
Significantly Yours [Rewriting]

Rhys Zielinski regains consciousness in an alley behind a coffee shop, bewildered by the sudden turn of events of that atrocious evening. The confusion on the eighteen-year-old's face left him wondering how he got himself there. Out of nowhere, a young female colleague from the coffee shop appears and discovers him behind the shop in the middle of the night. Without hesitation, she promptly helps him with his injuries. With her empathetic nature, Rhys experiences a powerful urge to return the favor after receiving her support in the alley of a coffee shop when no one else offers to assist him. While Bailee Tomkins, an eighteen-year-old female colleague, observed a young man who appeared to be injured behind the coffee shop in the middle of the night when every shop was closing for the night. She offered to help him with his injuries, but nothing else. She optimistically believed that she wouldn't encounter the young injured man once more, but regrettably, her assumption was inaccurate. Now, he formed a deep bond with the young female colleague, and he would do anything to protect her from any harm. Could they both form a friendship and help with each other's problems concurrently? Or can Rhys possibly tell his feelings to the girl he just met without him ruining their friendship?

Akilah_Wade0309 · Teen
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2 Chs

☕︎ Chapter 2- Injured ☕︎[Old Version]

                  ☕︎ Bailee ☕︎


"Oh my god! Sir!" I panicked, rushing to be on his side in case of any injuries. I have never been this close to a boy, other than my cousins. 

Ah, what to do!? 

I panicked more, unsure about this boy in front of me. Right, I'll bring him inside, I suppose it's the best choice to bring up. 

"I apologize for the sudden movement," I apologize to an unconscious boy. 

Slapping myself on the forehead, of my stupidity, just to flinch at his painful moans. "Okay, Bailee, you got this. It's not that hard," I mumbled. 

Gazing at him, in a situation like this, makes me feel bad for him. Whatever he has been through, I expect him to be just fine for the night. Besides, I should have been home by now, yet still here in the coffee shop. 

Stepped forward by him, hands out on either side of his waistline. I flinch a bit because of how heated his skin is. 

No, it's not the time to freak out. Cause who knows how long this boy has been out here, I thought. 

Finally got the courage to lift him. I squealed insight, as we both stumbled backward. I could hear him hiss in pain. 

"I'm sorry sir!" I apologize once more. "I'll bring you inside." 

"I promise."

Susan would be worried sick if I didn't return from taking out the trash. I sought my way with an unconscious boy who gained more weight than I do. It is a difficult task to hold onto. I huffed towards the door with him by my slim body, just as before I opened it, Susan was already at the door, looking alert. 

"Bailee dear, your parents- oh my goodness! " Susan let out a gasp and didn't have the chance to finish her words. She looks like she could have a heart attack at any second. She gaped at the boy next to me, as we all went inside.  

"What happened?" She questioned, while she told me to put him in a chair and get the first aid kit in the back. 

"I have no idea, Susan. I just threw the trash away as you told me to do, not till I heard his groans from behind," I explained out loud when I was grabbing the first aid kit from her office. 

Hurrying back with the first aid kit in my hands, I gave attention to his screams from him.   

Ah, I guess he's awake, I thought, seeing the appearance in front of me of the boy I saved, being obscene at Susan.  

"Where the fuck am I? " he bitch mouthed off the tone of his voice that got raspy from the shouting. His throat could get sore. I felt bad for Susan, she didn't deserve this. 


She peeks, just to sigh in relief.  "Oh heavens, you finally got the first aid kit. This young man here is behaving terribly," she sighs, shaking her head as if he was giving her a headache, while I handed her the kit. 

Susan thanked me and told me to get my belongings in the back as if my parents had called her. I quickly went to the backroom to get my book bag and pull out some cough drops for him. 

"Bailee dear! Make sure to call or text your parents to pick you up. It's not safe tonight," she said from the front of the shop.  Still hear the shouts of the boy yelling at Susan.  

