
Signing into the Infinite Dragon God at the Beginning

Mtl raw : -综漫:开局签到无限龙神 Traveling through the world of DxD , Su Yang obtained a god-level sign-in system. At the beginning, he signed in to Ophis? [Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the origin of the little garden! 】 Incarnate as the world dragon that carrying the world on his back, walking in the endless sea of ​​stars... Minamiya Natsuki : The gods from another world came to me to fulfill their contract? (Panic) Emilia: Yang Jun is my knight~ Tatsumaki: He is just a god who collects other people's things. Ophis: I...the person of the contract... Su Yang: Ophis, don't be like this, I am not a dragon knight. Although I have become a god, please don’t believe in me. Well... if you are a girl, that’s fine? (DxD—Strike the blood —...daily extra)...... ――――――――――――― Everything in this novel belong to the original author.

Ash_Paradox · Anime & Comics
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260 Chs

Chapter 48

If he relied on his knowledge of being able to easily pass the gal-game, he felt that he could even defeat Yuma Amano as a human being.

Unfortunately, he did not have this intention.

A bright golden light emitted from behind him!

Unlike Siddhartha Gautama in the general sense, Su Yang embodies a sense of holiness that attracts people to make pilgrimages and believe in him!

The so-called sense of sacredness is mainly composed of two emotions, one is mystery and the other is trust.

It sounds like they are two slightly contradictory words. From a scientific point of view, mystery is the unknown. How can there be a sense of trust in something that is unknown?

However, this feeling has existed since ancient times! Things called religion and belief perfectly explain this feeling!

"This light is..." A feeling rose from her heart...

I want to stay by this person's side, I want to believe in this person, I want to be this person's believer, I want to be favored by him!

I want to be a part of this person... Even if I can't do this, as long as I can look at this great existence, it is already my honor.

Amano Yuma knew very well that her heart was filled with this feeling at this moment!

It was towards Azazel before, but now it is towards my new master!

[Reincarnation of Holy Light! ]

This is a power that belongs to [Ninth Incarnation Gautama Siddhartha]. After advancing to become an intermediate demon, he gained this power to attract the faith of others.

He can feel that there are powers in other incarnations that he has not fully developed!

For example, one of the simplest ones is to directly transform yourself into an avatar, thereby turning the imaginary into reality, and truly fighting with an avatar that is larger than the world!

It's a pity that he can't do this with his current physical fitness. At least he needs the strength of a superior demon or even the most superior demon to be able to do it.

"My Lord..."

After the light dissipated, Su Yang felt Amano Yuma's passionate gaze.


Su Yang frowned.

She knew that Amano Yuma was in a feverish state now.

"It can be considered a success, but it's still not practical enough~~"

This power should be able to directly distort other people's beliefs when it reaches the later realms, but there are still some conditions for its use now.

First of all, the target cannot be too hostile to you, and secondly, it must be someone whose hard power is much lower than yours.

The level of hard power he displayed was that of an intermediate demon, and his true combat power had reached the peak of an upper-level demon.

Of course...this is under normal circumstances.

When the holy light shone on Amano Yuma, Su Yang heard the sound of the system task being completed.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the plot check-in! Sign-in level: Gold! ]

[Sign-in plot——The surrender of the pseudo-heroine! ]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - Super Magic - Mass Explosion! ]

[Mass explosion is the ultimate decomposition magic.

Has the ability to decompose mass into energy! Since mass is directly decomposed into energy, there is no energy loss caused by the generation of neutrinos in the annihilation reaction.

According to the mass-energy equation, the mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light is converted into energy. The heat released by the decomposition of fifty milligrams of a drop of water is equivalent to 1,000 tons of TNT! ]

"Oh~~ It's the magic version of Shiba Tatsuya's skill~~ It's not bad, but... it seems that the energy required to activate it is a bit too much~~"

Su Yang was very interested in magic, a new knowledge that he had not yet fully learned.

The more profound the magic, the more interested you are. Of course, the main task at this stage is the basic spells of all systems in the world. The better the foundation is laid, the taller the building will be. .

Chapter 32

[The previous chapter may have been banned because there were too many sensitive words. We will have to wait until it is reviewed and released tomorrow. Everyone will know that it will be fine if Amano Yuma is accepted]

"Let's go, Linali is going back."

Su Yang stretched out his hand and motioned for Amano Yuma to take his hand.

"My lord... can you call me Amano Yuma?"

With slightly rosy cheeks, Amano Yuma looked at Su Yang and said.

The meaning in her eyes was not only deep faith, but also love and yearning.

"Huh? Why?"

Su Yang asked while using the power of the fifth incarnation.

"Because...because this is the name I used when I met the Lord for the first time..."

The two people disappeared into the gap between dimensions, leaving such a sentence in the gap between dimensions.


In Su Yang's small villa, two figures appeared here instantly.

"From now on, your job is to be a maid, do you understand?"

Su Yang looked at Amano Yuma who was looking at him infatuatedly, and felt strange.

Maybe it was because his identity changed so quickly that he had never felt the feeling of being believed by others, so it felt strange.

"By the way, just call me Master or Master Yang."

My Lord, do you always feel like you are a magic stick?

But then I thought about it, Sakyamuni seems to be one of the strongest magic sticks? After all, he is still a double-digit combat power in the small garden, and he is the top magic stick like Jesus.


Amano Yuma licked her hand and said with a smile.

"Stop looking at me here and go clean the room or cook."