
Signing in Douluo Dalu

Jun Feng was transported to the world of Duluo Dalu and became the divine child of the Goddess of Life and the God of Destruction. He became the owner of an invincible past, which allowed him to obtain the Primeval body of chaos at the very beginning of his existence. travel ------------------------------------------ The cover is not mine. Fanfiction belongs entirely to me. English is not my native language, so write in comments for mistakes.

DarK_Knigt · Book&Literature
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12 Chs


7 months later

At the residence of the Goddess of Life

At the moment, there were several people near the lake of life. A man with red eyes and dark hair like an abyss, but with a warm smile, looked at the pale woman with a child in her arms.

"Finally, I will have offspring." - God of destruction said with entusiasm

It is very difficult for the Gods to have offspring, which is not a very optimistic situation in the Kingdom of the Gods. Tsartsvu lacks the Gods to expand the territory and capture new planets. Moreover, because of the power of the God of destruction, he and the Goddess of Life could not conceive offspring. But this time he finally has

a chance to hold your child in your arms.

"Don't hug him for a long time, let the mother hold the child," the Goddess of Life said with concern.

The God of Destruction loosened his grip, handed the child to the Goddess of Life, and said:

"I will go to my Castle of Destruction to tell the rest of the Gods about the good news for our Divine Kingdom, while you rest," said the God of Destruction with concern.

The god of destruction handed the child over to the mother and went to his residence to tell the news.


(POV Jun Feng)

"Where am I?" - I thought to myself.

Opening my eyes, I saw that I was licking on the bed next to some woman who was hugging me. The woman had silvery hair with skin like milk and was a perfect woman.

I tried to get up, but realized that I could not move, I looked around and realized ...

"No ... No ... It can't be, now I'm a child ?."

Yesterday I was sitting at home, doing a project on a laptop for the next presentation and then bang, the light left my eyes and I woke up already here.

"Have I crossed?"

As I considered my thoughts, a voice rang out in my head ...


{Login system greets owner}

{Master wants to sign in ???}

And then a voice rang out in my head .... What .... This is the same ... The legendary login system about which I read a lot of fanfiction and novels.

"To sign in"

{Ding, login succeeded}

{You entered the residence of the Goddess of Life}

{Reward: Body of Primal Chaos ( 10*)}


(A / H: The system has a reward value ranging from 1 star to 13 stars, with 1 star being the smallest award and 13 stars being the highest. (1 *) - 1 star, (8 *) - 8 stars, (13 *) - 13 stars . I hope it is clear)

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And then a pleasant warm stream of incomprehensible energy ran through my body, but then the ecstasy changed with severe pain, somehow they tear me apart, and then they collect it again.

The woman who was sleeping next to her woke up and started looking at me with concern. She probably realized that something was happening to my body, she put her hand on me and started pouring in green energy.

"Fen'er hold on, probably your forces have awakened." - the Goddess of Life thought to himself.

After the stream of vital energy began to pour into me, it became easier for me, until a stream of light burst out of my body and reached the sky soon piercing the heavens.


Castle of Destruction

15 minutes before the incident

The dark castle was surrounded by dark clouds. Sometimes purple lightning fell from the sky towards the castle, staining it with a dark purple halo.

No matter what kind of God came to this place, he would feel a clear sense of oppression. Because it was the area of ​​the God of Destruction, the place of death of many gods - the Castle of Destruction.

Even the wife of the God of Destruction, the Goddess of Life, would not come to this place just like that. Because every corner of this place was filled with a tremendous intent to destroy. These destructive intentions came from the dark thoughts of all kinds of living beings in the mortal world. Only the God of Destruction could absorb them and transform them into his own power. Therefore, whenever the time came for practice, the God of Destruction was here. Otherwise, he lived in the villa of the Goddess of Life on the Lake of Life.

In the dim hall, a scarlet red carpet ran from the entrance to the innermost corner.

Lightning flashed in the window, and suddenly it became brighter in the hall. It could be seen that someone was sitting on the main throne in the inner part of the hall. It was the God of Destruction.

Fours chairs stood on each side under the throne, and eight people sat on them. Oh no, or rather, they were eight gods.

Among the eight gods, only the first on the left side, the God who was hiding in heavy armor looked normal in his aura. The aura of the other seven people more or less evoked a depressing or oppressiv.

"I have very good news for you, I finally have offspring." - The deep, happy voice of the God of Destruction swept across the hall.

After he said this, the bodies of the eight gods seated below shuddered slightly, but then when they heard the second sentence, they had incredulous feelings. They know that due to the power of destruction, he could not have offspring. But they all believed his words.

"Congratulations to the king of the God of Destruction with the birth of offspring." - all 8 gods said in unison.

"Thank you." - the God of destruction answered without any reaction.

And at that moment a white ray of a strong aura pierced the sky, tearing the heavens apart.

"What is it." - the Gods began to think?

"Has someone attacked the divine realm?"

At this point, they all had a Ring of Light behind their backs - some were dim and some were bright. But all of their Ring of Light had seven overlapping rings. Following the color of its own Light Ring, the color gradually became lighter as the rings went inward.

Light Rings with seven rings, gods of the first class!

The God of Destruction stood up, he also had a Ring of Light behind him. Compared to other first class gods below him, the Ring of Light was much larger behind him. There were nine rings in total, and a strong, destructive atmosphere emanated from them.

His crimson eyes gazed into the distance. The light in his gaze changed, but it was not known what was in his mind.

"This is the same place ..... Residence of the Goddess of Life! Everything is behind me!" - shouted the God of Destruction.

(A / N: He awakened an innate talent, not a soul)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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