left me speechless. Black high boots, and black jeans with a tucked in black collared shirt. I mean I'm no fashion critic, but this woman was obviously raised to look the loveliest anyone could ever look, even on such a plain day.

"Are you okay? I was heading to campus when I saw you standing still in front of a trash can. I noticed you seemed a bit frustrated." I examined her features, she was so amazingly beautiful. It shouldn't be possible.

"Yeah! I'm okay, I was walking to my English class when my professor canceled cause she was stuck in Aslan; so I have all this time to waste now." I said COMPLETELY caught off guard. She smiled sympathetically

"Man, that sucks! But you know what'll make your morning better??" She asked with anticipation, a gleam in amusement in her eyes. She always had that gleam, at least when I was looking at her.

I shook my head and smiled

"I'm coming up empty," I said playing into her game. She grinned and pointed at me excitingly

"You need some food! Have you eaten?" I shook my head.

"I ran out of time this morning, so I haven't had anything to eat," I responded

"Perfect!" She extended her hand to me and smiled "I have this place I've been wanting to try. We should go!"

I paused, something at the back of my mind screamed 'DONT!' I grew anxious. What's wrong with me?! I have the opportunity to hold the hand of the person I like, WHY ARENT I TAKING IT! My mind scrambled for an excuse not to grab her hand.

"But weren't you heading to class? I don't want to make you go late." Amelia slid her backpack off and put her hands in her pocket, NO WAIT-! and sat down on the bench right next to us. I mentally slapped myself at the fact that I DIDNT GRAB HER HAND. I sat down next to her looking ahead.

"I always head to my morning classes pretty early, so I've got plenty of time." I faced her, relief flooding me,

"You got morning classes too?? It's not just me?"

She smiled and chuckled

"Most people can't wait to get to college to get afternoon classes, but since I can't sleep past Seven, I just figured it'd be easier to take them in the morning," she said.

"I can DEFINITELY sleep in practically for the whole day, but I thought morning classes would be better so that when they end I could have the rest of the day instead of stressing over classes."

She laughed

"Your logic is foolproof!" She exclaimed, leaning back and looking at the scenery for a second before turning back to face me. "So do you want to try that new place I was talking about?" She checked her watch "I still have time and last I checked, you owe me a breakfast." I smiled and nodded

"I'd be delighted to experience something new with you, Amelia." She smiled and stood up, grabbing her backpack she placed on the floor and waited for me to get up.

"this way Rousse." She said as she started to walk where she came from. Rousse???? "Have you heard of the book Lord of the Flies? I've been reading it and..."


"This is the place you wanted to try?"

I stood in front of a newly opened ice cream store. I didn't even know there was an ice cream store in Ashbourne in general.

"Yup! I heard they have a lot of flavors!!" She said practically salivating. My face scrunched up.

"But it's like 8 in the morning and you said we were going to eat something."

"We are going to eat something! And it's never too early for ice cream!" She said with a grin. This was definitely not what I expected when she said breakfast.

"Ookay" I said still unsure of eating ice cream in the morning. Amelia's face fell and she began to fidget, her eyes lost their spark and were replaces with a dull blue.

"I mean if you don't want to eat ice cream we totally don't have too! We can go to Sarah's, they have good breakfast food there." She said. I realized that when she had gotten excited about eating ice cream, I shut her down, I shut down what she wanted because it didn't suit what I had thought. That's definitely never what I want to do to her. I never want to turn into Rebecca. Amelia can do whatever she wants and I'll support her no matter what.

"You know what? I'd actually love a pistachio ice cream at Eight in the morning" I said smiling turning to her. Amelia looked at me confusingly.

"It's okay Jericho, I can come some other time." She said turning away from the store to walk toward Sarah's. Quickly I grabbed her hand. IT'S SO SOFT BUT COLDER THAN NORMAL HANDS WHAT THE HELL IS SHE EVEN HUMAN?!

"Amelia." She turned to face me. A seriousness had overcome her normal fun attitude. My breath ran from me. "Let's get some ice cream Acushla" Amelia tilted her head in confusion.

"Acushla ?" She asked innocently. OH CRAP I CALLED HER DARLING WHY DID I DO THAT

"OH UH, it's an Irish term of endearment... Um kinda like dear friend." When she processed it, she widely grinned

"I love it!" She exclaimed I sighed. Got away with that. "Are you sure you want to get ice cream?" She said, holding on to my hand that I had used to stop her. I think she didn't realize it but she held on tightly.

"Definitely Amelia!" She smiled and nodded walking in the store, still holding my hand.

"Welcome! How may I help you?" The guy behind the counter said. Amelia, holding my hand, used her other hand to stroke her chin probably trying to decide what she was gonna choose.

"Hi, can I get a small pistachio ice cream?" I ordered first, to give Amelia more time. He nodded

"Cone or cup?"

"Cup" Amelia turned to face me. the guy started to make my ice cream. She got closer.

"Cup?" I nodded


"But why?" She asked. Confused I responded

"Why not?" She shrugged

"Cones give you a whole other experience." I smiled. Today had started bumpy. I had to get up early and walk in the cold, but then Amelia found me and my day got 100000% better. I had seen a side of Amelia I hadn't seen before, and man did it make me crazy. I turned to face the guy, he was just about to scoop the ice cream.

"Excuse me can I have a cone instead?" He looked up and nodded. I turned to Amelia, to see her grinning.

"Attagirl! Living your best life!" She said. I gave her my brightest smile and we stayed there looking into each other's eyes until the guy interrupted.

"Anything else?" He said breaking the silence. I looked up and moved to get the cone he was handing me.

"Um, can I get a small rock road cone please?" Amelia asked turning and pointing at the rocky road sign. I stared at her. This reality felt so unreal. I'm literally gonna eat ice cream at Eight in the morning holding hands with the girl I have a MASSIVE crush on.

"It'll be three dollars and twenty-two cents." The guy said at the register. Oh crap I forgot I was paying. I fumbled for my wallet but it was hard with one hand, Amelia noticed and let go of my hand to let me use it to look for my wallet.


After I paid, Amelia suggested we head to the bridge. It was getting late, but the bridge wasn't far and she had to cross anyways since campus is on the other side.

"I have enough time to finish my ice cream," she said leaning on the bridge's rails. I followed and we both just stared at the lake and the trees in the distance. After a while, I figured I should ask her about something that had been bugging me.

"early you called me Russo or ruesa something like that, what'd you mean?" I asked facing her. She turned and smiled.

"Your pronouncements are cute but it's Rousse, and it roughly means redhead in french. Or in some phrases.... it kinda sorta means foxy.." my face dropped and I felt my face get red. WHAT

"OH." Was ALL I could get out

"If you don't like it I'll totally stop!!" She said afraid to offend me, raising her hands in defense for some reason.

"No no!! It's an awesome nickname!! I love it!!" I exclaimed. She smiled and nodded

"Awesome sauce!" She said. I grinned and nodded

"Awesome sauce!" I repeated. She smiled and turned to her watch. Her expression fell.

"Merde!" She looked up and look apologetically at me "I've gotta go, class starts in 10 minutes! I completely lost track of time, I'm so sorry!" she stood up and I followed

"Oh damn! It's totally okay! But You should get going!" She nodded as she began to walk backward still facing me

"Thank you so much to this morning Jericho! I'm overjoyed to have a friend like you! I'll see you around" she smiled "Rousse!" She finished as she waved and turned to quickly jog to campus. I sighed a breath of amazement. She's such an inspirational person. I'm so glad to have her in my life.

"I'll see you around Acushla," I said to her fading figure.



Have a great Day, Morning, or Night!!!!

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