
Signing into the Infinite Dragon God at the Beginning

Mtl raw : -综漫:开局签到无限龙神 Traveling through the world of DxD , Su Yang obtained a god-level sign-in system. At the beginning, he signed in to Ophis? [Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward - the ten incarnations of Vishnu from the origin of the little garden! 】 Incarnate as the world dragon that carrying the world on his back, walking in the endless sea of ​​stars... Minamiya Natsuki : The gods from another world came to me to fulfill their contract? (Panic) Emilia: Yang Jun is my knight~ Tatsumaki: He is just a god who collects other people's things. Ophis: I...the person of the contract... Su Yang: Ophis, don't be like this, I am not a dragon knight. Although I have become a god, please don’t believe in me. Well... if you are a girl, that’s fine? (DxD—Strike the blood —...daily extra)...... ――――――――――――― Everything in this novel belong to the original author.

Ash_Paradox · Anime & Comics
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260 Chs

Chapter 178

Azazel spread out his six pairs of wings, and the twelve jet-black wings showed his powerful presence!

"The Governor of the Fallen Angels?!~...and...Yang Jun~?"

"Yang Jun, how did you come here?~"

Himejima Akeno asked in surprise.

"I came here when I heard your inner call~~Senior Akeno? You must have called me in your heart, right?" Su Yang asked with a smile.

"Well...I did think about Yang Jun..."

Himejima Akeno nodded slightly.

"Oh~~Boy Su Yang, you still have this kind of convenient power. Can you rush to someone's side when you hear someone's call? Is it really a convenient ability~~"

From the time Su Yang first appeared, Azazel has been following Su Yang a lot.



Su Yang's figure disappeared in an instant!



Azazel's expression instantly became wonderful.

"I'm going!~~" Azazel realized something after a burst of pain. His feathers were actually plucked out! ?

"So...what exactly is going on with Governor Azazel?"

Su Yang looked at the feathers in his hands and asked with a smile.

It just so happened that I quickly plucked the feathers to complete the task while they were not familiar with each other when they met, otherwise it would be difficult to explain when they became familiar with each other later.

[Ding! ]

[Congratulations to the host for completing the location check-in! Sign-in level: Gold! ]

[Sign-in location—The wings of the fallen angel governor Azazel! ]

[Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: Saint's Physique]

[Sage's Physique: From the light novel "A Certain Magical Index", a person who is similar to Jesus, the Son of God, and gains the power of the Son of God.

There are less than 20 people in the world, and they exist like "nuclear weapons" on the magic side.

As evidence of being a saint, you will receive the "stigma" given by God. After releasing the power of the "stigma", the saint will

Can acquire abilities beyond the human realm, and can capture a city alone]

[Ding! ~]

[Fusion begins! ]


[Fusion is over! ~]

Su Yang didn't feel anything. He just felt like he had digested the saint's physique directly! My physical fitness has improved by half, and then I feel nothing at all.

What kind of stigmata just appeared on his body, and then disappeared without a trace!


When Azazel saw Su Yang coming, he pulled off one of his feathers and scratched his head slightly troubled.

"I really just came here to inspect the meeting site. If I want to take action or something, is there any possibility for this little girl to escape?"

How dare he take action against Akeno, why would Baiqiu not fight for him?

"By the way, I can feel the aura of fairy magic from the white light on your hand. Are you proficient in fairy magic?~~And it seems that there is something else, it is really a monster~~ "

"This is the product of fighting spirit, vitality and will reaching their limits."

Su Yang pinched it casually, and Azazel's feathers turned into energy and dispersed in the air.

The feathers and wings of the fallen angels are one of their most powerful weapons. The four-in-one holy sword or the holy demon sword cannot even break the skin of Kokbol.

"No...that's not what I'm asking. What I'm asking is, before Wall-E broke into Kuoh Academy without permission, was that also your instruction?"

"Well~~ I guess, after all, my subordinates are going to get into trouble, and I, as the boss, have to stop them~"

"So, how do you compensate for the mistakes he made? Don't you think that Kirkbol's behavior caused serious psychological damage to Sona, Rias and all their family members?"

"Huh?...But didn't you kill it?"

Azazel was a little dumbfounded, why did I suddenly want to compensate?

"If you kill him, he will pay for his own fault. If you want to compensate, you will pay for your fault for failing to restrain your subordinates. There is no conflict between these two things, right?"

"Um...well...well, I was blackmailed by your boy this time~"

Azazel shook his head, why is it that an old man like me has such a hard time living? ~

He knew that if they really wanted to fight, he might not be Su Yang's opponent.

With his strength reaching the level of a half-step transcendent, he couldn't directly knock back WALL-E in Tyrannosaurus state with one big move, but Su Yang did it.

Where did this little pervert Sajax find him?

"Well, just give me a few more practical artificial artifacts. I remember you are studying this, right?"

Su Yang smiled slightly.

"Okay, okay~~ I can just send a few over when the time comes~ Anyway, they will be given to the devil as gifts then."

Azazel sighed.

Life is really getting harder and harder~~

Do you know that sometimes in order to recover funds, I have to personally sell artifacts that have failed experiments?

"I won't let you lose money either."

Su Yang saw that Azazel's old face was about to wrinkle up and said.