
Signed, Sealed... I'm Yours

Within the captivating world of power and allure, Cameron Miller and Anita Richards find themselves entangled in a magnetic dance of desire. Drawn together by an irresistible connection that defies societal boundaries, the elusive CEO is consumed by thoughts of the enigmatic dancer. Despite their different paths, the undeniable pull between them is impossible to resist. In the intricate game of love, where risks and passions collide, Cameron finds himself willing to navigate uncharted territory for the sake of this unconventional attraction. Yet, as they delve deeper into each other's lives, unmasking hidden truths and weaving a web of secrets, the stakes of their deal become more complex. A dance with the Devil always carries its perils, but for Cameron, striking a deal with the captivating stripper proves to be an irresistible gamble. With each revelation, the question lingers: could this arrangement be more profound than either of them dared to imagine?

Poetic_reviver · Urban
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33 Chs



I was surprised I could even walk after happened.

I could still feel his hands and the way his lips grazed my skin, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy myself. It had been long since I had been touched but the experience he gave me had never felt that good before. 

That kind of sex should be deemed a sin in itself, which was why it had been difficult to leave immediately after.

He had asked me to stay, but sleepovers weren't part of the deal. Cuddling would lead to unnecessary feelings of attachment.

"Hellloooooo," my head snapped up at the sound of Melinda's voice, she was holding up a designer top in her hands and I smiled in embarrassment at daydreaming in the shop. "That's the third time you've zoned out today, what's up with you?" she questioned narrowing her eyes upon me.

Looking away to fiddle with the zip on my purse, I carelessly shrugged, "Nothing."

"You need to work on your lying," she chuckled placing the article of clothing back. Melinda had been the one to suggest going to do a little shopping, Brook would have joined but she was occupied after she began attending classes at a local community college. 

But I didn't mind hanging out with Melinda, we were slowly becoming good friends. She took a seat by me and placed her dark eyes upon me. "What?" I asked innocently looking around to find literally anything to focus on.

A deep laugh tumbled out of her before she said, "There's something different about you."

"How so?"

Her eyes swept all over my face and I could clearly see the wheels turning in her head, "Just today alone you've been more quiet than usual wearing this zoned out expression and in these past few days you've been in an awfully good mood."

"My behavior hasn't changed in the slightest."

"You were humming at work the other day wearing this silly gr- OH!" she squealed causing me to wince at how loud she was, "You GOT LAID!"

"NO! And would you please keep your voice down," I hissed slapping her knee. The woman threw her head back without a care and I could feel the heat in my cheeks but there was no way I would admit what happened to me recently.

"You just got your back blown and you want me to care about how loud I sound?" she asked incredulously wearing a smirk. I rolled my eyes and stood up ignoring the look she wore but if there's one thing I noticed about Melinda, she could be relentless when she wants to know something. 

"Again, I didn't get laid. I'm allowed to suddenly just be in a decent mood at work," I defended. She snickered and threw her arm around me as we left the store in the mall.

"Fine, you're not ready to talk, I get that I mean we are still getting to know one another but whenever you're ready I'll be here to discuss the nasty details of what happened with you and that client."

My eyes widened but I was quick to school my features, "Even if I did have sex - which I didn't what makes you think it would be with that guy?"

She shrugged and pursed her lips for a moment, "You don't hardly go out unless it's with Brooklyn or me which mostly leaves work."

Can't argue with that logic.

"So, how are things with you and your guy?" I asked to change the subject and watched a grin form on her lips. 

"Good, he recently came back from a trip, so we've been playing catch up?" she winked causing my face to morph into disgust. "Hey! If you're not going to tell me about your sex life, you're listening to mine," she squeezed me playfully eliciting a chuckle at me as we moved around perusing the different stores.


Plopping onto the old couch I smiled fondly at the day I had. The past weeks my days seemed to be filled with uncertainty and fear but today at the mall it was a much-needed break from thinking about my mother. 

Growing up I had been closer to my father, Frank but after his death it made my mother and I get closer. And it often pained me that it took him going for us to finally get along. 

But I was certain after I made some of the necessary payments from the amount Cameron gave me that she'd receive the best care especially after the procedure. I had nearly felt my eyes pop out of my head when I saw the amount he sent. It was more than enough for what I would need, and I had initially planned on cutting the arrangement short if it hadn't been for him almost rearranging my guts.

It may be a selfish part of me talking but I think I would keep this deal for as long as it suited me.

"How was your day?" my mother's soft voice asked.

My eyes popped open to look at her, and for a moment I took note of how normal she seemed. Her smile was bright, and it made my smile widen seeing her in a good mood.

"It was okay, it's better now that I get to see you."

"I'm glad you're here, I did want to thank you for paying for the bills. I know you probably had to use the savings you had to go to school."

"Mom," I groaned sitting up to gently grasp her hand, "you don't have to thank me for doing something I'm meant to do."

"We never did get along, and for you to want to help..."

"You're my family, I may not have understood it growing up why you were so strict with me but you were doing the best you could, besides if I only grew up with dad's parenting style I would have gotten carried away with that freedom cause he was too lenient," I stated earning a chuckle from her. 

Her smile wavered a bit and I watched her intently as she spoke, "The surgery is happening a few weeks from now I'm nervous," she admitted taking a small sip of the tea. 

"It's perfectly normal but I'm going to be there, if there's a need to go for chemo afterwards, I'm going to be there, alright?" I firmly stated searching for her eyes and tightened my hold on her hand. 

She nodded her head, releasing a shaky breath. I may not have been earning the money in the best way, but one thing was certain, I was going to use it right.