
Chapter 31

Chapter 31 Get out of the way, I'm going to pretend!

After the three of Li Tianer left the box, the expression on their faces suddenly became distorted.

"What the hell is going on? Isn't Zhang Jiajia's family always poor? Why is she suddenly rich!"

Li Tianer said angrily.

He pulled the whole class over, just to make Zhang Jiajia embarrassed in public.

But I didn't expect that not only did Zhang Jiajia not make a fool of herself, but she also gave her a chance to grow a face, and she became a supporting role.

Liu Yue was also puzzled, "Zhang Jiajia is definitely not a rich lady! Then the problem can only be her brother."

Thinking of Zhang Yi's elegant appearance, Liu Yue couldn't help swallowing her saliva.

"He looks so good! Maybe he is young and promising, and he has successfully worked hard in society!"

Li Tian'er snorted coldly, "I don't care, in short, I must not let her show off today!"

Zheng Wen asked, "Then what else can you do? People have taken the limelight by inviting the whole class to eat such an expensive meal."

Li Tian'er rolled her eyes in disdain, "Didn't they say that their family is rich? As far as I can see, it's all fake! See you later, I've already discussed it with Shen Yi. I'm sure they can make their brothers and sisters embarrassed and thrown home! Humph!"

She twisted her buttocks, stepped on her high heels and ran to the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

In the box, there were three less Li Tianer, and everyone felt more at ease.

Everyone is here to eat, and no one wants to see others tearing at each other.

"Zhang Jiajia, I heard that you are about to get the registration certificate, and you have been accepted by the financial department of Shengshi Group. Sincere congratulations to you!"

Several students in the class came over with wine glasses to congratulate him.

They usually have a good relationship with Zhang Jiajia, because they are not in the same bedroom, but there is no conflict.

Therefore, this blessing is also more sincere.

Of course, this is also related to Zhang Jiajia's current identity. As long as she's not mentally disabled, you can see that Zhang Jiajia's future social status is definitely not ordinary!

Make a good relationship now, maybe you can ask her for help in the future.

Zhang Jiajia smiled slightly: "Thank you!"

Shen Yi rubbed the red wine glass in his hand and looked at Zhang Jiajia from top to bottom.

I have to say that Zhang Jiajia is so beautiful now that few men will not be moved by it.

He Shen Yi is no exception.

If Zhang Jiajia is really a rich lady and works in Shengshi in the future, then it is really a good choice for him.

As for Li Tianer?

Now it's just the object of his love.

Shen Yi is a very smart person, and won't confuse falling in love with marriage at all.

He thought about it for a while, then came over with a glass of wine and said with a self-conscious smile: "Miss Zhang, I will also toast you! In the future, if you work in Shengshi, we will be colleagues. If you need any help, you can always contact me. You can come to me!"

The two of them were separated by a seat, so their bodies leaned more obviously when they came together.

However, Zhang Jiajia just nodded lightly in the face of his favor, and said lukewarmly, "Thank you!"

She had heard about Shen Yi.

In the dormitory, Li Tianer often showed off his boyfriend.

So Zhang Jiajia knew that he was a very romantic rich second-generation, so naturally he wouldn't have a good impression of him.

However, Shen Yi hit the snake and followed the stick, and immediately took out his mobile phone and handed it over: "Meeting is fate, come, let's add a Weixin! We will keep in touch in the future."

Zhang Jiajia frowned slightly, stretched out her hand and said politely, "No need, just tell Li Tianer if you have anything."

"Hey~ Tian'er and I have a relationship with her. What does it have to do with you? We will be colleagues in the future. This is the relationship between colleagues! Besides, after you join the company, seniors have to take care of you!"

Shen Yi had no intention of giving up.

When chasing a woman, all you want is money, being able to play, and being shameless, and he still has some of these three points.

"Take care of me?"

Zhang Jiajia's eyes widened, then she looked at Zhang Yi next to her, and couldn't help laughing, "Pfft!"

The president of Shengshi Group is her brother. You said to take care of her in front of the boss?

Shen Yi said solemnly: "Why, don't you believe it! I am also a manager in Shengshida, this is not a seat that everyone can take!"

After saying this, everyone at the dinner table couldn't help but look at him.

Shen Yi was only twenty-five or six years old, and this age should not exceed four years in the prosperous world. It can be said that it is rare to be able to reach the manager level!

