
Signing into the Infinite Dragon God at the Beginning

Mtl raw : -综漫:开局签到无限龙神 Traveling through the world of DxD , Su Yang obtained a god-level sign-in system. At the beginning, he signed in to Ophis? [Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the origin of the little garden! 】 Incarnate as the world dragon that carrying the world on his back, walking in the endless sea of ​​stars... Minamiya Natsuki : The gods from another world came to me to fulfill their contract? (Panic) Emilia: Yang Jun is my knight~ Tatsumaki: He is just a god who collects other people's things. Ophis: I...the person of the contract... Su Yang: Ophis, don't be like this, I am not a dragon knight. Although I have become a god, please don’t believe in me. Well... if you are a girl, that’s fine? (DxD—Strike the blood —...daily extra)...... ――――――――――――― Everything in this novel belong to the original author.

Ash_Paradox · Anime & Comics
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260 Chs

Chapter 52

"Based on the number, if she stepped on a different place each time, she would have stepped on it 33 times."

"If you keep crying and howling there and causing small earthquakes, I think some kind of urban legend will be formed~~"

Su Yang touched his chin.

Although this Joan of Arc was not as to his liking as the Joan of Arc in Fate, she was still a beauty. She believed in him so much that he deceived her into the mountains and forests to be bitten by mosquitoes.

Still...I still feel a little bit regretful.

Of course, it's more of a pleasure (laughs).

Su Yang felt that under the promotion of the system, he seemed to have awakened some extraordinary hobby.

"Ah! Why hasn't he come yet? Was he tricked and killed by the fallen angel? Or did he encounter an enemy that he couldn't fight against?"

After venting her anger, Jeanne began talking to herself again.

Well, maybe it was because she had a high fondness for Su Yang in her heart, so she didn't suspect that Su Yang was lying to her.

Su Yang felt a little embarrassed to cheat such a silly and cute person.

But...it's precisely because it's so cute that it's so fun to tease~~~(funny)

"It's almost 12 o'clock. If you don't come again, I will go back!~~"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~~ Who is making our Miss Joan of Arc angry?"

A sound came from the space and spread around.

"Is this...Georg's voice?"

Joan of Arc recognized who the owner of this voice was. It was Georg who had sent her to Kuoh Town for investigation today.

"Hmph!~I'm very unhappy today!"

Joan of Arc puffed up her mouth in dissatisfaction, she still hadn't waited for that person! ~Is he lost? Or was he killed by someone else?

"Oh? Is there anything unhappy?"

Say it to make me and everyone happy?

He didn't say the latter sentence, but he really wanted to know what made Joan of Arc so strange.

"Didn't I come here today to investigate the phantoms that appeared here? ..."

Joan of Arc began to talk about her experience today.

Like asking people in the town: Have any strange things happened recently? I chopped off a few fallen angels~~ I met a gangster who struck up a conversation and then gave it a good beating~~ and so on.

Of course, the most important thing is that she met Su Yang, the successor of Mahatma Rama.

After listening to Joan of Arc's story, his expression became very subtle, and he almost couldn't help but laugh a little in the middle.

"Um...well...then what..."


He took a deep breath and looked seriously into Jeanne's eyes.

"I think you may have been deceived by others." Although he was cruel to Joan, Georg still planned to tell Joan the truth.

After all...it would be too pitiful if you didn't even know you were cheated.

"I was cheated?!~~How is it possible!?~"

After listening to Georg's words, Joan of Arc calmed down. She was deceived? Deceived by that handsome guy claiming to be Mahatma Rama?

No way~~~

Joan of Arc comforted herself in her heart.

"Joan of Arc, let me ask you, do you have his address?"


"So, do you have his contact information?"


"Can you guarantee that you can find him?"


A glimmer of light flashed across Joan of Arc's eyes. She really had no way of finding Su Yang! ~~~

"So, have you been cheated?..." Georg held his forehead.

Sure enough, Joan of Arc is indeed the descendant of a French country girl. She is simply a cultural desert plus a social desert! ~~


There were crystal tears flowing in Joan of Arc's eyes, and they were almost ready to flow out.

no! ~~Baby Jeanne! ~~You have to stand up! You can't cry! You are a descendant of heroes! ~

Joan of Arc kept telling herself this, but at the same time, tears flowed out of the corners of her eyes.

"Woooooo!~~~I was deceived!~~~Georg, I was deceived by a man!~~~"

Joan of Arc finally burst into tears~~

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~"

Georg scratched his head helplessly, and then activated his divine weapon.

Don't let your family's ugliness be publicized. Don't let your family's ugliness be publicized. You'd better cry after you return to your base. By the way, you can make everyone laugh at you.

In the mountains that had collapsed quite a bit, and even the ground veins had sunk a few centimeters, as the red mist dissipated, Jeanne d'Arc and Georg disappeared outside Kuoh Town.

Su Yang also put away the magic circle that was observing them.


"As expected of the magic circle recorded in Aqiuka's offline tutorials. Although Georg was careless and did not investigate, it is indeed very concealable."

Um! Aqiu Card offline tutorial, everyone who has used it says it is good! ~

"It's almost time for bed, it's already the next day."