
Sign In To A Bugatti Veyron At The Start

Li Feng, who was unemployed and broke in love, accidentally discovered that his WeChat had mutated, and he would receive generous rewards for signing in every day. “Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in and reward Bugatti Veyron.” “Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in and rewarding Villa No. 1 in Cangzhou.” “Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in and rewarding 10% of Maotai’s shares.”

mohdmoinsaifi00 · Urban
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68 Chs

Chapter 30 A bunch of waste!

"Shi Feng, ignore him, it's just inheriting the family property. What's so good about you. You are a thousand times stronger than him, and you don't even pretend like him!"

Zhou Ming walked to Shi Feng's side and said unwillingly.

"It's okay, the most important thing to be a human being is to be happy, isn't it!"

Shi Feng smiled slightly, and then followed Shi Feng and Qin Xue to the dance floor and swayed to the music.

If you change to college, Shi Feng is full of blood, and he is probably going to fight Shen Fei directly, but now things are different, and he really doesn't bother to pay attention to such a small person.

The atmosphere on the dance floor is lively, everyone is immersed in the world of music, following the rhythm of the music, swinging, shouting, and venting.

But after a while, suddenly there was a shoving in the center of the dance floor.

"This is my woman, you kid, what do you want to do?"

A familiar voice came from the darkness.

Because of the noise, the music and lights on the dance floor suddenly stopped. Shi Feng followed the sound, but saw Zhou Mingzheng pulling Qin Xue and glaring at a flat-headed young man.

The young man was five big and three thick, with a gold necklace hanging around his neck, a white vest on his upper body, and hideous tattoos on his arms, just like a social man.

"Your woman, so what?"

The tattooed young man smiled evilly, looked at Qin Xue's figure unscrupulously, and licked his lips involuntarily with his tongue, with a very wretched expression.

"Sister, as long as you stay with me for one night, all the money is yours!"

After all, the young man took out a wad of money from his pocket, which was more than 10,000 yuan.

"Who do you think of us? It's great to be rich!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ming suddenly became furious. Today, because of Shen Fei's trouble, he didn't expect to dance and his girlfriend would also be harassed.

"Hehe, rich is great, what?"

The tattooed young man snorted coldly. As soon as his voice fell, several of his men surrounded Zhou Ming.

"No, Zhou Ming met a gangster!"

"That elder brother seems to be the young master of the Feng Group, this is a big trouble!"

"Feng Group?"

Zhou Ming's college classmates frowned upon seeing this scene.

But when they heard that the man was the young master of the Feng Group, they all stopped, and none of them dared to step forward to help.

"Feng Group?"

Standing on the periphery, Shi Feng frowned. The Feng Group, wouldn't it be the Feng Yuanshan's company he met in the medical hall before?

"Haha, but it's a trivial matter, I'll solve it!"

When everyone was worried, Shen Fei and his girlfriend Han Xiaoyun also walked to Zhou Ming's side, pulling Zhou Ming and Qin Xue behind him.

Although Shen Fei likes to pretend to be thirteen, he can't just sit back and watch such things.

He casually took out a soft, shiny cigarette and handed it over.

"Brother, come to root Huazi! I am Shen Fei, the general manager of Feiyun Construction Group. Make a friend!"

This set of actions is like moving clouds and flowing water. Obviously, Shen Fei sees a lot of scenes like this.

In the past two years, Feiyun Construction Group has contracted many projects, and it is somewhat famous in Cangzhou.

Shen Fei first reported his home to avoid flooding the Dragon King Temple, and then handed over a piece of Hua Zi, took the initiative to surrender himself, and gave enough to the face.

Anyone who is interested will basically give him a face.

"General Manager Feiyun Construction? What are you?"

However, Feng Chao, the young master of the Feng Group today, drank a bit too much, and he didn't put Shen Fei in his eyes at all. Instead, his gaze turned to the school girl Han Xiaoyun who was following Shen Fei!

Han Xiaoyun is a grade higher than Qin Xue, both in figure and appearance, and his eyes are bright when she sees it.

"Hey, it seems that Feng Chao, I am out of luck today!"

Feng Chao looked at Han Xiaoyun up and down, his eyes were unbridled, and he couldn't help but arrogantly.

"I don't care about you or the general manager of the Feiyun Group. Today, this girl, uncle, I like it! And this, don't run away, just take care of Laozi, what you want!"

Shen Fei's face sank as soon as he said this.

He originally thought that the other party would give him a bit of a thin face, wherever he wanted it, Feng Chao didn't take Feiyun Construction Group into his eyes at all.

What made him more embarrassed was that Feng Chao actually got the idea of ​​his girlfriend Han Xiaoyun!

Simply outrageous!

"Being a man and staying on the front line, I will meet each other in the future! Feng Shao, you have done too much, right?"

Shen Fei said with a sullen face.


However, when his voice fell, Feng Chao suddenly slapped him over, slapped him staggeringly.

"You kid, compare something in front of me! The woman Laozi likes, don't even want to run! But, hey, what you said is not bad, no matter what, let's talk about it in the future!"

Feng Chao waved his hand casually, and several of his brothers directly blocked Shen Fei and Zhou Ming outside, and brought Qin Xue and Han Xiaoyun to Feng Chao's side.

"You... don't mess around!"

Rao was the school girl Han Xiaoyun. At this time, she was so scared by the rogue formation that her pretty face turned pale, and she couldn't help but look at Shen Fei for help.

Originally, Shen Fei wanted to call someone to ask someone, but was directly slapped and slapped by the brawny man.

There were so many people on the other side, and he drank a lot of wine. How could he be able to balance it with Shen Fei.

"Oh, how can this be good? It seems that Shen Fei's face is not worth it!"

"Or, shall we call the police?"

"Call the police? Who knows how deep the Feng family's background is, we can't afford it!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Feng's classmates became more frightened, one by one cringed, and they didn't even have the courage to call.

And Zhou Ming was even more angry, yelling,

"f**k your uncle, Laozi did it with you!"

But as soon as the body stood up, two strong men squeezed under him severely, unable to move, so he could only stare wide and worry.

"A bunch of trash!"

Feng Chao snorted coldly, his eyes full of triumph and arrogance, he looked at Qin Xue and Han Xiaoyun again, his body became more and more excited.

"Take these two girls away for this young master!"

Feng Chao smiled, thinking about going to a nearby hotel for a break.

However, at this moment, someone suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

"No eyes! Get out of Laozi!"

Feng Chao looked at Shi Feng impatiently and cursed.

Seeing Shi Feng standing in front of Feng Chao, a few classmates couldn't help but become anxious.

"Oh, this Shi Feng, what a good guy! There are so many people on the other side, so he can use it as an ass!"

"That is, even Shen Fei's family does not give face, let alone him!"

"This Shi Feng is really a fool!"

Obviously, in their opinion, Shi Feng's appearance at this time is not only useless, but will be cleaned up by the other party, why bother?

"Feng Yuanshan, what does it have to do with you?"

However, under the gaze of countless eyes, Shi Feng didn't change his face, but instead smiled at Feng Chao and asked faintly.

"Hemp, what are you talking about?"

As soon as he heard the three words Feng Yuanshan, Feng Chao's face suddenly changed, and a flash of resentment and jealousy flashed in his eyes.

A few days ago, he and his elder brother Feng Zhang were fighting for assets, but he was severely taught a lesson by his father.

Not only did he not get any benefits, but even the few company shares he had received were taken back more than half.

Because of this, Feng Chao, suffocating his stomach, just came to this bar to be cool and adjust his mood.

But where he could think of it, he heard the name Feng Yuanshan from this strange boy.