
Signed, Sealed... I'm Yours

Within the captivating world of power and allure, Cameron Miller and Anita Richards find themselves entangled in a magnetic dance of desire. Drawn together by an irresistible connection that defies societal boundaries, the elusive CEO is consumed by thoughts of the enigmatic dancer. Despite their different paths, the undeniable pull between them is impossible to resist. In the intricate game of love, where risks and passions collide, Cameron finds himself willing to navigate uncharted territory for the sake of this unconventional attraction. Yet, as they delve deeper into each other's lives, unmasking hidden truths and weaving a web of secrets, the stakes of their deal become more complex. A dance with the Devil always carries its perils, but for Cameron, striking a deal with the captivating stripper proves to be an irresistible gamble. With each revelation, the question lingers: could this arrangement be more profound than either of them dared to imagine?

Poetic_reviver · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Not Really Yours


For days I was stuck, having an internal battle.

I wanted her badly and after we last spoke in the club, I came to terms with the fact that if I could at least have her in the sexual sense I would take it.

Besides this was something that I needed whether I wanted to admit it or not. 

Even if a relationship is what I always pursued, indulging in a no strings attached arrangement was probably for the best when Neil pointed out that dating a stripper wouldn't be the best. After gathering as much liquor courage as I could I wasted no time in calling her, and the rest in a way was history.

Staring at the clock situated on the wall, I ran my sweaty hands down my pants for what felt like the millionth time tonight. Throughout the entire day I was unable to focus and was too antsy to relax especially after I made the transfer. Standing up to grab the glass of whiskey I had poured for myself I froze when I heard light knocks on my door.

I took in a few deep breaths as I moved towards the door and swung it open to be met with a familiar pair of brown eyes. "Hey..." she greeted first, and, in that moment, I soaked in the sight of the trench coat she wore piquing my interest for what was underneath.

Her hair was tied up and I moved to the side to allow her in after greeting her. She waltzed in, each step exuding confidence as she looked at my space. It had been a while since I had anyone in my home. It felt good seeing her hum in appreciation at my space and ran her fingertips over the fabric of one of my couches before she took a seat and crossed her legs. 

"You know, I wouldn't have been offended if you wanted to do this at a hotel," she said tilting her head to the side, her eyes lazily raked over my form and that action alone made my dick twitch.

"A hotel felt kind of tacky."

Plus, I want to see you in my bed.

"Care for a drink?" I offered moving towards the kitchen only to pause when I heard her say, 'no'. Turning once more to face her, I couldn't detect any emotion from her neutral expression. All I could see were her eyes taking me in, the way she looked at me had me tugging and awkwardly playing with the hem of my shirt and bouncing a bit on the balls of my feet.

"Don't be so nervous?" her voice sounded a bit different, huskier even and my cheeks grew warm.

"I'm not nervous, I was just trying to be courteous and offer you something to drink. I hope the drive here was decent, next time I don't mind sending a driver o -"

"Come here."

My mouth grew dry, my mind became blank at the command, and she remained relaxed in her seat as I made my way cautiously towards her until I was right in front of her keeping a bit of a distance between us. A few seconds of silence passed before she stood up, even though she was significantly smaller, I felt trapped under her gaze. She closed the distance between us, and lightly placed her hand on my chest. "Your heart is beating so fast."

"T-That's what you do to me," I blurted out.

"There's no one else, it's just you and me," she whispered taking my hand to place it on the ropes that held her trench coat. "Take it off..."

Past the shakiness and tremors in my hand, I pulled it gently and nearly groaned at the sight of more flesh when part of the coat opened.

Adorning nothing else but a lace thong, the realization that she was here hit me like a ton of bricks and as if a light switch had been flipped, I allowed my arm to settle around her waist. Leaning down my lips wasted no time in tasting her skin. 

Her heavy breathing and soft moans filled the air, and I wasted no time pushing the coat off her shoulders to revel in more of her body. Moving my hands, they settled on her backside where I gave her cheeks a generous squeeze and picked her up. Her legs automatically settled around me and she leaned forward connecting her lips with mine in a searing, hot kiss that had me ready to break the zip of my pants. 

Our tongues danced and with her hands in my hair tugging my strands, I was in heaven as I laid her on top of the couch. Moving my mouth away, my lips found one of her nipples and traced an invisible pattern against it with my tongue, her back arched as another strangled moan flew out of her delicious lips. Feeling her hands tug my shirt, I discarded the material and decided to also discard another article of clothing off her. I placed open mouthed kisses along her rib cage and moved down till I was face to face with her lace underwear. 