"Don't fucking touch me you old hag!"

Don't you see we're trying to comfort you, I worried for the worse.  


Cut off in my thoughts to hear the ping of my phone in my pocket. I hummed, pulling my phone out of my pocket, seeing it vibrant in my hand. I see the notifications and missed calls from dad and mom. Oh dear, I sighed, unlocking my phone to see his text. 


<[ Are you still in the shop, sweetie?]< p>

   Sent at 7: 48 PM

<[ Your mom and I called earlier. Please let us< p>

   know if you need to be picked up] 

   Sent at 7:53 PM 

I bit my lip. I made them worry, I thought. So, I just text him back. 

   [ Sorry, I just now got your text. Yes, please pick me up from the shop. Mrs. Quinn said it isn't safe]>

Me- sent at 8:22 PM 

Dad read my message, to tell me to wait in front of the lobby of the shop. Listening to him, I walk out of the backroom, seeing Susan finally succeed in cleaning up the boy's injury. 

"Susan?" I called out, stepping beside her. Startled, she swiveled to face me, a surprised expression exhibited on her face. She sighs in relief, and had her hand on her chest, to seem I almost gave her a heart attack. 

I peek up, curious if he was okay, precisely to admit that I haven't seen him this up close.  Black curly hair, gray eyes, sharp jawline instead of all the bandages on his cheeks. Tan skin with moles on his face, but I see a tattoo on the edge of his wrist. He doesn't seem to notice me staring at him, because he was on his phone all of sudden, texting a person about something just how fast his fingers type on the keyboard of his phone. 

"Have you texted your parents?" Susan suddenly asks me, which made me look away from him. 

"Yes, my dad's coming to pick me up, and he told me to wait here when he arrives," I told her. I didn't want to leave her here alone in the shop, but I had no choice. 

She pats my head, smiling. "You should take a seat rather than standing, making your feet hurt dear, you already did a lot of work in the shop. I'll be in my office, I need to finish the paperwork for next week. I'll see you on Monday, Bailee," she said, before turning to face the boy once more. 

"And, young man."

 He finally looked up from his phone, annoyed. I gulped nervously, sitting by the first table by the door. Oh, Susan, you're too sweet to everyone. 

"Don't let yourself be in trouble in the middle of the night again, young man. We don't know who you are, but that behavior of yours is terrible, please fix it. Now, you have a decent night, "she told him, he just mumbled something and went back to his phone. 

She sighs, turning to smile at me, yet my smile was awkward.  She chuckled and went back to her office. Right before she could, a car pulled up to the shop. 

" Ah, Bailee, guess your father arrived," Susan chuckled, both seeing my dad almost trip over to the side of the road. 

I got up to leave but remembered the cough drops in my pocket. I peeked over at him, to decide to give him the cough drops. 

Susan noticed, yet didn't say anything. "Um, I..sir?" I uttered, to get his attention. 

He looked annoyed again, glaring up yet to freeze for a bit. He stared at me dumbfounded. "Er yeah," he struggles with his words so that I could hear him struggle with his words, and avoids my way. Like he had never seen a person who looks odd. 

I heard the bell of the shop door open, and Susan greets my dad behind the counter. I pulled out the cough drops out of my pocket, and I clarified, "Here, to help with your throat. It was a bit hoarse so I hope it will be enough. Have a good night sir." I simply put the cough drops near him on the table. I nod to myself simply leaving him alone now, I walked over to my dad, who talked to Susan having a small chat about something. 

His gray eyes peeked up, giving a good look at me, but I didn't seem to notice. I beamed at what dad told me, and both said our goodbyes to Susan. 

I stepped in the car, and peek at the shop once again, to see eyes gawking right at me through the windows of the Dark Fest Coffee Shop when my dad pulled off. 

Hello. Two chapters in one. Also, we finally meet a new character. He speaks Italian ( although I don't know Italian, so I have to use Google Translate for him. So no judging). Happy reading!

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