A few classmates were a little moved. Now that everyone has graduated, who doesn't want to find a good job?

If you can enter the prosperous world, it will be a step to the sky!

"Brother Shen, you became Shengshi's manager at such a young age, it's amazing!"

"Is there any good work to introduce?"

Shen Yi enjoyed the feeling of being admired by others, he waved his hand and said lightly: "It's easy to talk, everyone is a friend, if there is someone who can help, they will help. Jiajia, when you join the company, you will find it later. I!"

He said and handed over the phone again. But Zhang Jiajia just pretended not to see it, and turned her head to feed Zhang Yi a mouthful of bird's nest.

"This tastes pretty good, try it!"

Zhang Yi smiled and took a bite, "It's not bad, if you like it, go back to my place, and I'll let the cook cook it for you every day!"

Shen Yi was extremely embarrassed, neither did he put his hand down in the air, nor did he hold it up.

Fortunately, Li Tianer and the others came back at this time, which eased his embarrassment.

At this time, Wang Shaohui suddenly said to Zhang Yi and Zhang Jiajia: "It's a good thing that Jiajia was admitted by Shengshi, come and tell us a few words!"

After all, the name of this banquet is to celebrate Zhang Jiajia, and she should say a few words as the host.

Zhang Jiajia gathered her long hair and turned to look at Zhang Yi next to her, "Let my brother speak for me!"

Wang Shaohui nodded, then turned to the classmates and said, "Everyone, be quiet! Zhang Jiajia's brother has something to say, let's listen!"

Everyone quickly put down the chopsticks and wine glasses in their hands and looked over.

Zhang Yi smiled lightly, he had seen too many small scenes like this, so he could handle it very well.

He got up with a glass of wine and said aloud to everyone, "I'm very happy today that everyone can come here to celebrate my sister's finding a job. As a brother, I'm also very proud of this sister."

Having said that, he let out a long sigh.

"It can be said that Jiajia is also a good child who is independent and self-improving. After she was admitted to university, she had to exercise her independence. As a result, she didn't want any money from her family, and even the tuition was earned by working during the holidays. "

"My parents and I were very worried at first. After all, she has been favored at home since she was a child, and she didn't live a hard life. At that time, I thought that she would have to ask the family for money in a few days."

"I didn't expect that she would endure like this in four years of college! So, as a brother, I am very proud of her!"

"Of course, I'm also very grateful for everyone's help to her during the four years of college. As for her hiding her family background, I hope you don't take offense! If I mention a cup, I'll take it as an apology for her!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he raised his head and drank the liquor in the cup.

What he said was basically false, but Zhang Yi's face was thick enough to speak the truth. In order for my sister to be able to get along with her classmates confidently, she will tell a lie. How much is honesty worth?

After hearing Zhang Yi's words, everyone immediately started talking.

"Oh, no wonder Zhang Jiajia looked so frugal before. It turned out that the rich lady came to experience life!"

"Hey, we thought that people's family conditions were not good, and sometimes they would pity her. It's funny to think about it now!"

"Hmph, I've actually seen that Zhang Jiajia is not a normal girl! With that temperament, she looks like a princess even when she's wearing a street stall!"

Now many people are convinced that Zhang Jiajia is indeed a rich lady, and the eyes looking at her are full of admiration.

Zhang Jiajia was a little uncomfortable at first, because her brother lied as true.

But seeing the change in the attitude of her classmates was so obvious, combined with what she experienced today, her mentality also changed.

This is a world that laughs at the poor but not the prostitutes. People worship the rich from the bottom of their hearts. If you want to be respected by others, you must be richer and more powerful than them!

At this time, Li Tianer touched Shen Yi with his elbow while Zhang Yi was speaking, and his eyes signaled that it was time for him to do something.

Shen Yi had just been refuted by Zhang Jiajia, and he was unhappy in his heart!

As soon as Li Tianer hinted at him, he nodded immediately, and the eyes he looked at Zhang Yi and Zhang Jiajia became playful.

Zhang Yi's words were believed by others, but he didn't.

The real rich second generation has been pampered since childhood and lived a life of fine clothes and food, how can they wrong themselves?

Even if you experience life, you can't see no signs at all. Therefore, he concluded that Zhang Yi and Zhang Jiajia were lying!

"This time, I will expose your face, break all your self-esteem, and then I will take advantage of the emptiness to enter, isn't it beautiful?"

Shen Yi thought happily.