Without a second thought I leaned forward and tugged the material off with my teeth and eventually tossed them somewhere in the living room only to falter at her body on full display before me. Opening her legs, I felt my mouth salivate at the lips that glistened with her wetness and proceeded to use my fingers to spread her folds to see the pinkness hidden away. She groaned at my action and with her eyes were shut tight, chest heaving - it was an image I could get used to seeing. 

And to show my appreciation for how delectable she looked, I leaned forward and placed gentle kisses on either side of her inner thighs and proceeded to lick the treasure between those thighs. At first my tongue moved lightly against her clit in a flicking motion that had her hips moving upwards, which had me pinning her down.

"Cam..." she whined trying to shift her hips. But I ignored her attempt to plea. She'd have to forgive me. besides I've always been the type to savour a good meal.

As I continued my attack on her pussy, licking and going so far as to lightly nibble one of her lips, her hands settled into my hair, tugging, and pulling in response to me devouring her until my tongue moved in and out of her. Her whimpers and moans were sheer music to my ears and when I glanced up, her head was thrown back, mouth ajar, eyes shut tight in pure ecstasy. I was determined to have her cum on my tongue alone if it hadn't been for her hand reaching down to grab my chin. Moving away, I knew my lips were glistening with her juices and moved up her torso to delve my tongue into her mouth to have her taste herself.

Distracted once more by her kiss, I felt one of her hands cup me through my pants.


Stifling a moan at her kneading me, I unbuckled my pants and freed my length that was already leaking precum. Even though she didn't verbally say it, I knew she was caught off guard when her eyes widened at it. I grew sheepish and proceeded to take my pants completely off. 

"You're so beautiful," I whispered wearing a small grin and took one of her ankles. I moved to close the distance between us and was stopped by her hand landing firmly on my stomach. 

"Condom..." she breathed, nodding my head, I left her momentarily and quickly moved upstairs to grab the pack I recently bought. 

I was so far gone I had nearly taken her raw. 

After covering myself I returned to the beauty on my couch and grabbed her legs, she yelped at being yanked and clung onto me as I guided my length at her awaiting hot entrance. 

Kissing her lips gently, I paused briefly to stare into her eyes and thrust my hips forward to be met with a tightness that obliterated my mind. Her nails dug into my back, and I did my best not to hit my peak then and there and froze to take deep breaths.

It had been so long. 

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and I wasted no time in leaning forward to kiss those tears away. "You okay?"

She quickly nodded her head and lightly pecked my lips, "Yes... just give me a minute," she pleaded staring up innocently at me.

The plea was so sweet, I couldn't find it in me to deny her especially since I also needed a minute to gain some composure. 

Placing gentle kisses along her neck, I greedily breathed her in, and it was only when I felt her hips move forward with small moans escaping her lips that I moved away from her neck to kiss her gently and matched the rhythm at which she was moving. The air was filled with nothing but our grunts and moans. 

Having her touch me, bite my ear and whisper things like, "Don't stop," were driving me insane. 

Pulling back, I stared down at her and mumbled, "Place your legs on my fucking shoulders," the demand was met with no resistance, and I wasted no time thrusting roughly into her to hit a deeper part of her that had her eyes rolling back into her head.

And it seemed in that moment all the times of her unintentionally teasing me with her erotic dance moves came flooding into my brain to make my thrusts become brutal.

After all I wasn't completely over her throwing me out the club and constantly tormenting me with her body.

"AH!" she screamed placing her hands against my thighs, I could feel her trying to push me off. "Cam. S-slow down. PLEASE!" she groaned lightly tapping me, but it only made me grasp both her hands and place them over her head and stare into her orbs.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! And take it!" I hissed intensifying my pace. She screamed and even if I stayed close to any neighbors I wouldn't have cared if they heard. I could careless about a lot in this moment other than the sound of our skin slapping, her screams and the string of curse words I released.

With the way she was gripping me before she helplessly voiced, she was about to cum, I could feel it and I would be lying if I said I wasn't close. 

She arched her back and the sight of her sweat covered body shaking as an orgasm ripped through her, was quite a show, and it wasn't long before I reached my peak. 

Collapsing onto her completely spent, there was no doubt whatsoever as I looked lazily at her through hooded eyes that this was probably the best deal I ever made in my life.