
Signing into the Infinite Dragon God at the Beginning

Mtl raw : -综漫:开局签到无限龙神 Traveling through the world of DxD , Su Yang obtained a god-level sign-in system. At the beginning, he signed in to Ophis? [Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the origin of the little garden! 】 Incarnate as the world dragon that carrying the world on his back, walking in the endless sea of ​​stars... Minamiya Natsuki : The gods from another world came to me to fulfill their contract? (Panic) Emilia: Yang Jun is my knight~ Tatsumaki: He is just a god who collects other people's things. Ophis: I...the person of the contract... Su Yang: Ophis, don't be like this, I am not a dragon knight. Although I have become a god, please don’t believe in me. Well... if you are a girl, that’s fine? (DxD—Strike the blood —...daily extra)...... ――――――――――――― Everything in this novel belong to the original author.

Ash_Paradox · Anime & Comics
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260 Chs

Chapter 186

"However, Kokbol on this side was also killed by Lord Rama on the other side... No, no, it was Lord Su Yang who killed him. There is nothing to be held accountable for him personally."

"I will compensate both parties for the mistakes I made in dereliction of duty. Is that okay?"

Azazel asked, spreading his hands. .

Chapter 88

"How can it be possible!~..."

As soon as Rias said this, Su Yang called Rias and signaled her not to speak.

Since neither Sajax nor Michael have any objections, Rias's suggestion is just useless.

With Rias' status, the most she can do is give a report in such a meeting.

If the Fallen Angels are willing to come up with something to compensate, then this is something that can be overcome by the three major forces.

"Thank you for your understanding. I will restrain these subordinates in the future."

"Actually, I also sent the White Dragon Emperor to solve the problem this time, but~~ I didn't expect that boy Su Yang was so powerful, and he killed Wall-E and Kokbol in an instant~~"

Azazel said in a very flirtatious tone.

He suffered heavy losses~~ If he didn't care about this, a god from another force would probably be furious.

"Instant kill...Instant kill?"

Everyone present focused their attention on Su Yang.

No matter how you say it, Kokbol is a fallen angel with ten wings, and Michael feels that he can only do this with the help of the heavenly system.

Is this human boy... so terrifying? !

I'm afraid joker doesn't have such strength, right?

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on Su Yang, Azazel began to add fuel to the fire again.

"Yeah~~Not only Kokbol, but Wall-E who was carrying Kokbol at the time was also killed instantly, and...Wall-E was using Tyrannosaurus at the time~~"

"He didn't expect that he would be beaten so badly when he used Tyrannosaurus, right? Hahaha~~"

Azazel couldn't help but laugh when he thought of WALL-E's depleted appearance during the battle.

Hmm.....a harmonious relationship between adoptive father and appearance.

"No, Azazel, actually I know."

Seeing Azazel hurting him so much, Walli raised his eyebrows, but he admitted generously that he was indeed no match for Su Yang.

Wasn't it just that he was defeated? What's not easy to admit?

"Eh? What do you know?" Azazel asked.

"I know, I am not that person's opponent. After all, we have fought against 760 before, but I was instantly killed by the flames of the sun~~"

"I activated Tyrannosaurus just to complete your mission~~"

Walli said with a shrug.

"Tyrannosaurus?...It seems that this human boy is really powerful~"

In the audience, only Michael and Gabriel were unaware of Su Yang's current strength.

Being pushed into the spotlight by Azazel, Su Yang raised his eyebrows a little unhappily.

Talking to you here, wouldn't it be nice if I have this time to pick up girls or study?

"Azazel, don't say that these are some or not. Have you forgotten that this is a three-point meeting, not my personal evaluation?"

After Su Yang finished speaking, he coughed out a mouthful of golden blood, attracting everyone's attention again.

"Hi hi hi~~"

Azazel waved his hand. He simply wanted to see if he could show off Su Yang's ability. He didn't expect Su Yang to mind so much.

"Then let me make a summary first?"

Azazel propped himself up on the table and looked at the angels and demons.

"Really~~~ We are all longing for peace, why is no one willing to bring it up? Let me be the person~~" Azazel complained in his heart.

He is indeed a very personal governor.

He proposed the concept of peace for the first time during the tripartite talks, and later used his abdication as a bargaining chip to withstand the three major forces and other divine alliances, and draw Orpheus into his own camp.

Although he is very frivolous, he is destined to be a governor who transcends the times and will be remembered forever.

"Through this incident, I believe everyone is aware of a problem."

"Sure enough... peace is best, right?"

Azazel said while looking at everyone with a smile.

"Azazel~~What do you mean!~"

Michael said a little surprised.

He did not expect that Azazel, who had always been a frivolous and frivolous man in his eyes, would be the first to say such a thing! ~

He originally thought that he or Sajax must have said it first.

"What I mean is very simple. It is enough for the three major forces to conclude a peace treaty."

"If the three of us continue to fight among ourselves, I'm afraid it will be difficult to survive in this world~~"

"Whether it's the Demon King who has failed on the Devil's side, or the God who has failed on the Angel's side, they don't want to see the three major forces being annexed by other forces, right?"

A gleam of light emitted from Azazel's eyes.

Being the leader of the three major forces is really a high-risk profession~~ It's great that I can survive until now.

If possible, he really wants to be a salted fish and just study artifacts every day, or play with women to spice it up~

"This is indeed not what the devil wants to see."

Sajax pondered.

Although the devil's side is the most powerful, it is a situation where all the devil forces are united...